Dear friends,
During our annual parish meeting on Jan. 28, I mentioned there would be changes based on our church operating budget. Below is the background on last year’s budget and our plan moving forward into 2024.
2023 Budget
In 2023, we approved a $275,000 deficit budget because of three things:
Employee Retention Tax Credit. We received money from the government because we kept the majority of our staff employed throughout the pandemic. In 2023, all remaining ERTC funds were used.
Confidence in return of our worshiping community post-pandemic. Throughout 2023, our confidence was validated with increased attendance. On Christmas Eve, we saw 26% more people attend than we did Christmas a year ago.
Confidence in the generosity of our congregation. You are being generous. During our 2023 stewardship drive, we let you know we needed to increase giving by $100,000, and you have responded. Currently, our 2024 pledge commitments are already higher than they were in 2023.
As we move into 2024, we are confident our attendance will continue to increase, and we are confident in your ongoing generosity. However, we cannot approve another $275,000 deficit budget and must move to a balanced budget to responsibly manage the gifts we have been given.
2024 Budget
Even after combing and reducing our facilities and material costs, in order to balance our 2024 operating budget, we have also decided to reduce our human resources budget by $150,000. This requires reducing staffing costs, reducing hours for a few positions, and reducing the number of church staff by two full-time positions. These changes, effective in February unless otherwise noted, will impact other staff and areas of responsibility. Our plan is outlined below:
Reduce cost for facilities staffing. In 2023, we filled facility vacancies through an employment agency. This year, as the agency employees transition to church employees, we reduce the payroll cost for staffing (equivalent to the cost of one full-time facilities employee).
Reduce hours for church security guard. Instead of one full-time equivalent position six days a week, we will hire security on Sundays, Wednesday nights, and special events only. This reduction was implemented at the beginning of 2024.
Reduce hours for one clergy position. The Rev. Chad McCall will reduce his hours from 30 to 20 hours.
- Chad will step away from his role as chief of staff and leading the Program Team. He will assume oversight of Pastoral Care and will remain the traction integrator, continue to facilitate the Ministry Solutions Team, and remain on the Traction Leadership Team.
- The Rev. Angela Cortiñas will begin facilitating the Traction Program Team and supervision of several staff positions.
Reduce administrative staff by one full-time employee. The position of manager for Systems and Technology will be eliminated. This position was held by Marty Newkirk.
- Much of the work in Systems and Technology will be outsourced to Gravity, the IT service company that has been helping us in this area already. The parish administrator will oversee IT and other duties, such as the church safety plan, and/or share with other staff members as appropriate.
Reduce program staff by one full-time employee. The position for director of Children’s and Family Ministries will be eliminated. This position was held by Amanda Wischkaemper. This also includes the elimination of the wedding coordinator position, also held by Amanda.
- Ministry to children and families will become the responsibility of the Rev. Kristin Braun. Kristin is currently a full-time curate (a two-year clergy intern) on our staff. When her curacy comes to an end this summer, she will transition to a permanent member of the St. David’s staff. Combining her extensive experience in children’s and family ministry with the completion of her training at St. David’s, we are confident in her ability to engage our families with love, creativity, and enthusiasm. Along with the normal pastoral and liturgical duties of a priest, she will also oversee the coordination of the Day School Chapel schedule and assume responsibility for Safeguarding trainings.
- The responsibilities for wedding planning and coordination will fall to the clergy, executive assistant to the rector, and the Altar Guild.
With the reduction in staff by two full-time employees, we will say thank you to two people whom we love. Please join us Sunday, Feb. 25, to thank them for giving so much of themselves to the work of the church. It is our deep hope that while they will no longer be employed at St. David’s, they will remain active parishioners, and we commit ourselves to prayer and support as they discern what is next for them in their professional lives. As evidence of our love and gratitude, St. David’s will be paying a severance to them to help make this transition a bit easier.
These are all the staff changes we foresee for 2024. They will allow us to work within a balanced budget while continuing to grow creative and responsive ministries. As necessary as the changes are, I acknowledge this is a lot of change at once and it affects people we know and love. Please be kind and patient with one another as we adapt to these new structures and responsibilities, and attentive to those it impacts the most.