Dear Members of the Acadia Community,
Today, we are pleased to announce that on Monday, August 17, 2020, Acadia is ready to ramp up on-campus operations as part of
Phase 3 of our Return to Campus Safely Plan. Phase 3 allows most employees to return to campus in preparation for student arrival and in-person programming.
Unit plans must still be submitted and researchers who operate a facility, such as lab or institute, that employs research assistants or students must still complete a return to research plan. However, individuals are no longer required to apply to return to campus.
As we transition through Phase 3, other restrictions may eventually be lifted. Right now, access to the general public remains unchanged.
As you know, the Province of Nova Scotia continues to implement its phased
Reopening Nova Scotia plan. Our work with the provincial government, health authorities, sister institutions, and community has helped us get closer to our goal of re-opening our campus safely.
In a few short weeks, we will be ready to begin our Fall Term. What is an exciting-but-routine event typically, is now a significant milestone because of the global pandemic.
While the term will look and feel different, our commitment to providing an exceptional student experience is unchanged. Our success in delivering that promise is only possible because of the resiliency, effort, and cooperation of so many. Thank you.
Dr. Dale Keefe
Provost and Vice-President, Academic
Mr. Chris Callbeck
Vice-President, Finance and Administration
Chief Financial Officer