SPRC announces that our Financial Secretary, Alan Rutherford, has moved on to new opportunities and is no longer on staff with UMCG. We are grateful that Alan was able to help us transition after Debbie Sampiller's retirement in July 2022 and wish him well in his next endeavor.
While our Staff-Parish Relations Committee begins their work of reviewing the position and searching for a next staff member, Jim Alderfer will be assuming the duties of our Financial Secretary on an interim basis. Jim will also continue serving as our Chair of the Finance Committee. We are instituting additional internal controls so that we can transition smoothly and ensure we meet our fiduciary responsibilities. We are grateful that Jim is able and willing to serve the church in transition. Jim's office hours and contact information will be updated soon.
Contact information for Alan will be forwarded to Jim as we make this transition. Please feel free to contact Ken NcNeil, SPRC Chair or Pastor Rob with any questions.