Messiah Midweek Update
March 25, 2020
Messiah Lutheran Church
Auburn, WA 
"And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8b
Sunday Worship

Due to Governor Jay Inslee's "Stay Home. Stay Safe" order, we are unable to livestream worship at Messiah. We were prepared for this and have put together a wonderful worship service that will be available on Facebook and the website Sunday morning at 9:30am. Join us for the 5th Sunday in Lent. Another email will be distributed on Saturday and will include links to the service and a full bulletin. Please contact Tia Monsen if you have any questions.
VBS Planning Meeting
It takes a team to make VBS come together, and we need you! On Sunday, March 29th at 1 pm we will be holding a VBS planning meeting to discuss how we can make VBS happen this summer for our kiddos. Savannah has a curriculum, but in order for VBS to be possible, we’ll need teachers, volunteers, worship leaders, cooks, fundraisers, decorators and help with promotion. If you see yourself being part of any of this, please join us on March 29th or reach out to Savannah at We will be hosting the meeting via Zoom and you can log in using the information below:

Join Zoom Meeting
Messiah Social Media

Messiah wants to connect with you wherever you are! Make sure to check us out on all of our social media accounts:

Instagram: @mlcauburn

Twitter: @mlcauburn

YouTube: @mlcauburn

As we continue to worship and meet online, our regular support of Messiah Lutheran ministries is a vital part of our community life. Messiah offers five options for our members, friends, and neighbors to give to our ongoing ministry. We encourage everyone connected with and inspired by our community of faith, whether in person or through our online resources, to give as the Spirit leads. We thank you for being a partner in ministry.
Our church facility is located at 410 H Street NE in Auburn, WA, and the zip code is 98002. Utilizing this address, you may (option 1) place your offering to Messiah in the mail slot on the north side of our church building. You may also (option 2) mail your offering to the same address utilizing the United States Postal Service. Our mail is checked daily. This is a great giving path for folks who enjoy the tradition and feeling of writing a check.
Messiah also (option 3) works with VANCO to allow you to give through our website online. This online option is easy to use and secure. You can track your giving here and access this option anytime and anywhere you are online. Click here and scroll down to the Secure Giving Link.
Thrivent Financial is making it easy for Messiah members, friends, and neighbors to establish a regular habit and pattern of giving. Thrivent’s Simply Giving program (option 4) creates a consistent giving record, and you can set it up for any frequency and amount you desire. Click here and scroll down to Simply Giving to download the form. Once completed, you can mail the form to our church office at the address above or simply drop it off.
Finally, Messiah is offering a mobile option for giving (option 5) . Just go to the App Store on your smartphone and download the GivePlus+ Mobile App. Once downloaded, the set up instructions are easy. Just make sure you find Messiah Lutheran Church in Auburn, WA and set us up as the congregation to which you would like to give. Here is the link for the video explaining how to use the app:

Thank you for creating a holy and consistent habit of giving for the ministry and mission of Messiah Lutheran Church.
Daily Devotions

Beginning this morning Messiah staff will share readings from the ELCA’s Daily Lectionary. There is one reading available each day from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, and a selection from the Psalms. Each staff member will pick one or more of the readings, share it aloud, and then offer some brief thoughts or comments that the scripture provokes. This sharing from scripture is one way we are working to create new ways of being community in Christ together. You can find these videos on our website homepage or on our Facebook page.

The weekly devotion schedule is:
Monday-Tia Monsen
Tuesday-Jan Nelson
Wednesday-Pr. Chuck Harris
Thursday-Deacon Traci Vatne
Friday-Savannah Phelan
Messiah Staff Holds in Prayer

Requests for prayers : Jan Campbell, Pierre Clement, Mary Eastman, Ginny Fergueson, Erin Furnas, Charlotte Graham, Cecil Greiner, Bonita Hancock, Adam Hartong, Holly Hammon, Louise Johnson, Ray Keinholz, Nancy Kirkpatrick, Blaine Leonard, Debbie Lundberg, Connie McGlothern, Evelyn Miller, Grant Miller, Jane Nelson, Cindee Reamy, Robin Saxton, Doreen Shaver, Maxine Stehr, Mardy Stevens, Carol Taylor, Les Warboughton; Kathy Wittnebel;

Ongoing prayer concerns: Cindy Bottomley, Gavin Charbonneau, Joan Daugherty, Traci Donohue, Matt Gartner, Bea Girdler, Irene Gordon, Dottie Grebe, Gerry Gronewold, Martha Guerrero, Kay Gunderson, Bonnie Hagen, Whitney Hanson, Marc Harris, Betsy Henderson, Marcia Hoover, Kris Knutson, Jimmie Kramlich, Don Minnick, Dick Ode, Everett Rom, Sarah Trott, Elizabeth MaiLin Tran, Katie Walda, Erik and Nick Welch, Lori Wollum.

In the Military:  Jeff Fitzmorris, Lucas Fitzmorris, Ray Hardaway, Sam Harris, Kenny Hendrickson, Daryl Johnson, Madeline Almodivar Sanabria, and J.R. Sawyer.

Every Tuesday, our staff prays for the persons listed above. If you would like to be included in our staff prayers, please contact the church office at 253.833.5280. Individuals will be in our prayers for four consecutive weeks. To be included after the four weeks, please call us again, let us know how you are doing, and we will continue to hold you in our ongoing prayers.
Messiah Lutheran Church

410 H Street NE
Auburn, WA 98002

Office Hours:

Staff Directory

Pastor Chuck Harris, Senior Pastor
(206) 245-8626
Deacon Traci Vatne, Director of Faith Formation
(253) 797-5837
Savannah Phelan, Associate Director of Faith Formation & Partnerships
(406) 600-5165
Tia Monsen, Worship Manager & Communications Coordinator
(253) 334-6618
Lynne Inman, Administrative Assistant
(253) 740-9642
Pam Downing, Finance Coordinator
(206) 799-3130
Katie Walda, Organist, Keyboardist & Handbells Director
(925) 413-9052
Jan Nelson, Chorale Director and Website/Social Media Manager
(541) 556-7232
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Messiah This Week

Wednesday 3/25
7:00pm Evening Prayer Worship Service- Facebook/Website

Thursday 3/26
8:00am Devotion-Website/Facebook
10:00am Staff Check-In-Zoom
5:00pm Spirit Fest Meal-Grab and Go 6:00pm 9th Grade AOB Meeting-Zoom
7:30pm Messiah Chorale Virtual Potluck-Zoom

Friday 3/27
8:00am Devotion-Website/Facebook

Saturday 3/28

Sunday 3/29
9:30am Worship-Facebook/Website
1:00pm VBS Meeting-Zoom
2:00pm Community Meal-Grab and Go
Messiah Lutheran Vision

We are an inclusive community following Jesus, worshiping God, 
striving side by side, and mending the broken places in all creation.

Messiah Lutheran Mission Statement

• Engage our world from a deep, Jesus centered community life

• Embrace, welcome, and accompany people along life’s journey

• Enhance our understanding and practice of a life called by God

• Explore and connect in an ongoing process of growth in faith and spirituality