2020 August 19
Meteor 1.11 has been released!
Developed under the header of Meteor 1.10.3, this released showed to be a bit bigger than a minor version update. You can now get excited about the latest version of Node and MongoDB (in the current major version range), bug fixes, few fixes for Cordova, updated PostCSS which will remove a warning that you might have seen, a new hook in accounts for external login, updated email package, Vue & Apollo start skeleton and other. See the changelog for full details.
Community Updates
Community survey is now closed! Have a look on the initial results.
Collection 2 v3.1.0 has been released! This adds pick and omit feature that has been available in simple schema.
Meteor testing v2 has been released!

You can now support some community Meteor Developers on GitHub via GitHub Sponsors.

Also check out a new comprehensive Awesome Meteor list.
Official news
Amazing things from elsewhere:
Meteor's 2nd life on Syntax.fm
Scott Tolinsky amd Filipe Névola talked about Meteor on the famous Syntax.fm podcast

Why you should work with Meteor in 2020
An article promoting Meteor appeared on Free Code Camp. Check it out!

Stephan Meijer published a NPM package that is compatible with Meteor and can take advantage of it. In short it finds packages that you no longer use, so that you can remove them from you codebase.

Invite developers to try Meteor
Bob aka @mullojo, on the forums, plans to invite 100 JS developers to try out Meteor and you are invited to help out.

Meteor DevTools Evolved 1.2
Meteor DevTool for Chrome has seen another release! The highlights are infinite scrolling, subscriptions and improved design.

Meteor GitHub actions to deploy on Galaxy
Scott Tolinksi has published a guide how to use GitHub actions to deploy to Galaxy.

Meteor + Svelte tutorial from LevelUp Tuts
LevelUp Tuts published a new series focusing on Meteor with Svelte.

Meteor Swift DDP library
Muhammad Ahsan Ali has published Swift DDP library.