In honor of Native American Heritage Month, a 1927 photo of petroglyphs near Hayfield and the Hinds Pumping Plant along the CRA. Metropolitan preserves Native American artifacts that are discovered during construction. (Thanks to @8thGenCA for sharing this on Twitter)
A weekly newsletter by and for Metropolitan employees
November 18, 2019
Be sure to complete the Ethics Survey by Nov. 22. For more information, contact Hilda Rodriguez at extension 75822.
HQ Building Showcases Important Artwork
While most of us are focused on the work done inside Metropolitan’s HQ offices, there’s plenty to be proud of outside of the building.

At the west entrance near the valet area are two large bas-relief terracotta murals by local artist Steve Rogers. According to the artist, they recall images of an early Los Angeles with a blend of farming and industrial communities.

The sculpture on the south wall is Nell’s Patch. It's a panoramic view of an industrial city and hillsides clothed in small farms and tree-lined neighborhoods. Water, which is responsible for growth, courses through the mountains in pipes, spilling into the arterial waterways. On the north wall, Hanna’s View – Parker Dam depicts the majestic 1930s architectural structure that created Lake Havasu on the Colorado River and a power plant.

The two fountains in the courtyard are also artistic treasures. The designers’ goal was to connect urban with nature, and honor water as the primary source of life. Wellspring is the name of the garden fountain that features aquatic plant life and fish. Around the perimeter is tile work reminiscent of original Native American blankets.

The Sacred Chalice of Ouroboros sits in the center of the courtyard. A golden chalice spills into two bowls and a larger pool. Four words – integrity, health, vision and wisdom – are inscribed on the bottom, and the surrounding tile work represents the serpent Quetzalcoatl and Lung-Wang (Dragon King) symbolizing renewal, rain, rebirth, protection and creativity. 
photo credit to
Debra Sass and Joe Chavez
Upgrading the Ozone Control Systems at Skinner
Metropolitan’s water treatment plants use ozone to disinfect water. Compared to chlorine, ozone destroys more microorganisms, has fewer byproducts, and removes unpleasant tastes and odors.

Metropolitan’s first three ozone systems at the Mills, Jensen, and Skinner plants were equipped with a type of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that were introduced to the commercial market in 1988.

But just like that old Pentium PC sitting in your garage, computer hardware and software from that era is now outdated. The ozone control system for the Jensen plant was replaced in 2018, and now Metropolitan is getting ready to replace the control system at the Skinner plant. This month, the Board approved a $476,000 contract for new equipment. 

These systems will allow Metropolitan to continue meeting all federal and state drinking water regulations and comply with the plant’s current operating permit.

Metropolitan staff will do final design work, relocate electrical wiring outside the PLC cabinets, conduct system integration tests, and certify system functionality following equipment tests. The Board also authorized an agreement with Suez Treatment Solutions, which owns the proprietary knowledge of the control system equipment, to install new software and assist Metropolitan staff with start-up and testing for the updated ozone control system.
The Skinner Plant is located near Hemet and serves several agencies in Riverside and San Diego County. With a capacity of 350 million gallons/day, it could fill the Rose Bowl every two hours.
She's the Friendly Voice Answering Met's Phones
If you’ve ever called Metropolitan’s main phone line, you’ve likely talked with Gale Arnold-Long . That’s because she's been the helpful voice of Metropolitan for employees, directors and the public for 25 years.

“I really love people,” Gale says, “and my job allows me to help many of them."

Is there a question she regularly has to answer for callers? “Yes. I often need to explain we are not LADWP,” she says without hesitation.

Gale started as a contract security guard at Sunset HQ and didn't intend to stay for long. But a Metropolitan employee named Sylvia Ballin (now a Director representing the city of San Fernando) encouraged her to apply for a job as a shuttle driver.

Gale landed the position and soon was transporting people to meetings and train stations, as well as delivering mail to other Metropolitan facilities.

Several years later, a part-time position for a telephone operator opened up and Gale was hired. In 2003, she was part of the group that started the Business Resource Center. Three years later, Gale was promoted to an Administrative Assistant and has since taken on many additional responsibilities.

Gale’s skills aren’t limited to being the voice of Metropolitan. She also loves to cook and plan special events. To celebrate her co-workers, Gale started the monthly birthday club and is known for the delicious food she often shares at the office - including her signature chicken dish.

Her passion though is her family, especially creating memories with her sons and grandsons. 
New hires, transfers, promotions & retirements are posted here each month.
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