Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
Mexico Mission Kick-off Barbecue - Sunday, March 4th - 5pm

Mexico Mission 2018 - Kick-off Barbecue 
Sunday, March 4th - 5pm
All potential Mexico Mission participants and their parents,
We are pleased to let you know that we will again be going to Mexico this summer to build homes for families much less fortunate than ours. This year's trip is scheduled for Saturday, June 16 through Saturday, June 23.
We will host an informal barbecue for this year's interested team (students please bring your parents) to learn about the 2018 trip, as well as get to know us and other adult leaders. The barbecue will be at the Sleepy Hollow Church at 100 Tarry Road on Sunday, March 4th, from 5pm to 7pm. We will supply the barbecue and drinks; please bring a side dish.
It is important for you to attend this event to learn about the application and commitment requirements for this year's trip.   Applications and Intention to Participate forms (attached here) will be due back to us on March 11th. Please complete the forms and bring them to the barbecue. Blank forms will also be available at the barbecue. And, yes, we do require a paragraph or so on why you would like to join this year's Mission.
The completed forms can also be dropped off / mailed to Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church, 100 Tarry Road, San Anselmo, CA 94960 or e-mailed to [email protected]

Please e-mail Katie Brendler at  [email protected]  with your RSVP (include "Mexico Mission" in the subject line of the e-mail) for the barbecue by Thursday, March 1st to confirm attendance so that we can plan for enough food and beverages.  For the people that are attending, please bring a side dish (organized by last name):
Last Name Starting with A - K                Salad, chips, vegetables
Last Name Starting with L - Z                 Dessert, fruit
Participants will be required to have a current passport for the trip since Federal Laws for travel to Mexico. If a new passport is needed, the process could take a long time, so please get started now.
Please contact us if you have any questions. As in past years, we've had a lot of interest so far and we're looking forward to another great trip. If you know others that would be interested in the trip, please feel free to pass the information along.
Mark Sarkisian                                     Katie Brendler
Cell Ph: 415-812-3395                         Office Ph: 415-453-8221
Email:                                                 Email:
[email protected]                       [email protected]