December 5, 2024

Benchmark Assessment Reporting

If you are planning to participate in the 2024-25 Benchmark Assessment Reporting this is a friendly reminder on the updated requirements for funding and deadlines.

Please note that the Michigan law has changed how benchmark assessment funding is allocated to the districts. In previous years, the funding was a fixed $12.50 per student allocation; under the new legislation, the $11.5 million allotment is split among all eligible districts based on each district’s K-8 membership count. Therefore, the Michigan Department of Education has stated that it is critical for districts planning to participate to adhere to the timelines this year. The Michigan Department of Education will be unable to grant extensions to individual districts due to the impact that would have on the calculation and distribution of awards. All districts should be working with their benchmark assessment vendors and the Michigan Data Hub (MDH) now to ensure their benchmark score data and mode of instruction data are/have been published to the MDH.  

Please refer to the resources below for additional information on how to ensure this data, required for the Benchmark Assessment initiative has published to the MDH:

2024-25 Benchmark Assessment Webinar Slide deck and presentation

September 5, Spotlight Article “Benchmark Assessments Fact Sheet and FAQ Available” 

  • This Spotlight article ( includes a high-level overview of the 2024-25 changes to the benchmark assessment law. 

Please be aware of the following deadlines for the Fall 2024 reporting of Benchmark Assessment Data: 

Due by December 16, 2024

  • Benchmark assessment data received by Michigan Data Hub
  • Mode of Instruction data received by Michigan Data Hub
  • Benchmark Reporting and Funding Application submitted in
  • NexSys (application will tentatively be available Nov. 18 - Dec. 16, 2024)

Benchmark Assessment Data Quality Feature

If you your district is applying for the 2024-2025 Benchmark Assessment Funding to administer NWEA Map, Curriculum Associates, i-Ready, or Renaissance Star benchmark assessments in reading and/or math to students in any grade K-8, it’s important to ensure that all requirements have been met in MDH. 

  • SIS - confirms your district has an active Student Information System (SIS) integration configured.
  • Assessments - confirms your district has integrated one of the MDE-identified assessment integrations in MDH.
  • Benchmark Assessment Legislation - confirms your district has configured the aggregate API in MDH.
  • Data Readiness Status - confirms student data:
  • Verify all student assessment score results have an associated UIC.
  • Confirm assessment scores by grade level for one of the MDE-identified assessments.
  • Ensure the Mode of Instruction data is complete. 
  • Students with Fall Benchmark Assessments - Fall 2024-2025 Benchmark Assessments must be greater than zero. 

To get started, verify your district’s compliance In MDH by navigating to Features > Benchmark Assessment Legislation. Each requirement will display a green check if it has been met. 

  • SIS - confirms your district has an active Student Information System (SIS)  

For additional details, consult the Benchmark Assessments Fact Sheet and FAQ

If you have questions or concerns, open a ticket at MiServiceDesk.  

Cleaning Up Duplicate and Orphaned Data

Duplicate or orphaned records in MDH can lead to inaccuracies in data retrieval for downstream vendors. These issues often occur when records are merged or a student is deleted in the SIS, but the deletion is not sent to the Operational Data Store (ODS). As a result, downstream systems may continue to retrieve outdated or duplicate information. 

How to Identify Bad Data

  • In Your SIS:  Review errors in the Ed-Fi processes provided by your SIS. These processes often highlight duplicate or orphaned records.
  • In MDH: Navigate to Features > MiDataHub Data Quality and scroll down to locate possible issues in Duplicate/Potential Duplicate Students and Duplicate/Potential Duplicate Students by ID Code.

How to Resolve Issues

Each SIS vendor provides tools to clean up duplicate or orphaned data using the Ed-Fi API. These tools ensure that changes made in the SIS, such as merging or deleting records, are accurately reflected in MDH ODS. 

Keeping your data clean ensures accuracy and reliability across all systems relying on MDH, saving time and reducing confusion for your team. 

For specific instructions, consult your SIS vendor’s documentation or support team. 

Securely Sharing API Credentials with Vendors and Partners

MDH now offers a feature to securely share API credentials with vendors and partners. By enabling the "Allow Viewing of Credentials” setting on an API integration, districts can ensure the secure transmission of the Key and Secret - special credentials that act like a secure username and password for API Access.

This feature enhances security by allowing vendors and partners to view the Key and Secret directly in the Management Portal, eliminating the need to share them via email or other non-secure methods. This protects sensitive information while simplifying the setup process. 

How to Activate the Feature

  1. Navigate to the API Integrations group box, located at the bottom right of the Cockpit.
  2. Click on the desired API.
  3. Check the box for “Allow Viewing of Credentials in Management Portal” and click Submit.

Once the feature is enabled, vendors and partners can log in to the secure Management Portal to view the Key and Secret for the API integration. This ensures they have everything needed to set up their systems without any additional action required from the district. By enabling this feature, districts save time, improve security, and streamline API integrations with their vendors and partners. 

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