TYR Wodapalooza Fitness Festival

The 13th TYR Wodapalooza is happening now through Sunday, January 26 on the beach and 10 Street. The world’s largest fitness festival and competition features more than 2,000 athletes from around the world, an expo with more than 100 brands and 40,000 fitness enthusiasts.

Miami Beach residents are eligible for a 30% discount on admission fees. Discounted tickets can only be purchased by residents at the on-site box office. Residents will be required to show an ID that lists Miami Beach as their official residence.

View all resident benefits.

TYR WZA Gauntlet

On Saturday, January 25 at 10 a.m., as part of TYR Wodapalooza, spectators are invited to watch City Commissioner David Suarez and other elected officials compete in the TYR WZA Gauntlet. See who will be crowned the fittest government official in South Florida. Cheer on elected officials as they compete in multiple back-to-back physical fitness tests over an hour, consisting of endurance, gymnastics, weightlifting and more.


Miami Beach residents who are interested in attending can purchase tickets on site to receive a 30% discount on admission fees with proof of residency.

Max Pull-Up Challenge

Join TYR Wodapalooza and Muscle Beach for an epic pull-up competition!

Sunday, January 26

9 AM

Muscle Beach South Beach

873 Ocean Drive


$500 will be awarded to the top male and female winners. It’s free to participate, so come on by and show us what you've got!

No pre-sign-up is required.

North Beach Compost Hub Pick Up & Workshop

Join Francisco Torres from Compost for Life for an exciting lesson on how to turn your food scraps into nutrient-rich soil. 

Saturday, January 25

Pick up: 9 AM -12 PM

Workshop: 10:30 AM - 12 PM

8440 Collins Avenue

Don't miss your chance to take home a bag of finished compost for your garden! Please bring a gallon-size container to collect compost for home use.

Ocean Drive Promenade Music Series


The Ocean Drive Association presents a performance by Jimena Fama as part of the weekly Ocean Drive Promenade Music Series.

Sunday, January 26

5 PM

Lummus Park, between 14 Street & 14 Place


Pack a blanket or folding chair to save your seat on the lawn. Rain location is inside The Betsy Hotel.

José Martí Celebration


Join the City of Miami Beach to celebrate the birth of José Martí in Collins Park, near the José Martí monument.


Monday, January 27

4 PM - 6 PM

Collins Park

21 Street & Collins Avenue


"Cafecito y Pastelitos" at 5 p.m. courtesy of Parks and Recreation.

Screening of Netflix’s “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones”

The City of Miami Beach presents a free screening of the Emmy-award winning Netflix docuseries "Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” as part of our city’s journey to become a certified Blue Zones community. Blue Zones are regions around the world where people live exceptionally long and healthy lives, and this captivating series explores their unique lifestyles and secrets. Join us at the Miami Beach Bandshell for a chance to learn how we can all contribute to creating a healthier, happier city.

Monday, January 27

6:30 PM (Doors open at 5:30 PM)

Miami Beach Bandshell

7275 Collins Avenue

RSVP for free.

Free QuickBooks Webinar in Spanish

Prospera is hosting a free virtual webinar in Spanish focusing on how to use QuickBooks to implement useful and effective practices in your business. 

Tuesday, January 28

6 PM

Call 786.329.5830 to register. Learn more.

Hybrid Public Meeting: Pine Tree Drive Traffic Calming

The City of Miami Beach invites you to attend an informational meeting to discuss the proposed Traffic Calming project at the intersection of Pine Tree Drive and 46 Street. This meeting provides an opportunity for participants to review the project details and share feedback on this initiative, which is designed to enhance vehicular safety along the corridor.


Wednesday, January 29

6 PM

1700 Convention Center Drive

Commission Chamber – Third Floor


Join virtually: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89898143009

Webinar ID: 898 9814 3009

Telephone: 1.305.224.1968 or 1.507.473.4847


For more information, contact Gabriella Gonzalez, Mid Beach Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator at GabriellaGonzalez@miamibeachfl.gov.

Virtual Public Meeting: Orchard Park Neighborhood Traffic Calming Project

The City of Miami Beach invites you to an informational meeting to discuss the proposed Traffic Calming Project for the Orchard Park neighborhood. This neighborhood is located east of Biscayne Waterway and west of Pine Tree Drive, between 41 and 46 streets. The meeting will provide an opportunity to review the proposed traffic calming measures and share feedback on efforts to enhance safety and mobility in the area.


Thursday, January 30

6:30 PM

Join virtually: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86236082471

Webinar ID: 862 3608 2471

Telephone: 1.305.224.1968 or


For more information, contact Gabriella Gonzalez, Mid Beach Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator at GabriellaGonzalez@miamibeachfl.gov.

Life Time Miami Marathon and Half Marathon


On Saturday, February 1 and Sunday, February 2, 2025, the 23rd Annual Life Time Miami Marathon and Half Marathon returns with thousands of participants. Runners will make their way from Downtown Miami over the MacArthur Causeway and through Miami Beach, while exiting via the Venetian Causeway.


All participants are expected to complete the course by 10 a.m. to allow the roads to fully reopen. Most roads will be open before that time due to reopening procedures.


The Miami Beach Police Department is working closely with the organizers to minimize the traffic impact.


Street Closure Times

  • MacArthur Causeway EB 2 lanes closed (1 EB lane to remain open) from 4 a.m. – 9 a.m.
  • Venetian Causeway WB 5 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
  • Miami Beach Area 4 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.


We recommend that those wishing to enter or exit Miami Beach between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. utilize the Julia Tuttle Causeway. Roads will be closed and managed by the Miami, Miami Beach and Miami-Dade Police Departments, who will assist with traffic through intersections between gaps of runners.


Learn more.

City Commission Meetings


The City of Miami Beach will hold a City Commission meeting in the Commission Chambers at City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd floor on Monday, February 3 at 8:30 a.m., aired live on MBTV and Facebook.



1.301.715.8592 or 1.888.475.4499

Access ID 81392857671#

Post-Commission Recap with Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez


Join Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez for a post-commission meeting recap featuring Code Compliance Director Hernan Cardeno.


Tuesday, February 4

4:30 PM

Zoom link: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/82558477651

Mayor Steven Meiner's 2025 State of the City Address

Please join us for Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner's 2025 State of the City Address.

Tuesday, February 4

6:30 PM

New World Center

500 17 Street

Doors open at 5:30 p.m. RSVP.

Blue Zones Ignite

On February 5-7, the City of Miami Beach is launching Blue Zones Ignite, a 6-month well-being initiative that uses an evidence-based approach to make healthy choices easier in all the places people spend the most time. The effort begins with an in-depth readiness and feasibility assessment of Miami Beach that will help determine how to make the city a healthier place to live, work, grow up and grow older. 

Blue Zones' work is based on research and principles developed by National Geographic Fellow and New York Times bestselling author Dan Buettner, who identified the cultures of the world — or blue zones — with the healthiest, longest-living populations.

Please join us at the kick-off event to hear the Blue Zones story and meet members from the Blue Zones expert team as they begin their work in our community to improve well-being. The team will be calling on community leaders and residents to learn more about our city and collaborate to build a plan for change.

Kick-Off Event

Wednesday, February 5

6 PM - 7 PM (Check in begins at 5 PM)

New World Center Truist Pavilion – Atrium Level 1

500 17 Street

Informed by their research of the world’s longest-lived cultures and their work in over 50 cities across the country, Blue Zones helps communities live better and longer by improving their environment. Participating cities and counties have seen double digit drops in obesity, smoking, and stress, along with significant improvements in workplace productivity, healthcare costs and civic engagement.

An RSVP is highly encouraged: www.bluezones.com/ignite-miami-beach/community-keynote-event/

Curious about Blue Zones? Watch a quick video on how the movement started.  

7605 Collins Avenue Open House

The City of Miami Beach is hosting an open house at 7605 Collins Avenue. The event is an opportunity for the community to share their thoughts, ask questions, provide feedback and discuss plans for the facility. Your input and feedback are crucial in shaping the future of our neighborhoods.


Thursday, February 6

4 PM - 6:30 PM


If you have additional questions, please email Kevin Pulido, Neighborhood Affairs Division Director at kevinpulido@miamibeachfl.gov

Black History Night Celebration

Join the Parks and Recreation Department for a lively celebration of Black History Month. The event will kick-off with the Black Affairs Advisory Committee presenting the 2025 Community Award to Olympian Twanisha “TeeTee” Terry. It will also feature cultural performances by the city’s after-school participants, music, rides, food, crafts and more.

Friday, February 7

6 PM - 9 PM

North Shore Park Youth Center

501 72 Street

Free entry and entertainment. $5 for unlimited rides. Ride tickets can be purchased beginning today, January 24 by visiting register.miamibeachparks.com. Admission includes access to all activities, with refreshments available for sale.

9th Annual Soul Vegan & Seafood Festival


Join us for the 9th Annual Soul Vegan & Seafood Festival, presented by The Hungry Black Man Media and sponsored by the City of Miami Beach. Celebrate Black History Month through the lens of food, drink, health, sustainability and fun on the sands of Miami Beach.


Saturday, February 8

1 PM - 6:30 PM

Lummus Park

Ocean Drive between 6 & 7 streets


Get your free tickets now.

Hybrid Public Meeting: 72 Street Community Complex

The City of Miami Beach invites you to a hybrid public meeting on the 72 Street Community Complex. This session will present an overview on the latest project updates and provide an opportunity for attendees to engage with city staff and design consultants, offer feedback and ask questions about the next steps in the development process.

Wednesday, February 12

6 PM

North Shore Park & Youth Center (Auditorium)

501 72 Street

Join virtually: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88075517639

Webinar ID: 880 7551 7639

Telephone: 1.305.224.1968 or

For more information, contact Gabriella Gonzalez, Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator at GabriellaGonzalez@miamibeachfl.gov.

Miami Beach Cupid Splash

The Cupid Splash “Polar Plunge” Fundraiser is coming to Miami Beach on Valentine’s Day weekend! When water temperatures off Miami Beach are at their coldest, hundreds of brave souls will “get cold for a cause” at the 1st Annual Miami Beach Cupid Splash. 

Sunday, February 16

11 AM

Collins Park Beach (21 Street and the sand)

Register, start a team, make a donation and raise funds to support the Miami Beach Cupid Splash at www.cupidsplash.org.

100% of the pledges from the 2025 Miami Beach Cupid Splash will go to the Biscayne Bay Recovery Fund managed by The Miami Foundation to support efforts to clean, protect and restore Biscayne Bay. The fund also supports the Zero Drownings Miami-Dade Initiative along with youth fishing, conservation and environmental education programs in 2025. 

Contestants will compete for great prizes including two round trip tickets to any destination American Airlines serves in the Continental United States for biggest fundraiser, with other great prizes for the largest team and best costume.

Small Business and Homeowner Assistance

Every third Thursday of the month, a representative from the Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources will be at Miami Beach City Hall to provide Miami Beach homeowners and small business owners with personal assistance in using the Miami-Dade County portal and accessing services for the Miami-Dade County building permit process or municipal certificate of use. 

Next Assistance Session: Thursday, February 20

9 AM - 2 PM

Building Department Conference Room

1700 Convention Center Drive, 2nd Floor

Those wishing to meet with the County representative should check in at the permit counter window.

If you have questions and can't make it on the third Thursday of the month, you can contact Miami-Dade County's permitting assistance team Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. by calling 786.315.2388 or emailing CHAT@miamidade.gov.

Virtual Town Hall Meeting with Mayor Steven Meiner


Join Mayor Steven Meiner for a virtual town hall meeting ahead of the February 26 City Commission meeting.


Tuesday, February 25

5:30 PM

Zoom link: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/89869137516

OnStage! & Public Energy Present: Botanical Garden Groove

Close out Black History Month with an exciting celebration of Black dance music at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. Enjoy a live set by PAPERWATER and amazing selections from Duality, Pressure Point and DJ DLuxe. Expect an eclectic mix of footwork, Baltimore house, jungle, juke and more with a live-streamed broadcast by Jolt Radio throughout the whole evening.

Thursday, February 27

6 PM - 10 PM

Miami Beach Botanical Garden

2000 Convention Center Drive

Guests can also explore creative activities, including customizing their favorite clothing at the GrizzlyPrint Parlor and taking high-quality portrait sessions by Giano Currie's After Hours Photoshoot Experience. Join us for an evening filled with music, art and culture!

Youth Music Festival


Get ready for a dynamic celebration of youth talent at the 9th Annual Miami Beach Youth Music Festival, where rock bands, teen jazz prodigies, soulful chanteuses, singer-songwriters, marching bands, hip-hop performers, young guitar virtuosos and piano maestros will take over the Miami Beach Bandshell.


Saturday, March 8

3 PM - 10 PM

Miami Beach Bandshell

7275 Collins Avenue


The legendary Miami Beach Rock Ensemble will headline the festival, which showcases a juried selection of young artists and school-based ensembles, presented by the City of Miami Beach and Rhythm Foundation. In addition, Bandshell Park will be filled with fun activities for kids of all ages, including the Bass Museum's Art Tent, Kids Yoga, an Imagination Playground, food, vendors and much more. As twilight falls, a middle school house music-loving DJ will spin tunes, adding to the festive atmosphere. 


Free RSVP.

Click here to check out other upcoming events at the Miami Beach Bandshell.

SoundScape Cinema Series

The SoundScape Cinema Series continues each Wednesday through May 2025. This season’s lineup features all new weekly movies that will be projected onto a 7,000-square-foot wall outside New World Center via a state-of-the-art projection and sound system in SoundScape Park.

A different movie is shown each Wednesday at 8 p.m. on the southwest corner of Washington Avenue and 17 Street.

View a listing of upcoming movies.  


The Latest Issue of MB Magazine is Out Now!

This issue begins with the hundreds of Miami Beach city workers — firefighters, police, public safety dispatchers, code enforcement, homeless outreach, parking enforcement officers and sanitation crews — who work nontraditional shifts on nights, weekends and holidays to make the island an inviting and safe destination. MB shadowed some of the men and women who perform these essential services for one night as you’ll read in “While You Were Sleeping” on page 8. 

Creating more attainable housing is an important long-term goal for the city. The many historic properties spread throughout our 14 historic districts have the potential to play an important role in filling the need for workforce housing as you’ll discover in “Finding Affordability in the Past” on page 40. 

MB also accompanies a team of art restoration experts in the field as you'll read in "Recapturing the Artistic Vision" on page 28.

Read the full issue.


Free Tax Preparation Services

The City of Miami Beach is partnering with Branches, Inc. and the Internal Revenue Service via the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to offer free tax preparation services to residents who earn $60,000 or less.

Services are being offered by appointment only from February 4 through April 15, 2025 at the Office of Housing and Community Services (765 17 Street).

Tuesdays and Thursdays (In-person)

Between 9 AM - 12 PM & 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

To schedule your appointment, click here or call the Office of Housing and Community Services at 305.673.7491 between 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Collins Park Workforce Housing

Brand new workforce housing will be available in Miami Beach beginning in March 2025!


Located at 224 23 Street, The Anamar at Collins Park is an affordable housing option that welcomes income-eligible artists, City of Miami Beach employees, first responders, educators, nurses, veterans, hospitality workers and entertainers to experience modern living in the heart of Miami Beach. The building offers studio, 1- and 2-bedroom apartments for rent.


Join the interest list.

Resident Discount and Free Resident Tickets to "Lincoln Road Hustle"

Miami New Drama presents “Lincoln Road Hustle,” a new immersive theater experience that transforms Lincoln Road’s iconic landmarks, restaurants and public spaces into live stages. 

Miami Beach residents who wish to purchase tickets to “Lincoln Road Hustle” will receive a 15% discount at the Colony Theatre box office. Proof of residency is required. For more information, visit: miaminewdrama.org/show/lincoln-road-hustle/.

Resident Discount: American Black Film Festival

Get ready for the 29th Annual American Black Film Festival (ABFF) in Miami Beach!

From June 11-15, 2025, celebrate Black culture, creativity, and storytelling with industry insiders, creators and film lovers from all over the world.

Special offer for Miami Beach residents: Enjoy 25% off the purchase of a Deco Pass using the code "2025CMB25" and unlock access to incredible screenings, panel discussions, exclusive events and amazing networking opportunities!

Don’t miss out - grab your Deco Pass today.

Galería Ocean Drive

Don't miss your chance to discover how Miami Beach transformed into a WWII training ground for 600,000 troops at a free outdoor exhibition called “Boot Camp in Paradise: World War II in Miami Beach.” Curated by the Office of the Mayor and City Commission in cooperation with the Wolfsonian-FIU, it is on view in Lummus Park along Ocean Drive between 11 and 12 streets in a space called Galería Ocean Drive.

Learn more at www.miamibeachfl.gov/galeria.

Upcoming Closure: Miami Beach Botanical Garden

The Miami Beach Botanical Garden will be closed for the iConnections Conference from Tuesday, January 28 through Thursday, January 30. 

For the latest information on hours and closures, visit www.mbgarden.org.

Normandy Fountain Events


Enjoy a variety of free events at the Normandy Fountain! For the most updated information, visit www.normandyfountain.com.

Lincoln Road Events


Lincoln Road has an exciting lineup of events! Take a look at the calendar at www.lincolnroad.com.

Arts & Culture e-Newsletter

Get the inside scoop on all things arts and culture! Sign up to receive information on events and offerings at Miami Beach cultural institutions straight to your inbox every Wednesday. 

Sign up for our Arts & Culture e-newsletter.


Sign up for EyeOnWater to keep track of your water usage. Powered by Badger Meter in association with your water utility, EyeOnWater lets you connect to supported water utility accounts to you see how much water you’re using and can even alert you to possible leaks on your property.

Sign up.

Commemorative Gift Programs

Looking for a meaningful gift for your loved ones? Personalize a paver, plant a tree or adopt a bench in one of our picturesque settings.

Learn more.

Volunteers Needed


Volunteers needed! The City of Miami Beach is looking for volunteers to help homeless, free-roaming community cats through the Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate and Return (TNVR) method. In addition, SoBe Cats is looking for volunteers to work at the Kitty Campus adoption facility and/or to be a part of a feeding program.


The feeders play a vital role in the mission of SoBe Cats because not only do they supply the cat colonies with food and fresh water for survival, but they also act as the eyes and ears for cats in need of TNVR. Register to be a feeder.


Contact info@sobecats.org for more information.

Register Your Bike with MBPD

The City of Miami Beach Police Department provides free bicycle registration services to help combat bicycle theft and assist in the recovery of stolen bicycles.

To register your bicycle, please visit www.miamibeachfl.gov/yourmbpd/services and click "Bicycle Registration."

Miami Beach Inspector General

Join the city's fight against fraud, waste and abuse. To report possible misconduct by a Miami Beach official, employee or contractor, call the Miami Beach Inspector General’s confidential hotline at 786.897.1111.


Tennis Court Booking System Pilot Program Expanding to Polo Park

The Miami Beach Parks & Recreation Department is expanding its tennis court booking system pilot program to Polo Park. Starting on Monday, January 27, 2025, Miami Beach residents will have the option to book a court for open recreation play or for private lessons with an authorized instructor.

One court will still be available for walk-up play without a reservation on a first-come, first-served basis. Private lessons are not permitted without a reservation. Proof of Miami Beach residency is required to book court time.

This program is already being implemented at the municipal tennis courts at Fairway, Normandy Shores and Palm Island parks.

Learn more at tennis.miamibeachparks.com.

Commit to be Fit

Stick to your fitness resolutions! #MBParks is offering free access to the following fitness centers for Miami Beach residents 14 years+ during the month of January 2025:

  • Scott Rakow Youth Center 
  • North Shore Park Youth Center

Register in person at either location or online at register.miamibeachparks.com.

Dog Beach Daily Hours

Bring your pup to the beach! There are now three "bark beaches" in Miami Beach. Check out our new dog beach hours below.


  • South Beach, 21 Street 
  • Mid Beach, 53 Street
  • North Beach, 81 Street

Daily Hours:

  • November - March: 7 AM - 9 AM
  • April - October: 9 AM - 11 AM

The North Beach location at 81 Street will be open for the following additional hours from Friday through Sunday:

  • November - February: 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
  • March - October: 3 PM - 7 PM

Fall Prevention Program

Participants in the Fall Prevention Program will learn to evaluate their environment to reduce fall risk factors and will incorporate activity and exercises in order to increase strength and balance.


9 AM - 10 AM

Scott Rakow Youth Center

2700 Sheridan Avenue

Free for adults 55 and older who are enrolled in the Miami Beach Senior program. Sign up today!

K.O. Voice Studio Performing Arts

Sign up for musical theater and singing lessons with K.O. Voice Studio & #MBParks!

Scott Rakow Youth Center

2700 Sheridan Avenue

Instructor: Kelly O'Shea

Group lessons available. Private lessons by appointment.

For more information and to register:

Special Abilities Adaptive Bowling

#MBParks offers Adaptive Bowling for those enrolled in the Special Abilities program.

Mondays | 10 AM - 11:30 AM

Every first and third Tuesday of the month | 6:30 PM - 8 PM

Scott Rakow Youth Center

2700 Sheridan Avenue

AGES: 12+ years

Must be enrolled in the Special Abilities program to participate:

Miami Beach residents - Free

Nonresidents - $73*

*Fee includes all special ability activities.

Receive Text Alerts from #MBParks!

Sign into your online account at register.miamibeachparks.com. Under your profile name, select "Opt-in for Text Alerts".

Seniors Soccer Program


Seniors can enjoy a fun outdoor soccer recreation program to stay active, bring out hidden talents, foster friendships, and improve mental and physical health.

Every Monday and Thursday

9 AM - 10 AM

North Shore Park

501 72 Street


The season runs October through March. Limited capacity. Pre-registration is recommended.

Martial Arts

Try martial arts with #MBParks! Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling classes are available at two locations: 

  • North Shore Park | 501 72 Street
  • Scott Rakow Youth Center | 2700 Sheridan Avenue

Register at miami-martialarts.com.

For more information, contact instructor William at 305.859.1624 or help@miami-martialarts.com.


Join our fencing program offered in partnership with Davis Fencing Academy in the heart of Miami Beach. Discover the exhilarating sport of Olympics fencing, master essential techniques and unleash your competitive edge.

Tuesdays & Thursdays

Epee Fencing Class - 6:30 PM - 8 PM

Open Floor Fencing - 8 PM - 9 PM

Muss Park, 4300 Chase Avenue

All ages are welcome. No experience necessary. Register.

Open Play Chess

Looking for a challenge? Join us for free open chess play to practice, learn and sharpen your chess skills in a friendly environment.


10 AM - 12 PM

North Shore Park and Youth Center

501 72 Street


10 AM - 12 PM

Scott Rakow Youth Center

2700 Sheridan Avenue

All ages welcome.

Cardio & Calisthenics Fitness Classes


Get fit with #MBParks!


Saturdays at 9 AM

Collins Park Garage

340 23 Street

Free ongoing classes


Click here to register.

Musical Theater Classes

Join #MBParks for musical theater classes!
Private and group lessons are available at Scott Rakow Youth Center at 2700 Sheridan Avenue.

Register at kovoicestudio.com.

Email kovoicestudio@gmail.com or call 310.902.2910 for more information.

"Protect Biscayne Bay" Specialty License Plate

The Miami Foundation, in partnership with Miami-Dade County’s Office of Resilience, is on a mission to support clean water preservation. During Florida’s 2021 legislative session, Senator Ileana Garcia and State Representative Nick Duran led a successful bipartisan effort to create the Protect Biscayne Bay specialty license plate. With 3,000 license plate pre-sale vouchers, the licenses plates will go into production and be available to drivers across the State of Florida.


Revenue generated through plate sales will provide funding to preserve and restore Biscayne Bay, including water quality, marine debris and habitat restoration.


Every Florida resident with a registered vehicle is eligible to sign up for the specialty plate.

Get your plate.

Miami Beach Composting Bin Program


Homeowners in Miami Beach interested in composting are invited to participate in Surfrider’s backyard composting program. Residents can request a FREE compost bin after completing a short educational workshop. 


Request your compost bin.


Supplies are limited and will be distributed on a first-come first-served basis.

Go Solar Together

Sign up now for the Miami-Dade 2024 Solar Co-op before it’s too late. The co-op closes to new members on February 26, 2025.

Organized by nonprofit Solar United Neighbors, the solar co-op makes it easy for homeowners and small businesses in the Miami-Dade area to go solar.

Learn more and join the co-op.


North Beach Registered Resident Parking Pilot Program


Don't forget to sign up for the North Beach Registered Resident Parking Pilot Program to access convenient parking exclusively for North Beach residents. Program enforcement began on Thursday, January 2, 2025.

Online registration for the program is still open here.

Alternatively, you can schedule an in-person appointment by calling 305.673.7505 or clicking here.


Learn more.

Disabled Parking Placard Program

Regular parking fees apply at all municipal parking spaces unless your disabled permit is registered under the City of Miami Beach Disabled Parking Placard Program. For on-street parking spaces, disabled permit holders who do not register will continue to receive a maximum of 4 hours free parking unless a shorter time limit is posted.

Registration is open. Registrants must appear in person at the city’s Customer Service Center, located at 1755 Meridian Avenue, 1st floor.

Learn more.


Rental Application Fee Reimbursement Program

Households earning up to 120% of the Area Median Income can receive a reimbursement of 80% of their rental application fee, up to $500 per year.

If you are interested in the Rental Application Fee Reimbursement Program, please visit the Office of Housing & Community Services at 765 17 Street or call 305.673.7491.

Learn more.

Family Pathways Program

Empower your family with our Family Pathways Program! The City of Miami Beach Family Pathways Program is a Children's Trust funded program. Our team of Success Coaches can provide individualized, wraparound care tailored to your family. With our team by your side, we’ll work together to address your family’s unique needs and connect you with valuable resources.

Families of children up to 18 years of age, who live or work in the City of Miami Beach and/or whose children attend a Miami-Dade County Public School within the Miami Beach community are eligible for the program. For families of children living with a disability who are enrolled in school, eligibility may be up to age 22. For more information, please call 305.673.7491 or email familypathways@miamibeachfl.gov.

Your active participation is key to building on your strengths and achieving stability. Join us in creating lasting change. Services are free of charge.

Free Legal Assistance for Tenant Housing Defense

Miami Beach residents can make in-person appointments to speak with a legal professional for free legal advice on housing matters.

Every Thursday

10 AM - 12 PM & 1 PM - 3 PM

765 17 Street

Call 305.673.7491 or email housing@miamibeachfl.gov to register for an appointment.

Fair Housing Spotlight

Somebody making housing-related decisions about you because of your race is illegal (and has been since 1866)!

If you are facing discrimination, please take action by calling Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence (HOPE), Inc. at 305.651.HOPE (4673).  


Quick Tip - Building Code Violation Amnesty Program

Did you know that Miami Beach offers an amnesty program, also referred to as Building Code Violation Amnesty Program, which helps property owners manage the stress of civil penalties related to building code violations? This applies particularly to construction conducted without the necessary permits or under permits that have missed mandatory inspections.


It's important to understand that if you purchase a property where work has been completed without proper permits or inspections, you, as the new owner, bear the responsibility for ensuring the property meets compliance standards. A lien search won’t reveal if any unpermitted work has been done. Therefore, if you suspect any modifications were made without permits, it's wise to verify with the city or county regarding the status of those permits.


Property owners wishing to legalize any unpermitted work or expired permits can do so without facing penalties. Only fees related to obtaining new permits or renewing existing ones will apply.


For information on how to apply for this program, click here.

Building Permit Assistance and Training

Building permit assistance and training is available on the third Thursday of each month.

2 PM - 5 PM
Building Department Conference Room
1700 Convention Center Drive, 2nd Floor

If you prefer a virtual meeting, staff can accommodate one-on-one trainings. Schedule a virtual meeting by visiting our Appointment Booking system. Once on this webpage, simply select General Services (virtual) - Permitting Questions: Clarification on Permit Process.
Make an Appointment with the Building Department

Making an appointment to see the Building Department is easier than ever!

Homeowner appointments are available virtually or in-person within 24 hours, Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Services for homeowners include: applying for a permit, dropping off construction documents, meeting with a trade chief to ask questions or receive clarification and more.

Click here to book an appointment.


Human Trafficking Awareness

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud or coercion to obtain labor or commercial sex acts. Victims can be anyone, regardless of age, gender or nationality.

If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, do not hesitate to call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1.888.373.7888 or text HELP to 233733.

To learn more about the indicators of human trafficking, visit DHS.gov/BlueCampaign.

Wear Your Seatbelt

Wearing your seatbelt is one of the safest choices drivers and passengers can make. It’s a small action that can save lives and reduce injuries in the event of a crash.

View the safety tips below and visit NHTSA.gov/SeatBelts for more information:

  • Wearing your seat belt is the best way to protect yourself in a crash.
  • Air bags are designed to work with seat belts, not replace them.
  • The lap belt and shoulder belt are secured across the pelvis and rib cage, which can withstand crash forces better than other parts of your body.
  • Fit matters. Before you buy a new car, check that its seat belts are a good fit for you.
  • It’s important for pregnant women to buckle up. See NHTSA’s seat belt recommendations and learn when your child is ready for an adult seat belt.

Report Issues to Our 24/7 Control Room

Call our 24/7 Control Room at 305.673.7625, day or night, to report any issues, such as:

  • Streetlight outages 
  • Potholes
  • Cracked sidewalks
  • Graffiti
  • Overflowing trash cans
  • And more!

Our Public Works team has operators working around the clock to make sure all issues get sent to the proper department to fix them. 

Report Code Compliance Violations

Help us keep Miami Beach beautiful! If you spot a suspected violation of the City Code, call the Code Compliance Department at 305.604.CITY (2849).

Examples of common violations include:

  • Trash on a property or in an alley
  • Unkept properties in your neighborhood
  • Overflowing dumpsters
  • Loud noise from construction or music
  • Illegal short-term rentals

For more information on Code Compliance, visit www.miamibeachfl.gov/code-compliance.


Download our Miami Beach Gov app now! The mobile app brings the resources of city government directly to residents and businesses.

You can use it to report concerns, check current beach conditions, pay fees, stream MBTV live, stay current on city news, view a comprehensive calendar of meetings and events, and more.

The Miami Beach Gov app is available via a free download in both the Apple and Google app stores.

Events Calendar

Make sure you never miss a meeting or event with our city calendar!

Visit our homepage at www.miamibeachfl.gov to view top featured events or head to www.miamibeachfl.gov/calendar to see a monthly view of all city events.

In the monthly view, you can narrow down your view based on category. For example, clicking on “City Government” will show you all of the upcoming public meetings.


Text "MBALERT" to 888777 to sign up to receive emergency and major traffic notifications from the City of Miami Beach right to your phone.

Engagement Toolbox

Stay up to date and connected with the city via our Engagement Toolbox. The toolbox includes:

  • MB text alerts
  • E-newsletter sign-ups
  • Latest issue of MB magazine
  • Much more

Visit our Engagement Toolbox for details and start to connect!

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