Miami-Dade County Commissioner
Sally A. Heyman
September 2019 e-Newsletter
Summer has ended and it is time to get back in the swing of things. The new school term has begun, the Jewish Holidays are almost here, and it is soon to be Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Happy Fall !
Commissioner Sally A. Heyman
To find out what legislation Commissioner Sally Heyman is
currently working on, sponsored and/or co-sponsored, and for the Commissioner's legislative history go to-  
Attention Residents - things you need to be aware of and what is happening in District 4...

Miami-Dade County Spared from Dorian's Wrath 
It is with great relief that Miami-Dade County was spared from Dorian's wrath. The path of destruction could have caused a great deal of damage to us had this hurricane made landfall in our region. Although we were blessed to not have been directly impacted,  we need to remain aware and prepared as we are halfway through Hurricane Season. 
Every June, our office hosts a Regional Hurricane Strategy Meeting with MDFR Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to update information and engage all stake holders for response before, during and after an Emergency situation. During the threat of Dorian making landfall, we had staff at the EOC and in the District, ready to assist. We were in contact with our community leaders and those responsible for your public safety.  
If you are interested in making a donation to benefit Hurricane Dorian Survivors in the Bahamas, please visit the Miami-Dade County website: where you can find a list of donation sites located throughout the County. Be generous, but be cautious against scams. 

Continue to stay ready  
during Hurricane Season

Hurricane Season goes on until November 30th. Be sure to plan and prepare ahead of time. Read a list of commonly used hurricane terms.

Prepare your property and reduce the risk of hurricane damage.

For helpful information, visit this link.
Learn how to be ready and hunker down as the hurricane approaches.

For helpful information, visit this link.
Take cautionary measures after the hurricane has passed.

For helpful information, visit this link.

Miami-Dade County has ReadyMDC a hurricane app to keep up-to-the minute hurricane information with you at all times by downloading the Ready Miami-Dade app to your Apple or Android device.

-To download to your Apple devices go to

May we never forget all the men and women who died during this tragedy and all of the First Responders for all that they did and continue to do. Let us continue to honor all of them not just on September 11th, but the entire year. As Americans we pick up the pieces and grow from tragedy. 

Miami-Dade Transit launches contactless payment,
a new and easier option for Metrorail riders to pay for their fares

The Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) has launched a new payment option. As of August 21st, transit riders can now use their contactless-enabled payment devices to ride Metrorail. This means riders can simply tap their contactless-enabled American Express credit card, Visa and Mastercard bank cards, or digital wallets to pay directly at faregates. Digital wallets accepted include Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Fitbit Pay.

Contactless payment includes a fare-capping feature, which guarantees a maximum cost of $5.65 per day for unlimited rides on Metrorail, which is equivalent to the cost of a 1-Day Pass. For example, after the third time a transit rider taps into the Metrorail faregates, the system will cap the fare for the day at $5.65 (versus $2.25 per trip). Fare capping will include trips made the same day on Metrobus once deployed. Discounted fares are not available through contactless payment. It applies to regular full fare only. Other current forms of payment such as EASY Card, EASY Ticket and passes will continue to work the same.

The system enhancement positions DTPW to meet the needs of the 21st century consumer. Major credit card companies predict that the number of contactless cards issued in the U.S. will rise to 300 million by the end of 2020.

Photos are available upon request. B-roll of contactless payment is available here.

For more information, please visit Miami-Dade Transit's contactless payment page.

Information about transit services is available on Miami-Dade Transit's website. Transit riders can also download for free the Miami-Dade Transit Tracker and plan their next trip on transit.

FortifyFL- a new app to report suspicious activity in schools 
FortiyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.  
FortifyFL is available on the Dadeschools mobile app and can also be downloaded from the Apple Store and Google Play Store. It can also be accessed from the homepage, as well as the student, parent, and employee portal pages. Additionally, a link to FortifyFL is avaliable on each school site information page. Tips may also be submitted online at  
FortifyFL was created and funded by the 2018 Florida Legislature as part of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act.

Miami-Dade County Department of Solid Waste Management
Immediate Citation Process for Bulky Waste  
It has been the practice of Miami-Dade County Department of Solid Waste Management for many years to issue a warning notice of violation prior to the issuance of a citation for bulky waste.  As of October 3, 2018, if a property owner has been previously warned in the last 3 years for the same violation, it is now the Department's process to issue immediate citations. This process does require property owners to be more cognizant of their responsibilities as it relates to Chapter 15, however, it also reduces the timeframe piles are remaining on the right-of-way, thus keeping our neighborhoods cleaner and eliminating factors that contribute to the attraction of illegal dumping.
Here are sections from Chapter 15 relating to this.
  • Chapter 15-5- Duty to dispose of solid waste and prevent accumulations
This section of the Chapter governs the common violation of unauthorized bulky waste on the right-of-way. The section states 3 options for enforcement when it is evident that there is a violation of this section and that the enforcement officer shall do one (1) or more of the options; one of which is issuing a civil violation notice (citation) in a form prescribed by the Director and approved by the Board. While one of the other options is to serve a notice of violation (warning notice), it is not a requirement by the Code to serve a warning notice prior to issuing a citation. 
  • Chapter 15-32- Enforcement and penalties for violation of this chapter
This section does state that " At the discretion of the Director, violations of this Chapter may be prosecuted pursuant to Chapter 8CC of the Code of Miami-Dade County". Chapter 8CC governs the fee schedule for each violation of the Chapter.

For more information or have any question, the Miami-Dade County Department of Solid Waste Management, Code Enforcement Division can be contacted at (305) 514-6700.

Commissioner Sally Heyman honored by Dade County Bar Association 
Commissioner Sally Heyman was honored by The Dade County Bar Association with the Sookie Williams Award. This award honors a person who has shown exemplary service to the Miami-Dade County Legal Community. This special award was named after a great woman who provided service to the legal community. "Knowing Sookie Williams for over 30 years, I was truly humbled to receive this award," said Commissioner Sally Heyman.

Commissioner Sally Heyman appointed  
to NACo and LUCC Leadership at Annual Conference 
Commissioner Sally Heyman was appointed as the Chair of the Large Urban County Caucus (LUCC) and the Vice Chair of NACo's Justice and Public Safety by National Association of Counties (NACo) President Mary Ann Borgeson. "Chair of LUCC, representing Counties of a million plus people allows me to work with other County Leaders nationwide on issues and solutions," said Commissioner Heyman in accepting this national position.   

Commissioner Sally Heyman on WLRN Radio  
discussing Film Incentive Legislation  
Commissioner Sally Heyman was on WLRN Radio Show with Christine DiMattei discussing sponsored Film Incentive legislation and the significance and success we are having here in Miami-Dade County.
For more information on this legislation, go to 

NACo Conference coming to Miami-Dade County in November 2019 
Commissioner Sally Heyman and staff are working in Miami and Washington D.C. with National Association of Counties (NACo) on Miami-Dade County's Large Urban County Caucus (LUCC) Conference. The conference will be hosted in Miami-Dade County in November 2019. Workshops scheduled are: Early Childhood Initiatives; Homelessness; Resiliency addressing rising water levels; Mental Health Treatment in the Criminal Justice System; Utilizing Arts and Culture in Neighborhood Redevelopment. The emphasis in the workshops are seeking best practices and solutions through peer networking. 

What's been going on with District pictures. It was great working with so many people and helping so many causes. Thank you all.
Jewish Outreach & Community Organizations

Commissioner Heyman p articipated in the annual anniversary remembrance of the tragic Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) bombing. Great job was done by Jennifer Enslein, who championed this community event .

Schools & Students in Our Community

Commissioner Heyman went "Back to School" shopping for children in District 4 Schools. 

Kudos to Kiwanis and Lions Clubs on their annual "Student School Ready" shopping event. "I am glad to be included annually as a sponsor and volunteer," said Commissioner Heyman. "Happy to support our children in getting their needed school supplies." 

It is "Back to School" and congratulations to the brand new school in District 4: Don Soffer Aventura High School. Best wishes for a great school year to them and all District 4 Schools.

Honoring & Celebrating Special People

Commissioner Heyman celebrated with our South Florida Community 60 Years of Educational Excellence at Miami-Dade College and Dr. Eduardo Padron who gave 50 years to the College and almost 25 years as President. Dr. Eduardo Padron is a national treasure, not just a South Florida icon.

We had a month of a celebrations for Super Public Servant Alina Hudak, who retired after 35 years with Miami-Dade County as Manager, Deputy Mayor and friend. Her retirement is a great loss to our County Administration and all the people she selflessly served.

Happy to have celebrated with Edie Perez on her 40 years working for Miami-Dade County. Ms. Perez is also my volunteer appointee on two service boards. She is a remarkable lady!

Commissioner Heyman was honored to swear in Ralph Rosado as North Bay Village City Manager. He is a great choice by the Mayor and Commission; City Manager Rosado will be a great addition to the NBV administration. It was a special night shared with his family and the community.

Attended a Miami Memorial Celebration for Nick Buoniconti, our Miami Dolphin Champion football player and co-creator of the Buoniconti Fund and the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. He will be remembered and missed by so many. In 2007, the surgical procedure on my spine was the result of research and success by Dr. Barth Green and his team at the Miami Project. Forever grateful Nick, RIP.  


Community & Government Events

Commissioner Heyman attended the annual Florida Association of Counties (FAC) Conference. It was a chance to catch up with state counterparts, participate in workshops, and discuss best practices. Justin Volpe, Peer Specialist for the Miami-Dade County Jail Diversion program was a FAC luncheon speaker. He kept the audience captivated listening to his incredible story. Great job to Justin and congratulations to Judge Steve Leifman for creating this program. 

Commissioner Heyman spoke on the current violence dynamics in Miami-Dade County at the County's Anti-Violence Initiative and National Network for Safe Communities at John Jay College for the GVI University hosted at the United States Attorney's Office. This was a great community effort addressing gun violence: bring down the numbers; bring down the devastation; and bring up community participation.

At the end of June Commissioner Heyman was working hard and waiting for the Florida Legislature outcome , end of school and summer, and prepping new projects. So here's a series: Tallahassee, Boston, Latin Elected Conference in Miami, and pushing for Holocaust Survivor Claims Bill.

At the annual National Association of Counties (NACo) Conference. It was a great conference working on critical issues of interest to Miami-Dade County and good opportunity working with County Commissioners from across the Country.

Congratulations to the Four Seasons Surf Club in Surfside on their Silver Status LEEDS Certification. It is an incredible rebuilt that is first class.

Spent time in the streets of Surfside with Town Manager Guillermo Olmedillo and Commissioner Daniel Gielchinsky inspecting County-City efforts to make the residential areas safer for pedestrians and motorists.

Attended the First Annual Community Mango Festival hosted by Commissioner Monestime and Miami-Dade County Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department at Oak Grove Park.  

Thank you to Senator Jason Pizzo for bringing Florida Secretary of Transportation to Miami-Dade County to hear our transit and traffic issues.

Congratulations to University of Miami (UM) and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center for an incredible achievement and so significant for all persons dealing with cancer. This is the only facility in South Florida certified as a National Cancer Institute facility. I have personally benefited from their cancer care and so have family members. Well done.

Attended meetings for the National Homeland Security Consortium (NHSC), which included multi-agencies securing an open air event for 500,000 - 800,000 people. It was a great day of learning.

Spent a day with Court Clerk David Nicholson of Jefferson County, Kentucky, which is a must for anyone pursuing 'best practices' in the criminal justice system. It was like packing a semester of study in a day of meetings with every Criminal Justice discipline. Truly great meetings in Louisville, Kentucky and their team is truly advanced in many departments.

We are all in, committed to tackling the seaweed problem hitting our coastline. Attended an early morning press conference and then checked out new beach raking equipment that will be mindful of our turtle nesting. Here is hoping for a quick remedy and supported budgeting funds to tackle the problem.

Happy to appoint two new District 4 Youth Commissioners for the new School Term for the Miami-Dade County Youth Commission. Welcome to the Team- Alina Sterenfeld and Tomas Fiure.

At the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) Forum, a procurement and purchasing National Conference. It was a great learning opportunity to better my skills on construction issues, especially considering my limited knowledge, to work through the complexities of our civil courthouse project. They had engaging workshops that addressed Market Issues and Tariffs. Was glad to have seen many people from Miami-Dade County and some Cities in our County; it was a great learning and networking opportunity. 
Concluded NIGP and then attended the Texas Association of Assessing Officers (TAAO) Conference, to learn and network with some tax collectors and assessors. "I'm all about reducing our "write offs" and increasing collections," said Commissioner Heyman. 

The #OperationBlueandBrown initiative to reduce violent crime received a $500,000 boost from the State of Florida. Thank you to Representative James Bush III for attending the Miami-Dade County Commission Meeting and for supporting this initiative.

Proud to sponsor September Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Sadly, Cancer is the #1 killer of children from infancy to age 15. Hoping to keep awareness, education and research in the forefront of many to help reduce the numbers of child cancer victims and find a cure.

Giving Back with Community Organizations
Visited the rescued animals of the South Florida Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). The rescued animals were happy to receive my 25 lbs. of carrots.


Upcoming Events in District 4 and Miami-Dade County... 
Baynanza is participating in National CleanUp Day 
September 21st   
9:00am to Noon 
The Women's Breast & Heart Intiative's Pink Walk  
September 29th    
Starts at 7:00am  
For more information, go to  
Jewish Community Services (JCS) Milk & Honey 
September 22nd 
Starts at 9:00am 
For more information, go to 
Multi-Agency Shred-A-Thon &  
DEA Prescription Drug Takeback
October 26th
10:00am to 2:00pm 
For additional information, please contact:  
- Sandra Block, Sunny Isles Beach PD (305-792-1839 or
-Dina Goldstein, Surfside PD (305-861-4862 or
- Curtis Johnson, Bay Harbor Islands PD (305-866-6242 or
-Ernie Long, Aventura PD (305-466-8962 or
Events and Community Activities Calendar

Every Tuesday of the Month 
Food Truck Fest
5:00- 10:00pm 
Haulover Park 
10800 Collins Ave 
Miami, FL 33154
For more information, go to

Every Wednesday of the Month
Food Truck Festival 
5:00- 10:00pm 
Pelican Harbor Marina
1275 Northeast 79th Street
Miami, FL 33138
For more information, go to

Every Friday of the Month
Yoga at Founders Park
Starts at 9:00am
Founders Park
3105 NE 190th Street
Aventura, FL 33180
For more information, go to
Every Last Friday of the Month 
(rain or shine)
Jazz at MOCA
 Starts at 8:00pm  
MOCA Plaza 
770 NE 125th Street 
North Miami, FL 33162  

Saturday, September 14, 2019
Miami New Times Burgerfest 
7:00- 11:00pm 
Haulover Park, Lot #2 
10800 Collins Avenue 
Miami, FL 33154
For more information, go to  
Northeast Miami-Dade Service Center
OPEN to Assist Residents

North Dade residents don't have to travel downtown for assistance with basic county services with the Service Center at the North Dade Justice Center located at 15555 Biscayne Boulevard. The Service Center is open Monday- Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm (closed 12:00pm - 1:00pm). 
Some of the available services are:
  • Golden Passport new applications and renewals
  • Homestead exemptions
  • Property Tax and Local Business Tax Payments
  • Baby stroller permits
A Miami-Dade staff person will be available to assist residents, as well as an automated computer touch screen that will allow residents to pay their bills and access other services online. 
Residents can call 3-1-1 for additional information on services provided at this Service Center.    

District Office
1100 NE 163 Street
Suite 303
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Phone (305) 787-5999
Fax (305) 787-5998
Downtown Office
111 NW 1 Street
Suite 220
Miami, FL 33128
Phone (305) 375-5128
Fax (305) 372-6179

I encourage you to contact my office and share your concerns and ideas on how we can improve our community.  You can contact my office at (305) 787-5999 or via e-mail at 
Sally A. Heyman
Miami-Dade County Commissioner
District 4