Miami Valley Age-Friendly Network
January 12, 2022 Meeting Summary
Thank you to all those who participated in our Miami Valley Age-Friendly Network meeting this week. Once again, we had a great turnout with more than 50 participants from our entire region including nonprofit organizations, county/city/township representatives, community leaders and AARP Ohio.
As we announced during the meeting, there is a new grant opportunity for MVRPC member organizations. With generous support from the DMH-Dayton Fund at The Dayton Foundation, the MVRPC Institute for Livable & Equitable Communities has grants available in the amount of $10,000 to support the pursuit of AARP Livable and Age-Friendly Communities designation. The AARP designation is a multi-year planning effort focused on recognizing and enhancing age-friendly, livable aspects of your community.  Please use the link below to learn more and to access the grant application forms. The deadline to apply is March 15, 2022.

In addition, the buttons below provide links to the meeting agenda, presentations and resources shared in the chat box during the meeting. For those who were unable to join us, or may wish to share the meeting with others in your organizations or networks, a recording of the meeting is also available.
Please mark your calendars to attend our next quarterly
Miami Valley Age-Friendly Network meeting on
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM.
RSVP - Miami Valley Age-Friendly Network Meeting
via Zoom

04/13/22 10:00am - 04/13/22 11:30am

I will attend
I can not attend
The Miami Valley Age-Friendly Network (MVAFN), an initiative of MVRPC's Institute for Livable and Equitable Communities, is a coalition of MVRPC member communities, partners and stakeholders who will work together to establish and implement age-friendly community strategies for the Region. The Institute Steering Committee provides leadership for all initiatives and programs within the Institute. Institute Steering Committee member Becky Benna serves as Chairperson for the Miami Valley Age-Friendly Network.

To learn more please visit

For more information, please contact Serena Anderson or Leigh Sempeles