July/August Schedule, Story, Art and more...
*Check out Michael's new artwork website at: michaelrenoart.com

*July 2 - Song of the Mountains - Lincoln Theater, Marion, VA - Saturday 7:00pm

*July 15 - Fundraiser for the Burnsville Lions Club, - Friday 7:00pm 
Burnsville Town Center, 6 S. Main St., Burnsville, NC

*July 21 - Private corporate event for Our State Magazine

*Aug. 5 - 95th Annual Mountain Dance & Folk Festival, Asheville, NC

*Aug. 6 - Isis Music Hall, Asheville, NC -Saturday 7:00pm

*Aug. 12 - Private Event, Hendersonville, North Carolina

*Aug. 16-20 - Teller-In-Residence at the International Storytelling Center, Jonesborough, TN - Tuesday thru Saturday at 2:00pm each day

*Aug. 27 - Palmetto Theater of Walnut Cove, NC - Saturday 7:00pm

Joan and I drove up to Charlottesville, Virginia last month to do a private concert as part of a birthday celebration for one of our dearest friends along with her family and a bunch of friends and neighbors. The drive up the beautiful Shenandoah Valley was a lot like visiting and old
friend in itself. For two old road dogs like us getting back out on the highway is like being
sprung from jail.

For our many friends who make their living singing songs or telling stories or both, it feels like springtime. Things are slowly beginning to come back to life in the entertainment world. I don’t know about you, but as exciting as that is, it’s taking a bit of getting used to for us. We took our first airplane trip a few weeks ago and after over two years of sitting at home for me going through security was just silly. It was like I had forgotten everything I was supposed to do.
I forgot to take off my shoes. My metal belt buckle set off the alarm. I had left my pocketknife
in my computer bag. Luckily Joan remembered to take a picture of the sign in long term parking so we didn’t have to spend two hours searching for our car when we got back to Charlotte at midnight.

I don’t expect that things will ever really get back to what they once were for those of us who do what Joan and I do, but that’s okay. Heck, I don’t expect that I’ll ever be what I once was either, having just turned seventy-four. But that’s okay, too. We’ll keep going as long as there is someplace to go and we’re able to do what’s required of us. That being said, here’s hoping we see each and every one of you somewhere out there soon!

Michael Reno
Burke County, NC 28655
Phone: 704-222-6177