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Update: Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston

     The Acting Mayor of Boston, Kim Janey, who was formerly Michelle's strongest primary opponent, had endorsed Michelle early. A week ago, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley endorsed Michelle Wu. Pressley is often considered the most influential politician in the black community in Boston. 5 days ago, U.S. Sen. Ed Markey endorsed Michelle Wu. Hence, both U.S. senators of MA have endorsed Wu. It is rather unusual for Congressional delegates to get involved in a mayoral race!

     80-20 continues to confidently predict, as we did 3 weeks ago, that Michelle Wu will win by at least 55% on Nov. 2. To donate (we suggest $80.20 or $802.0), click here. To volunteer, click here2. Today, I sent Michelle another $80.20 in addition to the earlier $802.0 and $80.20. Let's help her win by a 2 to 1 ratio.

SMART Donations Bring Good RESULTS

     80-20 endorsed Michelle Wu & predicted her victory to illustrate the above. If Michelle loses on November 2, you can bring me to task. :-). In paragraphs below, we use the "push-pull" technique to again remind you that "smart donations bring winning results".

     (1) By predicting Michelle's victory before the election is run, we aim to demonstrate to you that 80-20 understands elections deeply. Our purpose? To protect you from wasting your money supporting hopeless election campaigns run by ill-prepared & perhaps even callous AsAm candidates in the future. 80-20 estimated that several millions of precious AsAm dollars were wasted recently - money that could be used to transform 80-20 EF from a boutique org. to a formidable political institution, and

     (2) We also aim to gently warn an AsAm politician, who ran for very high offices without any prior political experience; raised millions from our community by exploiting the political immaturity of many AsAms, and lost miserably in primary elections. 80-20 is not against that person. We want him to study politics for a few years before entering the political arena again. However, this person is now raising money AGAIN to organize the "biggest AsAm PAC" and/or a "3rd political party" with himself as the head. What is his qualification with such losing records? What an insatiable ego. What a spoiled child. AsAms spoiled him with our unreasoned support & generous donations. We need to up our political maturity.

A picture of FBI Agent Kujtim Sadiku Who Wronged Anming Hu

     Many readers emailed us wanting to see a picture of Kujtim Sadiku. Click here to see it.

Readers' Feedback

     80-20's last e-newsletter, entitled "FBI Director Asked to Promise 'NEVER
AGAIN' ", struck a resonant chord in the hearts of AsAms. Visit 80-20's Poster Board & click here to see your comments.

                          To post your view, click here         DONATE

S. B. Woo
President and a volunteer for the past 22 years
80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc, a 501 C-3 organization,
Lieutenant Governor of Delaware (1985-89)