Michelle's Earth Foundation Newsletter December 2015
Michelle's Earth Foundation
michellesearth.blogspot.com   info@michellesearth.org
Donations are possible on michellesearth.blogspot.com.
Michelle's Earth Foundation is pleased to announce that it has received a matching grant for up to $1,000. Please consider giving a donation at michellesearth.blogspot.com where there is a PayPal button that goes to the MEF account.

  195 Nations Approve Landmark Climate Accord in Paris 12/12/15

"The reality of climate change is here and now. It is the environmental battle of our generation and generations to come. In honor of all life I am dedicating myself to preventing this worldwide ecological crisis." 
-- Michelle Gardner-Quinn, October, 2006.

"Today we celebrate. Tomorrow we have to act."
-- Miguel Arias Canete, European Union Energy Commissioner, December 2015.

As Michelle's Earth Foundation moves into its 10th year, we look forward to another twelve months of action. Michelle was ahead of her time. She was prescient in her awareness of the impact of climate change. We have been acting on her behalf for almost ten years. Her words, "I believe that all creatures whether they are found in my backyard or halfway around the globe should not suffer as a result of human greed", reflect the language of Pope Francis' encyclical addressing climate change that was released in June.

2015 was a banner year for awareness of climate change. MEF shared Michelle's message through a wide range of activities:

The EPA Clean Power Plan allows states to burn wood (trees) instead of coal to meet power plants' carbon reduction requirements. MEF joined with Partnership for Policy Integrity and several Sierra Club groups to organize informational meetings to bring this issue to Virginians' attention to stop Dominion Power from converting coal burning power plants to tree burning power plants.

The Intervale in Burlington is a farming co-operative that was Michelle's passion. She recognized that it was a magical, one-of-a-kind place, a model for other communities. MEF supports the Intervale and it in turn has reciprocated with gardening supplies used in New Orleans for Lead Safe Louisiana.

Lead Safe Louisiana continues to screen children for high blood lead levels. MEF is working to partner with Medicaid to make blood level testing a part of 'well child' screening. MEF is working with several community and religious groups to provide education about the dangers of childhood lead poisoning.

Heather Spence Ph.D. is MEF's millennia wunderkind. She now has her doctorate from City University of New York this year. She has presented at the Acoustical Society of America conference in Jacksonville, FL, highlighting the lack of research on the MesoAmerican Reef, where she records underwater sounds. She's also presented at the Fish at Night conference in Miami. Heather has been invited to submit an article for the Bulletin of Marine Science.

H-B award, 2015. Since 2007 MEF has presented an award to the outstanding senior environmental student at Michelle's high school, H-B Woodlawn. This year's winner was Natalie Slater who has a keen interest in coral reefs.

Southbound Gardens & Urban Farmstead are the two ventures led by Board Member Ian Willson and business partner Jordan Boutelle. They are engaged in educating would-be urban gardeners and distributing good-for-you food. They recently partnered with SciTech Academy of New Orleans where they are turning a wild, overgrown patch of land into a learning space for students, helping them to connect with the food they eat.

Our motto continues to be 'Small actions = BIG CHANGES'

Your gift helps Michelle's legacy live on. You can donate by clicking the PayPal button on michellesearth.blogspot.com. And remember, we have a matching grant for up to $1,000, so donate today!"

Happy Holidays!