February 2023
Dear Friends:
The tragic and terrifying events that occurred on the MSU campus last week leave me feeling somber and shaken. We have so many touchpoints with MSU, with children, relatives, friends, colleagues, and collaborators on the campus. I hope that all those you know, who are connected with the MSU community, are safe. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who were killed and injured.
Here are resources that may be helpful for patients, colleagues, and ourselves as we all work to find ways to cope with recent tragic events:
The feelings of anxiety and fear do not easily dissipate after a horrific incident like the MSU shooting, and I share in the pain that so many are feeling. Let us do all we can to support one another, and our MSU family, in this time of tragedy and need.
Please reach out with any questions or reactions. I look forward to hearing from you!
Gregory Dalack, M.D.
Daniel E. Offutt, III Professor & Chair
3/8/23 at 7 p.m.
"Prevention Starts with All: The Chris Herren Story"
Join us at the Michigan Theater in downtown Ann Arbor to hear the unforgettable story of former NBA athlete, Chris Herren's journey to sobriety. His talk will be followed by a Q&A with the community.
4/12/23 at 7 p.m.
"Interventional Psychiatry & Emerging Therapies"
This webinar will educate about Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), and Ketamine Infusion Therapy. We’ll also touch on how neuromodulation can be used to improve memory and thinking with age - using non-pharmacological options to change the brain. Find out more and register.
Millions of Americans juggle caregiving for two generations; new analysis shows the strain on their time, and financial and mental health.
Breaking Down Mental Health podcast
A new CME-accredited podcast providing medical professionals clinical guidelines on various mental health topics to help them apply basic concepts of psychiatric care in their practice setting. Listen in.
Brain connection study shows that socioeconomic factors, including at-home enrichment, are associated with widespread differences in children’s brain connections.
What is N2N?
Dr. Taylor Schmitt launched New2Neuropsychology, an organization that aims to facilitate greater equity and inclusion in neuropsychology through outreach to historically underrepresented students. Dr. Schmitt and her colleagues run information sessions and networking events for students from historically Black colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions and community colleges, and they invite neuropsychologists from those communities to talk about their training and career experiences. N2N recently received internal grant funding sponsored by the Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and the Office for Health Equity and Inclusion, that they’re using to collaborate with Washtenaw Community College and Eastern Michigan University to introduce neuropsychology to local students and provide sponsored conference travel awards. Learn more about the program on the N2N website.
In this U.S. News & World Report article, Dr. Anne Fernandez discusses the increases in overdoses among older adults and the role of alcohol as a major contributor to overdose deaths. "We often talk about the opioid epidemic, but we are also living in an alcohol epidemic and have been for some time,” Dr. Fernandez said. “Americans are simply drinking more in recent years and this is driving increases in deaths from liver disease, motor vehicle accidents and poisoning/overdose."
“Many young people are keenly aware of ways social media may negatively impact them and have strategies to self-regulate use to promote their mental health,” said Jane Harness, D.O. Read more about this recent survey.
Also, note this story, in which our experts share tech savvy ways to better manage and control social media use on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube for youth, teens and kids.
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