August 18, 2022
Dear ,

Michigan’s public libraries are busy places with more than 7,600 dedicated staff members working to serve over 10 million library patrons. We thought it would be fun to share a snapshot of everything our libraries accomplished in 2021.[1]
In 2021, Michigan public libraries provided:
  • 30,118,440 physical items        
  • 10,798 library computers      
  • 46,412,493 digital materials
  • 1,325,226 total service hours
  • 99.7% of libraries offered WiFi connectivity               
  • 66,465 programs and events 
  • 35,358 children’s programs (with over 1 million attendees)
  • 7,756 teen programs (with 109,355 attendees)
  • 16,178 early literacy programs for 0-5-year-olds (with 421,652 attendees)
Throughout the year, Michigan public library users:
  • Borrowed 37.2 million physical items      
  • Accessed eResources 6.4 million times                      
  • Visited virtually 38.7 million times          
  • Checked out 14.1 million eMaterials
  • Went to the library 12.7 million times
  • Used library WiFi 6.5 million times 
On an average day, the 396 public library systems in Michigan offered:
  • 182 enrichment opportunities          
  • 9,473 answers to reference questions 
  • 35,006 library visits
  • 4,069 computer sessions
  • 17,931 library WiFi sessions
  • 101,918 materials
Our public libraries are places to read, places to gather and socialize, and places to study and learn – cultural institutions in the heart of every community throughout Michigan. 

Please let me know if you ever have any questions regarding our public libraries or if we can connect you to the public library director in your region for a visit or help you schedule a coffee hour. 
Deborah E. Mikula
Executive Director
Michigan Library Association
Leading the advancement of all Michigan libraries through advocacy, education and engagement

[1] Michigan library statistics are compiled by the Library of Michigan from the Annual Report/State Aid Application submitted by public libraries, cooperatives and braille and talking book libraries.