March 29, 2018
First Quarter Newsletter

The North Bay Community Resilience Initiative gains traction
In the face of last year's devastating North Bay fires in California, the Clean Coalition's North Bay Community Resilience Initiative represents a real and vital solution for providing resilient power to Sonoma and Napa Counties.
TAC Campaign update: Continuing to advocate for California ratepayers and renewables
The Clean Coalition's latest white paper on the Transmission Access Charge (TAC) pricing structure, and our heavily supported sign-on letter to CAISO, show the TAC Campaign is not slowing down.
Advancing Distribution Resources Planning in Colorado and beyond
The Clean Coalition's policy work on Colorado's Distribution Resources Planning (DRP) efforts is ramping up. DRP has become essential in the 21st century due to the changing nature of how we generate, manage, and deliver electricity.
Pacific Gas & Electric required to procure more renewables after the Clean Coalition's intervention
The Clean Coalition prevailed in ensuring that Pacific Gas & Electric procure its required allotment of local renewable energy under California's Renewable Auction Mechanism.
Expanding the energy imbalance market is the right way to regionalize California’s grid
In a Greentech Media article, the Clean Coalition’s Doug Karpa and Craig Lewis argue that fixing the TAC, and combining regional integration with a system of distribution system operators, is a lower-risk approach to saving ratepayers money and integrating renewables.
Keeping the lights on after natural disasters
A Solar Emergency Microgrid features four basic components: solar, energy storage, demand response, and monitoring, communications, and control to optimize operation of all the components. Every hospital, emergency response center, and emergency shelter should have one.
Clean Coalition in the news
The dinosaur that wouldn't die –– East Bay Express
Rebuilding with Community Microgrids in wake of California fires: Sonoma County –– Microgrid Knowledge
California keeps breaking solar records. How long before it's a problem? –– Desert Sun
Local balancing is the key to California’s clean energy future. Regionalization isn’t –– Greentech Media
Feed-in Tariffs for unleashing clean local energy and obviating polluting gas plants in California –– The Huffington Post
Upcoming e vents
Marin CleanTech Summit
April 6, 2018 in San Rafael, CA
Go  here  for more information and registration options.
The Clean Coalition's Greg Thomson will present on our Community Microgrid Initiative.

Pathways to 100% Renewable Energy
April 12-13 in Berkeley, CA
Go  here  for more information and registration options.

Advancing Renewables in the Midwest Conference
April 18-19 in Columbia, MO
Go  here for more information and registration options.
The Clean Coalition's John Bernhardt will present on Distribution Resources Planning.

Los Angeles Business Council Sustainability Summit
April 20, 2018 in Los Angeles, CA
Go  here for more information and registration options.

Community Choice Energy Summit
April 24-26, 2018 in San Diego, CA
Go  here for more information and registration options.

Solar Summit 2018
May 1-2, 2018 in San Diego, CA
Go  here for more information and registration options.

Innovation & Impact Symposium
May 31, 2018 in San Jose, CA
Go  here for more information and registration options.

The Business of Local Energy Symposium
June 4-5, 2018 in Sacramento, CA
Go  here for more information and registration options.

Grid-Scale Storage Conference
June 6-7, 2018 in San Francisco, CA
Go  here for more information and registration options.
The Clean Coalition's Craig Lewis and Doug Karpa are scheduled to present.

Grid Edge Innovation Summit
June 20-21, 2018 in Burlingame, CA
Go  here for more information and registration options.