LEXINGTON, VA—The prize list is now available for the highly anticipated Mid-Atlantic Dressage Festival [MADFest] and The Lexington CDI3*, presented by Täkt Saddlery, to benefit the Virginia Horse Center Foundation, May 18-21, 2023.
In addition to high performance competitions, special events and hospitality will be offered to all:
Thursday, 5/18 3pm – CDI Jog starting at 3pm sponsored by Ewbank Equestrian. Refreshments for all at the Stave Mill Pavilion.
Saturday, 5/20 –Lead Line, Grand Prix Freestyles and a Mid-Afternoon Wine Tasting at the Isabel de Szinay Complex starting at 2pm, sponsored by Loring Woodriff Real Estate Associates. Watch our current and future high-performance riders compete and enjoy wine and light hors d'oeuvres.
Sunday, 5/21 – Brunch and Freestyles 8am-11am sponsored by Brooks Cushman.
Enjoy the CDI from the seating at the Stave Mill Pavilion. The all-new Competitor Welcome Table, sponsored by MDK Horse Show Services, will be located near the show office, and will offer snacks and the Ultima Replenisher will offer a human hydration station. Virginia Equine Imaging is hosting a coffee and breakfast cart.
Running simultaneous with the Mid-Atlantic Dressage Festival is The Keswick Horse Show, a top hunter/jumper competition. Together, these two USEF recognized disciplines offer visitors a variety of spectating options and increased exposure opportunities for both sponsors and vendors.
For sponsorship opportunities please contact Gardy Bloemers gardy@gardybloemers.com. For vending opportunities please contact Michelle King amking91@verizon.net or go to our website to learn more: www.midatlanticdressagefestival.com.
All photo credits: Susan Stickle Photography