Thank You!
We're looking forward to 2021 and what the year ahead is slated to bring Mid Market: new hotels, new restaurants, new stores, more housing, reopenings of longtime favorites and more. While we're ready to say goodbye to 2020, we can't let this year end without recognizing those who have buoyed the CBD through these unprecedented times: our wonderful staff, the Board of Directors and dedicated and diligent Field Crew. Their efforts over the course of the year helped us tackle issues as they arose, and to keep planning for the brighter future ahead in Mid Market.
Mayor London Breed also sends her thanks here.
City Restrictions During Shelter-in-Place
New Safe Sleeping Village
A new Safe Sleeping Village will open at 33 Gough on December 21, providing space for 44 individuals. Safe Sleeping Villages are staffed and adhere to socially-distanced guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19; they also connect those residing at the Village to the Homelessness Response System, which provides assistance for becoming housed. If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to
Better Market Street Project Update
Due to budget constraints caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as new user data influenced by the pandemic and Market Street having been car-free for many months now, the BMS Project Team has suggested changes to the Project aimed at enabling some improvements to start as soon as possible while other elements are removed or put on hold.
Project elements removed or put on hold:
- Deferring replacement of existing brick sidewalks
- Deferring removal of Path of Gold light fixtures
- No installation of a raised cycle track
Items likely to move forward the soonest between 5th and 8th Streets:
Phase 1 (2021)
- Roadway repaving
- Roadway restriping (especially crosswalks)
- Moving MUNI sidewalk bus stops to center boarding islands (out of the shared curb lane); islands will be twice as big as they are today, to accommodate more transit passengers; all center boarding islands will be accessible.
Speed tables in the curb lane to calm traffic and help reinforce car free Market Street
Bicycles remain in 11' foot shared curb lane providing more room for bicycles than the proposed raised cycle track
- Full traffic signal upgrade
- MUNI track, overhead wire and traction power replacement
- BART/MUNI grate replacement
- Sewer line replacement and upgrades
- Water line replacement and upgrades
- Auxiliary water supply system (AWSS)
- Replacement of unhealthy trees
For more information contact the BMS Project team:
Shared Spaces Will Extend into Mid 2021
While outdoor dining is currently closed, it's not over -- the Shared Spaces program is extending into 2021. Once the shelter-in-place order lifts, and outdoor dining resumes, you'll be able to dine in Shared Spaces at District restaurants through the end of June 2021.
 Street Crisis Response Teams Now Out on City Streets
At the end of November the City deployed the first Street Crisis Response Team. Part of Mental Health SF, the teams will be deployed across the City to answer 911 calls related to mental health crises. The first 6 teams will be deployed by March 2021, with the end goal of teams being implemented across the City 24/7. "The SCRT aims to provide trauma-informed clinical interventions and care coordination for people who experience behavioral health crises on the streets of San Francisco."
 Kapwa Gardens Awaits 967 Mission St. (between 5th and 6th)
Kultivate Labs (also behind the UNDSCVD Courts) has unveiled their latest community pop-up project, a beautiful place to explore, Kapwa Gardens: "A space designed to help our neighborhood recover from the devastating mental, physical, and economic effects of COVID-19."
Hosting socially-distanced events, and encouraging community connections by providing an outdoor space for people to see one another in socially-distanced, responsible ways, the temporary Kapwa Gardens will be fully accessible as soon as shelter-in-place orders lift.
Whole Foods Takes Shape
The new Whole Foods at Trinity Place continues to take shape; and is on track to open summer 2021. Trinity Place notes the fun fact: " The intersection of Market and 8th was once home to the famed Crystal Palace Market from 1923-1959, meaning SF's newest market will open in the same space almost 100 years later."
Developers Needed for Affordable Housing Projects
The City is seeking requests for proposals from developers to construct affordable housing at certain District sites. RFPs are due by January 22, 2021 with the City announcing the selected developers in April 2021.
Hip to Be Square: Sunset Squares Opens on Ninth Street (in the former Perennial space)
The popular pizza, with a strong Instagram following, is now at home in the District. Sunset Squares, from chef Dennis Lee, is o pen for takeout and delivery at 59 9th St. (between Market and Mission).
 Something's Brewing: MMCBD Coffee Cafe Rewards Program
Are you participating in our coffee loyalty program yet? Mid Market is home to some of the best coffee cafes in the City, and we'd like for you to grab a beverage (or something to eat) at all of the cafes on our map. In fact, the first 50 people to do so, and document their purchases on Instagram, will receive a $100 gift card. Learn more on our site.
* COVO is now Trellis! The co-working space with a public coffee counter, has rebranded as Trellis, but offers the same great services.
* San Francisco Prop A passes (the 2020 Health and Recovery Bond); which includes funding for rebuilding the District's Gene Friend Recreation Center (6th and Folsom).
*SF Travel, with Illuminate SF, have shared a fun map of spots to see light art in the City, which includes a few sites in the District. Check them out.
* Alonzo King (of LINES ballet and District-based LINES Dance Center) was featured in the New York Times: "Let's use the wind instead of ignoring it."
Tune into A.C.T.'s A Christmas Carol: On Air
A festive trip back in time to when everyone gathered around the radio, A.C.T. is currently featuring A Christmas Carol: On Air through December 31; you can buy a ticket and tune in anytime or catch a live performance (via your own listening device) on December 23. More info and tickets here.
 Virtual Visual Art Events
District arts organizations SF Camerawork and Root Division along with galleries First Amendment and IAMA continue to share a robust calendar of online artist talks, classes and virtual exhibits. Visit their sites to see offerings in early 2021.
November 2020 Clean Team Stats |
 Field Crews Continue to Make a Difference
MMCBD's Clean Team continues to address the District's crucial sanitation needs amidst the pandemic. If you'd like to support their important work, please use the link below and indicate how you would like your donation used; or contact us at:
The Team also loves thank you notes and emails!