We know you want your charitable giving to have a lasting impact.
That’s why we’re expanding our successful Jumpstart Program – an immersive, yearlong program that helps growing nonprofits build their leadership and fundraising programs through technology and professional coaching. In short, this is an initiative that supports the kind of lasting good and meaningful change you’ve proven your commitment to.

Why are we focusing on emerging nonprofits for the Jumpstart Program? Their position on the front lines allows them to see and respond to community needs, quickly. However, many face significant financial hardship and an uncertain future. We know that showing them how to increase their sustainability is the best form of support they can receive.

We also know that helping smaller nonprofits improve their fundraising abilities can produce as much as 10 times new revenue for their programs over time. And this means they can provide more continuous community services, expand during times of unexpected needs, and provide exciting new opportunities for your philanthropy.

If you know of an emerging nonprofit who could benefit from this type of help, please let them know of our informational webinar on June 11th - they can register here .

 Finally, we plan to continue sharing the ways in which we’re growing your impact. Please keep an eye out for more exciting opportunities like this in the future.