Save the Dates

January 25

General Membership Meeting

February 11

Guam Business Magazine's Executive of the Year Gala

February 17

Small Business Seminar


February 22

General Membership Meeting

February 28


March 22

25th Guam Chamber Annual Amateur Golf Tournament


January General Membership Meeting

Hilton Guam Resort & Spa

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

We are a few days ways from our first General

Membership Meeting for this year! We look forward to

seeing you at our General Membership Meeting at Hilton

Guam Resort & Spa on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

This month's featured speaker will be Attorney General

Douglas Moylan. Members are encouraged to register

early as seating is limited, and we also encourage

members to make advance payment for a swift entry on

the day of the event. To make payment, please contact

the Chamber Team at (671) 472-6311. Check-in begins at

11:15 am.

Click here to register!

Small Business Seminar: Cybersecurity

SAVE THE DATE: Friday, February 17, 2023

The Somnak Ballroom, Westin Resort Guam • 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Your Guam Chamber of Commerce Small Business Focus and Development Committee is pleased to host the first small business seminar of the year: 'Cybersecurity' at the Somnak Ballroom, Westin Resort Guam on Friday, February 17, 2023. This seminar's guest speaker will be Jeffrey Nantin, Chief Architect of Adahi Tech.

Members are encouraged to reserve their seats today as seatings are limited. We also encourage registrants to make advance payments for a swift entry on the day of the event! Check-in begins at 8:30 am

Click here to register!

25th Annual Golf Tournament

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Onward Talofofo Golf Course

Your Chamber is looking forward to networking on the green on Wednesday, March 22nd at Onward Talofofo Golf Course! We are happy to announce that team entries are now open. You may also leverage your company brand by becoming an event sponsor or contributing a prize. 

2023 Digital Membership Profile Update

It's time to update your company information on our Growthzone platform. We don't want you to lose out on great Guam Chamber opportunities and activities. 

In order to update your Membership Profile, you may need your Member Hub login credentials to gain access. If you need assistance, please contact the Chamber Team and we will get you to your profile in no time!

Click here to update your company profile

2023 Guam Chamber of Commerce events

Engage in our committees! We value your input

Welcome to the Chamber Office

Mr. Congressman!

We would like to thank Congressman James Moylan and Chief of Staff Bobby Shringi for meeting with the Chamber on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at the Chamber Office. We look forward to working with the Congressman and his team on issues important to Guam and the Region.


Gifts of FestPac

The Guam Council on the Arts and Humanities is opening

its new exhibit on Friday, January 20, 2023, at 6:00 pm at the CAHA Gallery on the 2nd floor of the DNA Building in

Hagatna. This exhibit will showcase contributions donated

by artisans from FestPacs of the past along with the gifts

from the 12th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture hosted by

Guam in 2016. The Gifts of FestPac will be the launch

point of public awareness, sponsors, and fundraising efforts

for the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture approaching

in 2024 in Hawaii.

The exhibit will run Monday through Friday from 9:00 am

4:00 pm, January 23, 2023 - February 17, 2023. for more

information, please email Mike Manas or contact him at

(671) 300-7589. Click here to view Gifts of FestPac poster

Guam Business Magazine 2022 Executive of the Year Gala

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 11, 2023

Hyatt Regency Guam Grand Ballroom

The Guam Business Magazine will be hosting a 2022 Executive of the Year Gala at the Grand Ballroom, Hyatt Regency Guam on Saturday, February 11, 2023. This event will honor the following distinguished Nominees:

Frank Cruz, Vice President and General Manager of Guam Fast Foods Inc., which does business as KFC Guam and Sbarro Guam.

Jimmy T.C. Hau, President, Mobil Oil Guam Inc., President, Mobil Oil Mariana Islands Inc., and President, Mobil Oil Micronesia Inc.

Charles B. Hazzard III, President, CEO, and Project Director, DZSP 21

Charlie Hermosa, General Manager, Guam-Micronesia, APL; President, Bella Wings Aviation; and President, Hermosa Ventures LLC, which does business as Guam Gift


Siska S. Hutapea, Founder and President of Cornerstone Valuation Guam Inc.

Thomas G. Shimizu, General Manager, Ambros Inc., Marianas Pacific Distributors Inc., Shimbros International Inc., and South Pacific Distributors Inc.

Ken Yanagisawa, General Manager, the Tsubaki Tower, and Hotel Nikko Guam; President/Director, PHR Management Inc.; Managing Director, Ken Real Estate Lease Ltd.

Tickets are available for purchase for $250 per person and if you wish to reserve a table, reservations should be emailed to Glimpses of Guam and 10 seats per table, they are available for purchase for $2,500. Click here to view reservation document.

If you have and questions or comments, please contact Rose Marie Borja at (671) 649-0883.

DRT Tax Season Opens January 23, 2023 to Include E-filing of Certain Forms 1040

The Guam Department of Revenue & Taxation (DRT) announced today that the 2023 income tax filing season will begin on Monday, January 23, 2023. This is the date that DRT will begin accepting 2022 tax year returns and is in line with the date that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will also begin the nation’s tax season. The due date for filing of returns is Tuesday, April 18, 2023.


Payments by Direct Deposit

Certain taxpayers will have the option to receive their refunds by direct deposit. DRT reminds taxpayers to ensure that their bank account information is accurate. Any errors will result in delays in refund processing.


Forms 1040

Hard copies of forms will be available at DRT’s Income Tax Branch beginning Monday, January 23, 2023. However, Guam Forms 1040 and 1040SR can be accessed at www.myguamtaxcom and For more forms and instructions, please visit or consult with a tax professional.


E-Filing of Certain 2022 Forms 1040 to be Available at 

E-Filing of certain Forms 1040 will be able to be done at beginning Monday, January 23, 2023. DRT encourages taxpayers to file their Forms 1040 online.  


The online Form 1040 has been expanded to allow for more taxpayers to be able to file online. You will only be able to e-file your Guam Form 1040 for 2022 tax year at Click here to view pdf document.

Resources & Training



Industry Recovery Updates

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January 2023 Training Events!

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January 2023 Training Events

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