The logo of the First Presbyterian Church of Glen Cove, which is a hand-sketched outline of the church with some of the trees around it.
A Note from Pastor Lana
To the members & friends of First Presbyterian Church of Glen Cove:

First, I want to say thank you all so much for the generosity and kindness you have shown me as I have disclosed my trans identity to you all. Your words of affirmation and hugs have meant so much to me. And ironically, it’s actually Trans Awareness Week so there are many resources that are available online right now if you want to learn more. You can read more about Trans Awareness Week here.

On another note, we had our congregational meeting on Sunday after church in which we welcomed Valerie Ruckert onto session and discussed the future of our building. The conversation was rich with various visions of what our future could look like. Some spoke about a future where we sold our building and others spoke about a future where our building was used in a variety of ways like a community resource center. We concluded our meeting by forming our Strategic Planning Task Force, which will be taking the lead on how to clarify the vision and how to implement it. If you’d like to be part of this task force, please see me, Betty Ann Roel, or Valerie Ruckert.

There are many exciting things ahead as we prepare to move into Advent. Before we get too ahead though, I pray that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

See you soon!

Pastor Lana (she/her)
Upcoming Events & News
Special December
Church Dates

We can barely believe we're just over a week away from Advent beginning on November 28th! Here are FPC's upcoming December events:

  • Sunday, December 5th: Ugly Sweater Day & Decorating the Church
  • Sunday, December 12th: Church Table Talk
  • Sunday, December 19th: Guest preacher, Rev. Emmie Arnold
  • Friday, December 24th: 7pm Candlelight Christmas Eve service
Trans Day of Remembrance on November 20th

Each year, people gather to honor the lives of those lost to transphobic violence. If you're interested in attending an event, the LGBT Center in Manhattan is offering a virtual event today and an in-person event on Saturday. You can read more about them here.

The Presbyterian Church (USA)—which we belong to—is offering a live-streamed service for the first time in honor of Trans Day of Remembrance. You can read more about that here.
Social Media Series and Podcast Updates

We've been having a lot of fun by sharing mini-discipleship moments on both FPC's and Glenwood Table's social media pages. Glenwood Table's pages have been focused on the weekly podcast episodes entitled "Lectionary in a Human Voice"; interviews with queer Christians about their faith journeys; Lana's "Sunday Love" reflections; and a line-by-line exploration of the Apostles' Creed. FPC's pages have been focusing on themes from the "Pray Away" documentary, as well as quotes from Sunday sermons.

(Emmie will be learning Tiktok soon in order to share about our church with the community in another way!).
MLK March on
November 20th

The Glen Cove Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission will begin its annual march on Saturday at 12 PM at First Baptist Church of Glen Cove (7 Continental Place) and end about an hour later at Finley Middle School (Forest Avenue).
Memorial Flowers

We love having the beauty of flowers in the sanctuary and are honored to join you in your griefs and celebrations. If you're interested in adding to worship in this way, please sign up on the paper sheet in the parish hall or through this Google form.
Annual Community Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on November 21st Virtual

Join the North Shore Clergy Association at 7 PM on Sunday, November 21st for interfaith inspiration over Zoom. You can click here to join the Zoom meeting or join by phone:
(meeting ID: 844 9710 3359).
On a blue and white background, there is white sans serif font that says "Give" and there are two hands, one of which is passing coins to the other.
Online giving

We are connected to an online giving center for churches called You can give a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift by clicking here.

Please also consider giving memorial flowers so that we can add more beauty to our services. You can sign up by clicking here.

Looking to pledge?

Why does pledging matter? Pledging helps us develop a realistic financial picture and plan our ministries for the year ahead. When you pledge, you're letting us know what you're planning to give for the whole year (not each week or month). Whatever amount you can commit to will help!

Click here to fill out your pledge form.
Looking for info on the Covid-19 vaccine?

Everyone over the age of 5 is now eligible to get the vaccine, and many places have walk-in appointments. If you need help finding a location for you or a loved one, especially now the littlest loved ones, please let us know. If you feel nervous or unsure about getting it, we encourage you to ask friends and family members the reasons why they have taken it. We are incredibly grateful to all of the frontline workers and researchers who are making vaccination distribution possible. Here's to a new future!