But Moses said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?" Ex 3:11 NKJV
This question that Moses asked God, after God gave him a seemingly impossible assignment, has been asked countless times since. Who am I?
Have you ever asked God that question? I sure have!
God comes to us with an impossible assignment and we immediately view the assignment in light of our natural abilities, which causes us to ask the God of the universe, who knows all and is in control of everything, “Who am I? “I can’t do that, God!” “Don’t you know who you’re talking to?”
God calls us to do the impossible. Rather than trusting that what He calls us to do, He will empower us to do, we become just like Moses and look to ourselves, which causes us to ask the question, “Who am I?”
Now, Moses did lack all the seemingly necessary qualifications to accomplish the huge task of leading the Israelites out of Egypt. But that wasn’t important. God goes on to tell Moses in Exodus 3:12, “Certainly I will be with you.”
In verse 14 God answered Moses with the ultimate answer, a truth that you and I need to grab ahold of today, "I AM WHO I AM...I AM HAS SENT YOU."
Moses may not have known who he was and what he was capable of, but God knew who HE was and that is all that mattered.
I usually don’t feel qualified to do what God has called me to do for His kingdom, you probably don’t either, but that same presence that went with Moses lives on the inside of me and on the inside of you.
Who are you? You’re a child of God; one who God lives inside of through the person of the Holy Ghost. You’re someone God wants to hang out with! This truth should strengthen you and give you boldness and courage for the assignment you have been given.
Anytime we look to ourselves, we will buy into the lie of insignificance. So turn your focus off of you and fix your gaze on God! He is the qualifier and the equipper all wrapped up in one!
Declaration to Life: I will not fear seemingly impossible situations and assignments, but I will keep my eyes on You, I AM! The Author and Finisher of my faith!