Mid - Week Boost
July 27, 2022

“I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. Psalm 2:7 NKJ

I have to admit, I’m a sucker for anything royal. I enjoy watching movies or reading books about royal families, in today’s day and long ago.

In one of the movies I watched the king issued a royal decree. A royal decree is a ruler’s desires and commands for his kingdom. The kings servant starts out by crying “Hear ye, hear ye!” After they have everyone’s attention, then they read the decree.

Since there was no television or computers back then, a group of messengers would also take that decree by horseback or foot and deliver it all across the kingdom so everyone under that king’s command would know what to do. All the citizens were then expected to obey that decree.

The author of Ps. 2:7 writes about a decree stating that God is declaring that Jesus is His only begotten Son. The writer starts that verse off by writing that he will declare, (state, announce, broadcast, trumpet, articulate and proclaim) that decree.

As Christians, our King is God and he has a royal decree; the Bible, His entire Word! He is our King and we are the citizens in His kingdom and as citizens in His kingdom, our job is to know that decree, obey it and proclaim it out of our mouths!

Joshua 1:8 tells us not to let the Word depart out of our mouths - we’re to meditate on it day and night. One of the meanings of meditate in this verse is. “to mutter.” We are to spend our days speaking our Kings decrees out of our mouths!

When we declare the living Word of God, believing in our hearts, then our faith filled words go forth and establish God’s very desires and commands in our lives.

When we believe and speak God’s royal decree, things in our lives begin to change and line up with His will, (which is His Word) and His good plan for us.

Declaration to Life: Father, thank you for your Word. It is your royal decree for my life. I will live my life in obedience to all you have spoken. I will also proclaim it out of my mouth and watch your plan for my life unfold!
If you died today would you go to heaven?

I John 1:9: God is faithful & will forgive our sins

Eph. 2:8: Salvation is a gift from God

Rom. 10:13: Who ever calls on the name of the Lord is saved

Take an inventory of your heart and make sure you really KNOW JESUS!

He loves you and wants to give you life - abundant life!
Larry & Chaunda Jensen
P O Box 1113
Red Bluff, CA 96080
This devotion is made possible by the financial supporters of Jensen Ministries