Mid - Week Boost

January 15, 2025


One thing I have desired of the Lord, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple. When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Psalm 27:4 & 8

Your spirit is longing for more than just a go to church, religious experience. So many believers try and just do the go to church thing but their heart is never satisfied. Until you get into the presence of God and meet with Him daily you will never find the fullness of joy you desire.

Having a meeting place with God requires us to push past our flesh and feelings. But when we do that, when we set up a time to meet with our creator and seek His face the Bible says we will experience the benefit of fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).

There are many wonderful benefits we receive while being in the presence of God but the most valuable, precious benefit is God Himself!

All David wanted when He wrote about seeking God in Psalm 27 was God Himself!

Larry and I have been blessed with five grandchildren. Our youngest, Parker John is a year and a half. He loves to take my face into both of his hands, get super close, I mean close, like nose to nose, forehead to forehead, eyeball to eyeball, mouth to mouth close and give me wet sloppy kisses. It’s like he can’t get close enough!

Sometimes this gets a little messy and wet; lots of baby slobber, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! I love it because when Parkers gets face to face close I can’t see anything but him and he can’t see anything but me. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around us or what toys are on the floor, he is spending time loving on the one who bought him many of those toys.

Just like when Parker grabs my face and gets close, when we get in the Presence of God, we can get so close to Him that we can’t see anything but Him! Our focus is no longer on all those “toys/blessings” He gives us, but our focus now shifts onto our affectionate Father, who loves us and just wants us to seek Him.

If we only knew how much coming close to our heavenly Father gives Him so much pleasure and as we seek Him face to face, we receive the benefit of EVERYTHING we need for that day being added to us (Matthew 6:33).

Declaration to Life: While others are playing church and going after the things of the world, I will go after YOU Lord! I’m getting face to face with you, loving on you and receiving my inheritance and joy from you today!


Ruth Community - Ruth, CA


Real Life Church - Orland, CA


Christian Life Fellowship - Quincy, CA


Elevation Church AG - Forbestown, CA


Susanville Assembly - Susanville, CA

If you died today would you go to heaven?

I John 1:9: God is faithful & will forgive our sins

Eph. 2:8: Salvation is a gift from God

Rom. 10:13: Who ever calls on the name of the Lord is saved

Take an inventory of your heart and make sure you really KNOW JESUS!

He loves you and wants to give you life - abundant life. A life better than you've ever dreamed!

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Larry & Chaunda Jensen
P O Box 1113
Red Bluff, CA 96080
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