Mid - Week Boost

July 12, 2023


And these signs will follow those who [a]believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; Mark 16:17

Jesus affirmed that speaking in tongues would be one of the supernatural signs that would follow believers! Regardless of what church you belong to or what you have been taught it is a fact that Jesus said believers would speak with new tongues.

Of all the times the book of Acts mentions people speaking in tongues, the most popular is the first time this phenomenon every occurred in Acts 2:1-4. The believers (120 of them) were filled that day on the day of Pentecost and spoke in tongues. This set the pattern for believers to be filled with the Spirit and speak in tongues.

According to Paul in 1 Cor. 14:13-15, speaking in tongues is a spiritual language – a never known language; a prayer language only known to God. When the believers were filled with the Spirit and began to regularly speak in tongues, a door to the supernatural power was opened and the power unleashed through speaking in tongues in Acts was evident and it is still in operation today.

The believers in Acts prayed and worshiped God in tongues often. It was their norm! It wasn’t the exception – it was a common practice that was expected to occur in the life of any person who was filled with the Spirit.

Just as the early church freely and fluently prayed in the Spirit, God has enabled us to do the same. All we have to do is believe, open up our hearts to receive, open up our mouths and let our heavenly language speak to God.

How long has it been since you spoke in tongues and allowed God’s supernatural power to speak through you? Pray and praise God in the Spirit, it will bring the divine supernatural power into your day!

If you have never been filled with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues what’s stopping you from receiving this glorious gift? Ask the Lord to fill you today, open your mouth and speak whatever is rising up in your spirit. Sometimes people will get one syllable. That’s okay, keep speaking and your language grows the more you use it.


Declaration to Life: When I pray and praise in the Spirit I’m aware that I am praying perfectly and praising on the highest level! Thank you Lord for this wonderful ability to pray in the Holy Ghost and to worship with my inner man!


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Ruth Community Church - Ruth, CA

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If you died today would you go to heaven?

I John 1:9: God is faithful & will forgive our sins

Eph. 2:8: Salvation is a gift from God

Rom. 10:13: Who ever calls on the name of the Lord is saved

Take an inventory of your heart and make sure you really KNOW JESUS!

He loves you and wants to give you life - abundant life!

Larry & Chaunda Jensen
P O Box 1113
Red Bluff, CA 96080
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