Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. Psalm 34:3
I was cruising through Face book the other day and came across a very inspirational thought. Someone had posted a picture of a small black dot in the middle of a white backdrop. Below the picture was the question, “What do you see?” Immediately my response was, “A black dot.” As I continued to read the person writing said that they saw something far bigger…a huge white space. I had missed it. I had instantly focused on the black dot, when the huge white space had been there all along.
We see what our eye is trained to see and it takes effort to train it otherwise.
How often do we focus on the small things in this life instead of the huge God we serve? Too often, we notice what we don’t have, what didn’t happen, what isn’t working, what is hurting, what is broken or what irritates us. We can have lots of good things happening in our lives but when something doesn’t go right; just one thing, we lose our focus on those good things and focus on that little black dot.
The enemy loves to cloud our minds and get us to focus on the negative things. He likes to try and make us forget that God is bigger than anything going on in our lives. The more we focus on our big God, the smaller the dots will become.
AW Tozer (well known preacher from the early 1900’s) said, “A low view of God is the cause of a hundred lesser evils, but a high view of God is the solution to ten thousand problems!”
Don’t allow the small details rob you of the beauty of the big picture. Don’t continue to focus on what’s wrong focus on the big God we serve. Ask Him to help you get His perspective and his vision regarding your situation today!
Declaration to Life: I will magnify my God today!