A second reason is that, if Jesus Christ were not virgin-born, then, of course, he had a human father; if he had a human father, then he inherited the nature of the father; as that father had a nature of sin, then he inherited his nature of sin; then Jesus himself was a lost sinner, and He himself needed a Savior from sin.
The virgin birth is a reminder that our salvation is supernatural. Jesus, in telling Nicodemus about the necessity of new birth, said, “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:5-6b).
The virgin birth is evidence of the Holy Sprit's activity. The virgin birth is a reminder that our salvation, though it came through humanity, is totally of God.
The virgin birth is also a reminder that God's salvation is fully a gift of grace. There was nothing particularly deserving about Mary. That she was chosen to bear God's son, is a reminder that salvation is not a human accomplishment but a gift from God, and an undeserved one at that, unearned, undeserved, and unmerited.
· The virgin birth is evidence of the uniqueness of Jesus the Savior.
· The virgin birth of Jesus provided a way for us to escape the ravages of sin.
· The virgin birth symbolizes God’s ability to accomplish the impossible task of granting a new birth to sinners (Matthew 19:26).
Although we cannot understand how it happened, we need to recognize that it was supernatural, and that Jesus' birth was representative of our new birth.