What an awesome time to celebrate the birth of Christ (the promise
of his coming). The announcement(s) shared in Isaiah and in Luke. The reactions
of both those that anticipated and those that were threatened by his arrival
are well noted. It is important to
remain aware that Christ now sitting at the right hand of God (Matthew 26:64,
Luke 22:69, Hebrews 10:12, Hebrews 8:1, Colossians 3:1) will come again. His
return will not be as child to bring “Joy to the World”, but Judgement.
Grace has given those of us that have accepted Christ insolation
of that Judgement, which allow us to remain unfearful of that day (II
Thessalonians 2:2). He shall come first to remove us (The Body of Christ) {II
Thessalonians 2:1, I Thessalonians 4: 17}. At that appearing, it will be as a
magnetic draw of the saints, as Christ is suspended above the earth, and all
that are in Christ shall be gathered unto Him! From every city, from every
hillside, from every hamlet, from every town, from every resting place, those
both dead and alive, both young and old, those of varied language, those of varied
hue, we shall all be caught up to meet Christ in the air.
And then judgment shall come for those outside of Christ. II
Thessalonians give warning of that day. The anti-Christ shall present himself, the
anti-Christ, who is opposed to God, but also presents himself as God. Sadly,
some will receive him, having rejected Him (CHRIST). This is an announcement
that Christ is coming again; receive Him now before judgment falls.