Wednesday Night Programming

Wednesday, 5/2, is our last supper until fall!

Dinner Begins at 5 pm

Menu: Chicken Pot Pie, Salad, Rolls, Dessert
Bible Studies Begin at 6:15 pm

Men’s Bible Study: The Book of Acts
(Purple Flag Room)
Throughout history, God has shaped events to bring about His plans of renewal and redemption. God wanted to restore his world, his creation and his creatures so that they would fulfill his original intentions for them. God thru Jesus Christ is the force, mind and will behind the mission, but he has chosen humans to work alongside him. The stories of the book of Acts show us how God is moving his mission forward. Where does that take us in our busy, daily lives? Are we prepared for what Jesus has in storefor us? Led by John Scott: 441-3935 or Open to all.

Youth Group (7th - 12th)
Hang out in the youth room following dinner.
Senior High Girls Life Group: 7:30 - 8:30 pm (Large Conference Room)
Senior High Boys Life Group: 8:00 - 9:00 pm (Youth Room)

Children's Ministry (4K - Grade 5)
Children will celebrate the end of the school year with ice cream sundaes!
Contact Linda Nichols with any questions.

*Women’s Prayer and Fellowship Group has ended for the year. *

Contemplative Eucharist at 6:30 pm
Preaching: The Rev. Richmond Webster
with special music from our Word musicians
What's Happening in May at Saint Luke's?

Here's a look at what is happening this month around Saint Luke's.
Support SLDS on on Taco Tuesday!

5/8 is Taco Tuesday at Saint Luke's Day School. Support SLDS by purchasing a Taco Mama Dinner! We will have it packed up and ready for you on Tuesday, May 8th!

Complete your order here and return it to Stefanie Sierke , the church receptionist, or Kristen Murphree , SLDS Director.
Summer Schedule Begins 5/13

We move to our Summer Schedule beginning 5/13. Here are a few important dates to consider:
-- The Word moves to 9:15 am beginning 5/13 and will remain in this time slot for the duration of the summer.
-- Sunday school classes will conclude for Adults and Children on 5/6 
-- Wednesday evening programming will conclude on 5/2 (6:30 pm contemplative service WILL continue through summer)
Sunday School Registration

Parents, please register your child(ren) for Sunday School in 2018-19. This registration helps us account for how many children to expect next year in our program. We are excited about a new year with your kids!
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Important Construction Information

Some areas of the church are out of commission during this second phase of construction. 

For a detailed explanation of how to best navigate the church during this time,  please visit our website.

View B&G Two Week Look Ahead Here.
Volunteer Opportunities for VBS!

Join us June 4th - June 7th as we visit Ancient Jerusalem! We are looking for friendly faces to volunteer with us. If you are interested, please contact the Children's Ministry.

If you have not yet registered for VBS, register  here.
3736 MONTROSE ROAD      |      (205) 871-3583      |        EMAIL US