Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Updates & Announcements from Methodist Temple

Noisy Offering This Sunday

Bring your coins for this week's Noisy Offering to support our Kidz Ministry!

New Member Class January 26th

We will host our next new member class on Sunday, January 26th at 12:15pm. This class is for new members, those looking to join, and those interested in learning more about the Methodist tradition. There will be a provided lunch.

Please register by clicking here!

Scout Sunday & Pine Wood Derby

This Saturday, January 25th our Cub Scouts will be having an open pine wood derby race beginning at 2pm in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!

Scout Sunday is on Sunday, Feb. 9th, which means the annual Taters ‘N’ Toppings Boy Scout event will take place during our Sunday School Hour and after the 11:00am service. Come get your potatoes and support our Scouts!

Mission Guatemala Organizational Meeting Feb. 16th

Our first organizational meeting for our Mission Guatemala team will be Sunday February 16th at 9:45am in Fellowship Hall. We will be discussing immunization, trip planning and packing, fundraising and more. The trip will be July 5-12, 2025. If you want to go but haven't turned in your $100 deposit, now is the time to do so. We can accept a maximum of 25 team members and will accept new team members until the available slots are filled.

We do not want financial concerns to prevent members from participating in this wonderful opportunity, so please come to the meeting and we can talk with you! If you have any questions before the meeting, please call Nikki Webb at 812-470-4185 or email her at 

Register you and your loved ones for the Cancer Support Group here.

Register here for The Chosen Bible Study.

GriefShare Registration

It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare, which meets on Mondays from 6pm-8pm January 27th through April 21st. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

Register Here for the next GriefShare session

The Pastor Podcast with Randy and Andy

The Pastor Podcast is now on Apple Podcast! If you use Apple podcast as your podcast app, click here to listen now. The podcast is also available on Spotify, Google Podcast, and Amazon Music/Audible. Just search for Methodist Temple UMC or The Pastor Podcast with Randy and Andy.

All-Sunday School Gathering Rescheduled

Our All-Sunday School Gathering will be rescheduled Sunday, April 6th at 9:45am in Fellowship Hall. Kris Holzmeyer from Thin Blue 1st will be speaking. Thin Blue 1st is a local non-profit that provides emotional and spiritual support to law enforcement officials and their families.

Blessing Box Amazon Wish List

The Temple Youth would like to offer another way to support the Blessing Box: an Amazon wish list! If you are unable to make a trip to the store and deliver items to the Blessing Box, you can choose to use the link below to have items shipped directly to the church. Thanks to the continued contributions of the congregation, the Blessing Box initiative has been active since October of 2023! What a great way to show love to our neighbors, thank you!!

Click Here for the Blessing Box Wish List

Temple Youth Spotlight

The Temple Youth will meet this Sunday evening for Game-Changers.

If you're interested in learning more about our youth ministry, reach out to Ryan at 

Into the Wilderness - Youth Retreat February 15-16

When: Departing from Methodist Temple at 11:00 am on February 15. Returning by noon on February 16. 

Where: Lodging at Welikit Lodge in Santa Claus Campground. Hiking and activities at Lincoln State Park. Dinner at a local Santa Claus restaurant. 

What: An opportunity for spiritual renewal through hiking, Bible studies, games, and fellowship with friends. 

Please register your youth by February 2nd (link below) so that food and transportation arrangements can be finalized. 

Registration Link: 2025 Winter Retreat Registration

2025 Sunday Altar Flowers Flowers on the altar help to beautify the Sanctuary for worship. Altar flowers have been a long-standing tradition at Methodist Temple, and we are grateful to the Flower Committee for continuing to offer their talents to us in this way. If you would like to donate the flowers for a particular Sunday, please sign up here. The cost is $35 and can be paid at the church office throughout the week or Connection Central on Sundays. You may designate the flowers in honor of or in memory of someone or a special event. Someone from the Flower Committee will contact you close to the date you have chosen to ask if you have a preference of flower or color.

Volunteer Needed

Looking for a way to get involved? Methodist Temple is in need of someone to pick up our recycling and transport it to a local drop off center. Dates and times are flexible! Please call the church office at 812-476-1306.

Gospel of Mark

Zoom Bible Study

Is it difficult for you to make it to an in-person Bible Study? Are you interested in reading through the Gospel of Mark? It's not too late to join Pastor Randy's Zoom Bible Study! This group meets virtually every Wednesday morning at 8:00am on zoom.

When it's time for the study to begin, click here to join the meeting! When prompted, enter password 211234.

2025 Giving Envelopes

The 2025 Giving Envelopes are ready! You can pick up your giving envelopes during regular office hours throughout the week or outside of the Chapel on Sundays. If you have any questions regarding the giving envelopes, please call the church office at 812-476-1306.

In the Community...

Our next workday at Tri-State Food Bank will be Saturday, February 1st, from 9am until Noon. Please come if you can and invite a friend! Register Here

Our SAM's Ministry offers exercise classes every Tuesday and Thursday mornings beginning at 9am in the Celebration Center. No registration is needed.

The next SAM's Luncheon will take place Thursday, February 20th at 11:30am. Reserve your spot at Connection Central, Too! The price for this luncheon is $5/person.

If you have information you would like to be included in church-wide communications, please email Andrea Wallace at
