Important Notes:
Wed Nov 16 Picture Retake/Club & Scout Picture Day
Table of Contents (Click the links)
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(some dates are tentative and subject to change)
Nov 14
Turkey Trot
Nov 15
A "Special" Night
Nov 16:
Picture Retake and Scout & Club Picture day
Nov 16
Parent-Student Reunification Exercise
Nov 18
Pajama Day - Wounded Warrior
Dec 4:
Fourth Grade Yearbook
Cover Entries due
Week of Dec 5:
Holiday Boutique
(dates to be confirmed)
Dec 9:
Reflections Submissions Due
Mar 3 (TBD):
Sock Hop
(updated every newsletter)
Quick Links
2016/17 PTA Board of Directors
Vice President:
Middle Gate Turkey Trot 2016:
The Turkey Trot will be held on
Monday, November 14 (rain date
November 15) for all students. Parents/Guardians are welcome to join the fun. Classes will be running at the following times:
2:00 - 2:30
Mrs. LaBonia, Mrs. Massett, Mrs. Mottola, Mrs. Salvatore, Mrs. Carriero, Mrs. Regensburger, Ms. Beauty, Mrs. Eleoff
2:50 - 3:20
Mrs. Parniawski, Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Guman/Pierce, Mrs. Martinetto, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Cologna, Mrs. Connors, Ms. Francis/DeSisto, Mrs. Baron, Ms. Calo
All food items will be donated to WIN (Women in Newtown) to help fill Thanksgiving baskets for families in Town.
Please have your food donations ready for November 14.
Thank you for your continued involvement and support!
MGS Unified Arts Dept Event
The MGS Unified Arts Department (aka the special area teachers) will be hosting a family event ("A "Special Night") on
Tuesday, November 15 (6:00pm-7:15pm).
This interactive experience will showcase our talented staff and provide time for you to engage in activities your children experience in the "special area" classes. Please note that you must remain with your child at the event (1:1 ratio). Unfortunately,
we are unable to provide babysitting.
To RSVP*, please click on the link below.
*Spaces will be limited due to classroom space sizes and safety considerations. This event has sold out in hours in the past...please signup ASAP!
Absentee/Retake Day Nov 16
(also Club/Scout Group Photos)
LifeTouch will return to Middle Gate on
Wednesday November 16 to take Absentee/
Retake photos as well as
Group and Club photos.
All Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts should wear their
Who Should Go on Absentee/Retake Day:
- Any student not satisfied with original portrait - Return your complete package minus the class picture to the photographer on retake day.
- Any student who was absent on the original day whether you are purchasing a package or not.
- Any student who did not purchase on the original day and would like to purchase a package. Order forms are available in the school office approximately one week prior to retake day.
Any Questions Contact:
Cindy Morrow - Parent Contact
203-735-5933 x201
An E
vent in Honor of Officer Kevin to support
the Wounded Warrior Project
Middle Gate's Grade 4 Council is sponsoring a school wide pajama day fundraiser in memory of Officer Kevin on
Friday, November 18.
Put $1 in an envelope with your name on it, and give it to your teacher.
Then wear your pajamas to school on
Friday, November 18!
All proceeds collected will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project in Officer Kevin's name.
Pajama Day Flyer
Order Yearbooks! On-Line Order Only.
All orders must be placed on their website, www.coffeepond.com no order forms will be distributed.
Soft Cover $27
Order Holiday Cards - and give back to Middle Gate!
The Holidays are just around the corner and you know you will be ordering cards to send to friends and family. Why not do the thing you usually do and raise some money for the school! Click through to this special Shutterfly and tinyprints site and 13% of your sale will go to Middle Gate!
Middle Gate Shutterfly Fundraiser
This offer is good on any cards, prints, gifts and more! Once you get to the site you can choose Shutterfly
(note: the landing page does not always view well in Firefox)
PLUS save on tinyprints orders! Here is a coupon for 30% off your entire order and FREE shipping on tinyprints for the first 100 people:
tinyprints Coupon Flyer
As a thank you we are pleased to offer you 30% off site wide, no min order, PLUS Free Shipping
Click through and shop, 13% of your order will be donated to our school.
This is not an advertised offer and is only available to you as a Middle Gate PTA supporter when you shop through our fundraising page. This discount is only valid for a limited time, so shop now before it is too late!
Use this code at checkout to receive this exclusive offer
Expires: 12/31/16
*Code Valid for the first 100 Uses. Offer expires
12/31/2016 (
11:59 P.M. PT). Save 30% off site wide, plus free shipping when you use the code TPSC6BAB5A at checkout. There is no minimum purchase required for this promotion. The 30% offer is not applicable to previously placed orders, shipping, taxes, rush processing charges, gift certificates or personalized postage stamps. This promotion code cannot be combined with other offers. Offer is only valid on Tinyprints.com and is not applicable on third party or partner websites. To prevent fraud or abuse, we reserve the right to discontinue or modify this offer or cancel any order.
Thank You Volunteers and Veterans!
Thank you to all the people who helped support the Veteran's Day celebration on Friday. It was another great event with breakfast, patriotic songs and speakers. This is such a wonderful opportunity for the kids to show the appreciation of Family and Friends who served - or are serving - our country and it makes the Veterans feel so appreciated.
Middle Gate Spirit Wear - New Items on Sale NOW! Get your order in by Nov 28
We have some great new items for Middle Gate Spirit Wear and a whole new website:
Check it out at:
Please add the following information in the notes section at checkout. This will insure that you receive your spirit wear: Students Name, grade & teacher
For any questions, exchanges or returns please contact Roxann Monaghan.
Orders are custom made and returns may not be accepted.
Attention Fourth Grade Students!!
Entries Due Dec 4 for the 2016-2017 Yearbook Cover
Here is your chance to leave your lasting mark on Middle Gate history! You are being asked to draw a picture that might be chosen to be the cover of this year's yearbook!
Our theme is a play on the "There's no place like home" theme from this year's Newtown Labor Day Parade:
There's No Place like Middle Gate
Use a piece of paper to draw your picture.
Please check each of the following to make sure you follow all of the rules for your entry:
- The picture should feature this year's theme: "There's No Place Like Middle Gate".
- All entries must include the year 2016-2017 in the picture as well as our school name.
- Make sure you put your name on the drawing.
- Use your neatest drawing and writing.
- Use only crayon, pencils, markers or colored pens
- Be creative and have fun!
All entries will be voted on and judged by the teachers and PTA.
The winner will have his or her drawing featured as the COVER of the 2016-2017 yearbooks.
All other entries will be used throughout the yearbook as well, if possible.
There's no place like Middle Gate!
Here is the Flyer
Any questions please contact:
Kelley Michael
What a great effort from everyone!
We are excited to report that all of the
Box Tops have been trimmed, counted and sent out to General Mills!
Thanks so much to everyone for sending in those little squares...
we had over 8,800!! That equates to over $880 for Middle Gate.
With that said, special thanks to our winning classes with the most submissions:
Mrs. Phillips (K-2)
Mrs. Connors (3-4).
They are the lucky winners of an extra recess and they get custody of the Box Top trophies.
Stay tuned for our next Box Top contest for our spring submission.
Be Mindful of other People's wishes
It's great to take photos of school events and parties, and the PTA asks for those pictures to be sent in so we can use them in the yearbook. But with Halloween parties still happening on Monday, and other future holiday parties, please be mindful of who you post pictures of on Social Media sites.
While it may be normal for you to share all the fun things your child has done or the events they go to, not all families use Social Media as an outlet for sharing. We just ask that you get permission to post pictures before putting them on the internet, or make sure you know this person is OK with their child in a picture.
This is a great event for the kids to feel independent - but we need helpers!
The Middle Gate Holiday Boutique is an event that allows kids to shop and purchase gifts for friends/family and loved ones for low prices. It allows the kids to experience a true shopping environment buy purchasing new items.
The funds raised go back to our wonderful MG family to help support future events and school needs.
There is a SignUp account (previously known as Volunteer Spot) to help manage the volunteer spots.
We are still working on solidifyin
g dates but should have an answer next week. It will be the week of Dec 5 (just trying to figure out logistics with a delayed start day that week).
Sign up for Middle Gate Holiday Shopping Boutique (
http://signup.com/go/2MVGix ) today!
Please feel free to sign up for a specific role or just add your name to the general volunteer list. The information will help us communicate to the group as the event nears.
Submissions Due Dec 9 8:30 am - 10:00am MGS Cafeteria
We are pleased to announce that once again your child will have the opportunity to participate in
a nationally sponsored PTA arts program! All children at Middle Gate School from
kindergarten through 4th grade are eligible
to submit an entry based on the theme "
What Is Your Story?
" in any or all of these categories: visual arts (drawing, collage, painting, etc.), musical composition, photography, literature (story, poem, essay, etc.), dance choreography, or film production.
This is a unique opportunity for self-expression and "reflection". ALL participants receive a Middle Gate certificate, and will have their work displayed at the school. First-Place winners (per division) continue on to the state level, and if chosen, could go on to the national level!
For more information or to print out an entry form and rules go to Parents - PTA - Reflections on the Middle Gate website.
Any questions please contact Jill Baimel (203)364-1979, Kris Powers (203)426-8665 or Melanie Raslan (203) 561-1479.
Have fun and good luck!!
There is also a Theme Search Contest for a children to submit their ideas for a future Reflections Theme. Visit the MGS PTA Reflections webpage and look for the Theme Search Contest box for forms. Submission for the Theme Search Contest are due Nov 18
Remember all the fun times throughout the year
All through the year, there will be different events and activities at Middle Gate school. The best way to preserve those memories is to submit them to the yearbook.
All during the year you can send pictures from the first day of school, the ice cream social, book fairs, movie nights, restaurant nights and more! You and your kids will love looking through the yearbook at the end of the year and remembering all these fun times together with friends!
We are using a different yearbook company this school year!! We are very excited to be working with
https://www.coffeepond.com! The best part is they have an APP to upload pictures right from you phone or devise!!!!! Pictavo Comminity APP!
Download Pictavo Community
School ID: 63963
Any questions, contact: