We are so happy to be welcoming you to Hermosa Valley for Middle School Registration
Make this year's registration process as smooth as possible by following these steps:
Complete your Returning Student Registration before arriving at your registration time slot (above). You will not be able to register without completing this first step! New families, please also review the Annual Notifications.
Have a look at the following optional donation/purchase items here:
Hermosa Valley ASBWorks: Click HERE to visit our HVS ASBWorks site to learn more about:
PE Clothes (New Styles Available!)
- Middle School Elective Materials Donation
- Outdoor Education:
8th Grade AstroCamp Info, Idyllwild: January 15-17
7th Grade CIMI Info at Toyon Bay, Catalina: April 23-25
6th Grade Pali Institute Info, Running Springs: April 28-30
- 8th Grade Promotion/Disneyland
HVPTO Middle School Class Fund Donation: Click HERE to make a once-yearly donation of $40 per student, and HVPTO will use these funds to provide our middle school teachers with gifts for the holidays, staff appreciation, and end-of-the-year events.
HBEF Annual Giving: Click HERE to make your annual donation to the Hermosa Beach Education Foundation. Don't forget to get your Reminder Binder from the HBEF Table!
HVS Spirit Wear: Check out the awesome new styles at the HVS Spirit Wear Table by our HVPTO!
Check out the E-Bike & E-Scooter Safety Course with E-Bike Sense: Sign up HERE to attend the required safety class as part of the on-campus E-Bike/E-Scooter requirement. This class is for students who have not yet taken the safety course and earned their sticker. All other E-Bike & E-Scooter riders will be auto-enrolled in an online course and mandatory re-entry test through PedalAce. More info is coming soon! Thank you, HVPTO, for generously funding this year's e-bike and e-scooter safety courses.
Safety Course Option 1: August 15th, 1:00-3:00 PM
Safety Course Option 2: August 28th, 2:00-4:00 PM
Safety Course Option 3: January 8th, 2:00-4:00 PM
7th Grade Families: Check your email to ensure you bring all requested immunization paperwork.
Middle School Lockers: Make sure you can gain access to your locker. Plenty of help will be available!
Snag your Chromebook: Check-out will be available in the tech room.
See you soon!!
Jessica Bledsoe
Jessica Bledsoe
Hermosa Valley Principal