The co-designed referral form that Middlesex London partners created together in the Fall 2021 will be used provincially! Not only are all local eReferrals using this form, the eHealth Centre of Excellence plans to spread, scale and continue to improve this form provincially to existing and new eReferral forms. Thank you again for your continued participation and support, which was invaluable for making local change and inspiring improvement across the province.
How do we support staff in their ongoing resiliency, as society moves forward through the COVID-19 pandemic? There must be a recognition of what we can and can not control, we must focus on what is important and key priorities, we must take time to recharge, be grateful for what we have, and be proud of what we have achieved during unprecedented times.
On June 6, 2021, five members of the Afzaal family of London were hit by a pick-up truck that jumped the curb while they were out for a walk in a Hyde Park neighbourhood. 15-year old Yumna, 44-year old Madiha, 46-year old Salman, and 74-year old Talat died. 9-year old Fayez was treated and released from the hospital.
The City of London has scheduled several events to remember the tragedy.
Our team has been working hard to develop a better connected and seamless health care experience between patients/clients, caregivers/care partners and providers. Following discussions with our local partners and based on provincial direction, three priorities were established:
- Access to & Awareness of Services
- Sustained Care Relationships
- COVID Response and Recovery
Based on our shared priorities, we have a number of projects underway to enhance connected care which are now highlighted on our website.
Initial Phase of eReferrals via eFax is Up and Running
MLOHT, in collaboration with LMPCA and eCE, successfully launched “eReferrals via eFax-It's Time to Axe the Fax” on May 24, 2022 in the Middlesex London region.
Referring clinicians are now able to fax referrals using Ocean eReferral. This step highly supports the transition toward the full eReferral solution that can result in administrative time savings, more efficient clinician messaging, and patient notifications.
For more information, an eReferral Town Hall has been scheduled for June 14 at 7pm. Register here in advance.
If you are a primary care clinician or a community based specialist and are interested in registering to Ocean eReferral, email to start seeing the benefits.
If you are in a hospital-based specialist clinic and are interested in adopting eReferrals, please reach out to Tom Janzen (Chief Medical Information Officer, LHSC and SJHC, for further details on when eReferral may be made accessible to you.
Choices and Changes: Motivating Healthy Behaviours Webinar
Are you a healthcare provider who is interested in ‘change’ and what it takes to change people's health behaviours? Even though society has been forced to adapt to several changes (or pivots) over the past few years, many people find change difficult.
The Self-Management Programs Network summarizes all upcoming offerings of the Choices and Changes: Motivating Healthy Behaviours workshop so that you can choose the one that works best for you. This workshop provides clinicians with a chance to explore their own beliefs about change and to learn methods to change people's behavior.
If you have been thinking about implementing an Online Appointment Booking (OAB) system, don’t miss the opportunity to access one-time primary care funding to cover some of the costs such as licenses, technical and change management support. OAB offers a convenient method for patients and caregivers to book appointments while also reducing the risk of missed appointments, thanks to email confirmations and reminders.
The MLOHT acknowledges this initiative is a key strategic pillar of the Ministry of Health’s Digital First for Health Strategy. Funding will be available until March 31, 2023.
PLEASE NOTE: The current process allows each clinic the ability to select its OAB solution of choice, but over time, a regional approach may be adopted. Each provider accessing funding will be required to submit performance targets and monthly metric reports to Ontario Health.
We are happy to welcome two new members to our Coordinating Council.
Karen Johnson from the Community Support Services Sector and Lisa Maynard from Long-Term Care are joining our team to improve connectivity among our partners in Middlesex London.
A common COVID Therapy Referral Form has been developed to support Primary Care with referrals to the COVID Clinical Assessment Centre. The form has been designed and standardized for Accuro, Telus and Oscar Primary Care EMRs - available at
With an influx of refugees from Ukraine, a reminder there is free, on-demand virtual and phone interpretation services available to enable patients to receive care in a language of their comfort.
The Ministry of Health has put out a call for Health Care Providers to provide transitional care for refugees. The MOH has set up a toll-free, multi-lingual health line to connect refugees to health care providers.
To maintain this service, the ministry maintains a registry of health care providers who can offer transitional care such as primary care, specialist care and mental health supports.
Healthcare providers interested in taking part should contact the Refugee Healthline at 1-866-286-4770.
All providers, organizations, practices and clinics that deliver services funded by OHIP can volunteer.
To be consistent with our new name, logo and email, we are switching our general email address from Western OHT ( to Middlesex London OHT ( The will continue to be operational but the goal is to switch all correspondence to our new email address. Thank you.
Attention Physicians & other Health Care Professionals.
The department of Continuing Professional Development, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University is seeking healthcare providers interested in sharing their perspectives on gaps in virtual care education.
The information provided will be used to direct efforts toward the development of virtual care education in collaboration between:
1. Continuing Professional Development, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University
2. Saegis, a subsidiary of the CMPA
Healthcare Professionals across all levels of experience are encouraged to participate as we intend to develop educational support for healthcare providers broadly, from novices through to those more experienced in the provision of virtual care. We also encourage feedback from residents and clinical fellows regarding their experiences related to virtual care.
The deadline is June 30, 2022.
We would like to share the following resources and updates from our partners for you to check out:
New Master Plan at London Health Sciences Centre: LHSC is re-imagining the future of health care and wants to hear from the public on what issues are most important to them. It is developing a new Master Plan and has launched a survey to get input on health care issues as it plans for the hospital's long-term future. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is open until June 17, 2022.
Bluewater Palliative Care Retreat: The BPCR encourages you to learn, be inspired and reconnect. The hybrid event (available in person and online) is scheduled for September 29/30, 2022 at the Oakwood Resort in Grand Bend. It will feature expert speakers from across Canada and the U.S. For more information and to register, visit
Learning from the Earth: Supporting Wellness through Connection to the Land Webinar: The RNAO, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Chiefs of Ontario, Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association, Indigenous Nurses and Allies Interest Group and CAMH-Shkaabe Makwa are hosting a free, informative webinar for nurses and other health care proviers on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Visit
Home and Community Care Support Services South West: The offices in London, Stratford, Woodstock, and St. Thomas have reopened their offices as of May 2nd. They had been closed to the public for most of the pandemic to keep patients, families and caregivers safe.
Informative Fact Sheets on Suicide: The Mental Health Commission of Canada has posted a series of Suicide Fact Sheets for specific high-risk populations such as men, people living in rural and remote communities, and youth. The fact sheets are now posted on the TVFHT website for review.
Research Study Explores Virtual Care: Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and Western University's Centre for Studies in Family Medicine are conducting a research study on virtual care and are looking for participants, both patients and family physicians, to interview to explore virtual care experiences and how best to provide compassionate virtual and in-person care in the future. If interested, please contact Dr. Bridget Ryan at or call 519-661-2111 ext 20115.
Get Involved with the
Middlesex London OHT
Patient/Client, and Care Partner Council
Do you have four hours per month to help transform health care? Our Patient/Client and Care Partner (PCCP) Council is actively looking for new members! The PCCP Council empowers the patient/client and caregiver voice in better connecting health care for all. Compensation is available to council members.
Formalize your membership
Becoming a member of the Middlesex London OHT signals support for the Middlesex London OHT’s work to improve our healthcare experience together, moving forward. There are four types of membership agreements: Healthcare Organization, Community Organization, Individual Member, Cluster.
If you would like to learn more about formalizing your membership, please reach out to Middlesex London OHT Lead Amber Alpaugh-Bishop:
Please share this update with your sector/cluster!
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