As exhausted health care workers navigate the 6th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, let's be mindful that everyone is trying their best. Remember to connect with others safely, be empathetic as we all struggle in our own individual ways and acknowledge that advancing change can be challenging in the best of times. (Reflections from Coordinating Council April 28, 2022)
Here are some highlights of our achievements over the past fiscal year as presented to Coordinating Council.
- Partnered with patients, clients, care partners and providers to understand health system issues and co-design solutions
- Launched 7 key projects informed by co-design approach
- Built care pathways for people living with COPD/CHF
- With partners, supported equitable access to COVID-19 vaccine through cultural community clinics (vaccinated over 2400 people), interpretation services and transportation support
- Fit-tested more than 100 community partners with N-95 masks
- Created Standardized Referral forms and facilitated transition of Primary Care Providers and Specialists to eReferrals
Launched the Middlesex London Ontario Health Team website
We have launched a Provider Engagement Survey for people who have been involved in our co-design to collect demographic information and feedback on our engagement sessions and processes. The London-Middlesex region serves a diverse group so we want to ensure our work reflects different perspectives. This feedback will help us focus engagement sessions and make improvements.
The survey takes about 5 minutes to complete.
As of April 29, the Rapid Molecular Testing site at 460 Springbank is closed because of low testing volumes and an increase in access to Rapid Antigen Tests in the community.
COVID-19 testing is still available at the Carling Assessment Centre at 656 Elizabeth St. Referrals are preferred but appointments can be booked online at
The Ontario government has launched a new tool to connect people to nurses and other health services 24/7.
Health Connect Ontario is a free, secure and confidential service that can be accessed by phone, or online chat. It replaces the former Telehealth Ontario service and includes improved online tools to allow people to call 8-11 or visit the website to avoid unnecessary visits to the emergency room.
It also allows people to:
- Get an initial assessment and health advice
- Get connected to mental health and addictions services
- Locate local health services such as home and community care or caregiver support
eReferrals gain momentum
Avoid unreliable fax-based referrals by setting up eReferrals, an easy and seamless process that helps you track and respond to referrals in primary care. You can also email patients/clients the status of their referrals and appointments.
Since December 2021, the number of eReferrals sent in our region has jumped by 176%.
As of April 1, 2022 there were 235 providers sending eReferrals and 73 clinics receiving eReferrals.
If you are in a hospital-based specialist clinic and are interested in adopting eReferrals, please reach out to Tom Janzen (Chief Medical Information Officer, LHSC and SJHC, for further details on when eReferral may be made accessible to you.
Check out the New Self-Management Programs Network Website!
We encourage you to check out our new website to access information about self-management programs to help empower patients in their health care journey and improve their health. The new Self-Management Programs Network website includes workshops for providers, patients, and caregivers.
Workshops available for healthcare providers include, but not limited to: Brief Action Planning; Choices and Changes: Motivating Healthy Behaviors; Clinician-Patient Communication to Enhance Health Outcomes; Empathy Effect: Countering Bias to Improve Health Outcomes; Health Literacy; Treating Patients with CARE; and many more.
We would like to share the following resources and updates from our partners for you to check out:
Exploring OHT Governance models webinar: VHA Home HealthCare (VHA) is inviting OHT leaders and board members to attend a Zoom Webinar on Wednesday, May 18th from 4pm to 5pm to learn about different governance models and their benefits and challenges as well as how different models are working in practice. VHA is a partner in 18 OHTs including the MLOHT.
Mapping Digital Literacy: The Literacy Link South Central is researching what digital literacy programs are offered by different organizations. Respondents to the survey will be entered into a draw for a $50 gift card. Please complete the survey by May 5th.
Board Position Opportunity: The Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners is inviting submissions from individuals, in Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford counties, who are interested in being considered for a position on their Board of Directors. No Board experience is required, and training will be provided. They are looking for people with specific skills of finance, investment or medical experience (geriatrics and primary care specifically). The position(s) will become available in June 2022. Learn more here.
Job Posting and Get Involved at the
Middlesex London OHT
Job Posting: Team Practice Facilitation Lead
We are looking for a dynamic individual who is passionate about health system transformation to work with the MLOHT staff, members and system partners to lead change management. Visit our website for more information.
Patient/Client, and Care Partner Council
Our Patient/Client and Care Partner (PCCP) Council is looking for new members! The PCCP Council empowers the patient/client and caregiver voice in better connecting healthcare for all. Compensation is available to council members. Learn more about the PCCPC on our website and contact us to get involved:
Do you have a Patient Family Advisory Committee? Let us know!
We want to connect with organizations who currently have their own patient and family advisory committee, or something similar, in place. There are many upcoming and on-going opportunities for patients and their families to become involved with improving our healthcare experience, and we want to hear from as many voices as possible. Please let us know if there is someone at your organization we can connect with to learn more about your committee by emailing
Formalize your membership
Becoming a member of the Middlesex London OHT signals support for the Middlesex London OHT’s work to improve our healthcare experience together, moving forward. There are four types of membership agreements: Healthcare Organization, Community Organization, Individual Member, Cluster.
If you would like to learn more about formalizing your membership, please reach out to Middlesex London OHT Lead Amber Alpaugh-Bishop:
Please share this update with your sector/cluster!
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