August 9, 2023 Update

Midway Road Revitalization Project Update

Work on the Midway Road Revitalization Project continues. Next up is the placement of the main lane paving on the west side of the northern section of Midway Road from just north of the Dooley/Boyington intersection southward to Lindbergh Drive. The concrete placement will begin on Friday, August 11 and is anticipated to take 5-7 working days to complete. This work will require some temporary lane closures along the route to allow concrete trucks to access the paving equipment.


Final sections of the main lane pavement are being completed along the east side of Midway Road from Proton Drive to Belt Line Road. Additionally, franchised and private utility adjustments, sidewalks, SidePath Trail, and accessible ramp construction continues along Midway Road from Spring Valley Road to Belt Line Road. New Traffic Signal construction is underway at several intersections along this corridor, and new street lighting is being installed along the entire corridor.


Installation has begun of the new waterline under the DART right-of-way by boring beneath the numerous utilities, bridges and other improvements in this area and is anticipated to be completed by early September. 


Drivers should pay close attention to the traffic control and lane assignments in this area and observe the location of signal heads and directional signage at the intersections. 


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