Dec 6


for more information

  • Worship in the sanctuary at 8:30 & 11am on Sundays
  • Sunday School for all ages at 9:45am
  • Livestream Worship at 11am on YouTube

Advent Activity Packets are still available for pick up in the parlor. If you are unable to pick up a packet and would like a delivery,

please contact the church office.


On Dec 6th at 7:15PM, join us for prayer and song as we light the outdoor memorial tree, remember loved ones, and welcome the beginning of the Advent season. Consider contributing to the lighting of the Memorial Tree in honor or in memory of a loved one using the link below.

Tributes will be acknowledged in the Christmas Eve bulletin.


Dear Church Family, 

I pray that this first week of December brings the “Thrill of Hope” even if you feel weary. Have you noticed the daily Advent prompts on our Facebook page? If not, I would encourage you to take a look. It has made a difference in my Advent journey this week and I appreciate the opportunity to pause and spend the time with our ever present God. I also have been sharing those daily prompts on my Facebook page. I have a lot of non-churched friends participating and reaching out to me to talk about God and weariness and how much the daily prompts have meant to them. So please, share the prompts with others, we never know how God will work, even through social media. One of my Advent practices is to pray for each church family by name during December. If you have a specific way you would like me to pray, please reach out and let me know, [email protected] or 586-515-0013. In closing, I shared with you that our worship series for Advent was based on the hymn “O Holy Night.” Through that hymn Rev. Sarah Speed was inspired to write the following poem. I pray that it speaks to your soul on this day.

Weariness Feels Like

Weariness feels like an ache in your bones,

or a slow leak from the heart—

a leak that causes hope to pool at your feet.

Weariness feels like the wind knocked out of you—

all of a sudden, it’s impossible to breathe.

Weariness feels like an oversized coat.

It catches on door handles and knocks over water glasses.

You turn into a clumsy mess.

Weariness can hit you all at once—

when the phone rings,

when the bill arrives,

when the New York Times sends you an alert.

But weariness can also hem and haw its way into your life,

bit by bit, chipping away at resolve.

And one short poem cannot change this truth—

the weary state of our grief-stricken hearts.

But one short poem can remind you

the one thing we so often forget:

that I can wear your jacket for a while.

And we can try to stop the leak in your heart.

And if that doesn’t work,

then we’ll stand under the night sky

to look at the stars

and remember that we do not

walk this valley alone.

Dear friends, we are so blessed to have the knowledge that we are not alone. May you find a glimpse of hope and joy during this Advent and Christmas season.

Love and Peace in Christ, Rev. Mary


We are gathering at Third Monk Brewing on Wednesday, December 6th, @ 7:30 pm

This week we will discuss Christmas Trees, Cloud of Witnesses, and Hope... and anything else that is on your heart. Please come and join us for a cold beer (…or pop) and a lively conversation.


Kim Lamp joins us through a transfer from Newburg UMC in Livonia. She is a master scheduler for a machine shop. She enjoys spending time with her mom when she (Darleen Lamp) is visiting and with her cats and family. Kim enjoys watching Hallmark movies and listening to 70s and country music. Her fellowship friend is Jeanne Schumacher.

Desiree Munoz comes to us from Woodhaven Baptist Church. She enjoys singing, especially in our choir, riding her bike, watching Christmas movies, and volunteering at South Lyon High School and a nursing home. Desiree’s favorite movie is Home Alone 2. Her fellowship friend is Pat Brenay.

Dan Rowe joins us through a profession of faith. He was an OEM tooling manager, die maker, and truck driver. He enjoys yard work, wood projects, volunteering, and travel. He sings in our choir and enjoys country music. Dan’s favorite movies are James Bond films and Cool Hand Luke. His fellowship friend is Bob Prohaska.

Lynda Rowe joins us through a transfer from Shepherd of the Lakes in Brighton. She worked in clerical/administrative jobs and operations support. Lynda enjoys gardening, service projects, and crocheting. She likes Chinese food and her favorite movies are The Sting and The Sound of Music. Her fellowship friend is Nora Baker.


We would like to resume the Walking Club in January of 2024. We will need some people to act as hosts for the club. Walking would be on Tuesdays and Thursday from 3:30 - 5PM. If you can help as a host or have questions on the role of the host, please contact Lindy Juergens at the church officel.


The City of South Lyon is preparing a proclamation recognizing the South Lyon First United Methodist Church for their service to our community for 190 years. It will be presented at the City Council meeting on December 11th at 7:30 pm. This presentation will happen during the beginning of the agenda. Who would like to join me for this presentation? What a great honor for us to be part of God’s ministry in this community during this time! I am proud to be your pastor and to serve along side of you all. Love, Rev, Mary


During November, we thought about how our church has helped us to explore and grow our spirituality, deepened our faith and centered us in the ever-changing world. Estimate of Giving cards for 2024 were collected and blessed on Nov. 19th. If you were unable to submit your Estimate of Giving card at that time, you may still submit it in the offering plate on Sundays or send it to the Administrator of Generosity, Lindy Juergens, at the church address. Also, cards are available to print or submit electronically at the Estimate of Giving page of our website. Click here to access the Estimate of Giving page.

Visit our Website

We’re on the lookout for scripture readers! If you would be willing to read scripture in worship, please sign-up here and note your preferred service time. Thank you!


Dear Church Family, I am Bobbie Bushey and I have volunteered to be the nursery coordinator. I did this because I want our families and little ones to feel welcome and I know all of you want this also. I also volunteered because I know our church family is

always willing to lend a helping hand, so we will have many volunteers.

We are asking for volunteers to enjoy the company of our little ones for both

church services. We have many wonderful men and women in our church family who would be fantastic volunteers in the nursery. Please take some time in prayer and listen to

God to hear if he is nudging you to volunteer. We would like to have two

volunteers for each Sunday.

You can sign up below so you can play with our little ones when it is convenient

for you. We need volunteers starting now. If you are willing to volunteer, please send me your name, telephone number and email address. We would like to develop a list of volunteers. Please call me or email me or talk to me at church with any questions you may have. I am looking forward to a great year in the nursery.


BobbieJesus said to his disciples, “Let the. children come to Me, and do not forbid them;

for of such is he kingdom of God. Mark 10:14

And he took them (the children) in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed

them. Mark 10:16

We are currently in desperate need for volunteers on Sunday mornings in the nursery in September. If you are willing, please sign up to help using this link:



December’s Mission of the Month is The Angel Tree fund. The Angel Tree fund gives The Mission Outreach Team the ability to provide other needs to our families that aren’t what we would traditionally consider “gifts” during the holidays. Please prayerfully consider donating to the December Mission of the Month.


Where is God when tragedy and suffering strike? When the ground shakes, and a poor nation's economy is destroyed; when the waters rise, washing away a community's hopes and dreams; when a child suffers neglect and abuse; when violence tears apart nations, where is God? If God is all powerful, and if each one of us is a beloved child of God, then how can God allow tragedy and suffering to mar his creation?

In Why?, best-selling author Adam Hamilton brings fresh insight to the age-old question of how to understand the will of God. Rejecting simplistic answers and unexamined assumptions, he lays out core ideas for comprehending God's plan for the world, including:

God will not take away our free will, even when we use it to grieve him.

God will never abandon us, especially in the midst of our suffering.

While God is not the author of suffering, God will bring blessing out of tragedy.

Join this 4 week Sunday School class to explore these questions and more. Contact David Ascher with any questions. All are welcome, but we are especially hoping to connect adults who are not currently in a Sunday School class. Give us a try!

Meeting dates are tentatively scheduled for January 7, 14, 28, and February 4th during the Sunday School hour. We will meet in room 110.

Please complete this form if you are interested in joining us.


Beginning January 21, the Seekers adult Sunday School Class will study

In Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus, by Amy-Jill Levine who explores selected miracles of Jesus in historical and theological context. For each miracle, she discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how today’s readers can draw meaning from Jesus’s words and actions.

Contact Cherie Trembath, for any questions.


During December, visit the book cart in the parlor and choose from a collection of children and adult Christmas themed (or other) books. Take one home or pick one up for a friend! Additional books will be added to the cart periodically. Enjoy!


On behalf of the SPRT, I would like to share a message of joy from the blessings of talent we have experienced and of sadness due to an impending departure. It is with regret that I inform you that Aynsley Fant, Band Leader, has given notice of resignation effective December 29. In her words, “I am very grateful for my years of service with Rev. Mary, David Bassin and all the staff, the volunteer music team and the entire congregation. I have realized it is best for me and my family, at this time, to be in a church non-serving role closer to home.”

I also had the privilege of serving as chairman of SPRT when we interviewed and hired Aynsley. She has served our congregation for almost seven years, and you know what an amazing voice she has. SPRT member, Cathy Altenberger, was also part of the team that interviewed Aynsley in 2017. She had saved a quote from Aynsley which I will share. "It is my greatest joy to use my gifts to serve and invite people from all walks of life into an engaging, powerful, and prayerful offering of worship to the Lord.”

Indeed, Aynsley has done this for SLFUMC. I know that you will all join me in thanking her and celebrating her service. We will be honoring her at a reception Sunday morning, December 17. Please bring well wishes and cards then to share with Aynsley.

Contemporary music and worship are an important part of our ministry, therefore, SPRT will be working with the Band and staff to ensure the priority and success of this worship experience. During 2024 we will look to fill the Band Leader position. If you have any questions, please reach out to Rev. Mary or me.

Thank you! - Robin Fanning, Chairman SPRT


Save the Date for the 2024 Talent Auction: Surf & Sand in Auction Land!

If you have a talent to share, please sign up using the link below.

Please also keep our prayer partners in your devotions:  
Bethlehem Temple UMC – our sister church in Liberia
Helen Roberts-Evans – our covenant missionary in Liberia
Local Ministry Partners – Capernaum Health Clinic & Active Faith
The United Methodist Church
Giving Options
·       Use WebGive at our website by clicking here or by using the our QR code :            

·       Use our giving app on your phone, VancoMobile

·       Use Text-To-Give on your phone, send #oper or #mom to 844-418-2873

·       Dropoff a check in our drop -box at door #4 at the church

·       Mail a check to SLFUMC, 640 S. Lafayette, South Lyon, MI 48178

·       Explore other options on the Giving page of our website by clicking here here

Please be aware that we will never ask for your financial, account, or payment information by email. If there is a question, you will be contacted by phone or in person by a staff member.

Staff members will never ask for gift cards or financial help by email.


Yes! The church has space available for your group or event! Spaces fill up quickly and there is an approval process, so please allow as much time as possible between your request and the date of your meeting or event to ensure that we can

accommodate your needs.

Click Here For Building Use Request

Fall Office Hours

  • Mon, Tues, Thurs 10am - 1pm
  • Wed 10am - 3pm
  • Fri closed

Check out our website or our live calendar

for more information about our church or any of these programs!

Do you prefer a printed copy of our Midweek Messenger? Hard copies are available in the tote outside the main doors to the church and on the kiosk.

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