VISIT: southlyonfirstumc.org

for more information

  • Worship in the sanctuary at 8:30 & 11AM
  • Sunday School Hour for all ages at 9:45AM

  • Livestream Worship at 11AM on YouTube



This Sunday you are welcome to join our Mission and Outreach Team in the lobby during coffee hour. They are preparing Mission of the Month posters so that you will get a complete picture of each month’s focus in 2025. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to find out more about each of the ministries that our Mission and Outreach Team

has picked to highlight for 2025. 

Hello dear church family,

Happy 2025! I have spent time during the first few days of this year praying for you, your family, and our church family. I look forward to seeing where God leads us and what people will be helping us to live out the mission that God has placed on our hearts. As I look back on 2024, I acknowledge that I had some really difficult days, but I had more amazing joyfilled days. Through it all I was thankful for my family and friends, our church work together, and God’s ever presence. The highlight for me was being able to go on a Spiritual Renewal Leave. Thank you for making that time away possible, I am still overwhelmed with the ways that my soul was nurtured during that time. 

What are your hopes and prayers for this new year? Do you make resolutions or find a work of the year? If there are specific ways I can be praying for you please let me know. 

Our church is continuing our commitment to read through the Bible in 365 days. We are in the book of Psalms and our Worship Series is called “God’s Favorite Playlist”. I look forward to reading through this book or poetry. If you were creating a playlist what would you add? 


Rebecca Lundy, Eleanor Shipley, and I are leaving for Liberia in early February. Please be present on February 2 when we are commissioned for our mission trip. We will be doing a combination of events like:

Visiting Bishop Judith Craig Children's Village

Visiting Readers to Leaders Schools 

Going to Annual Conference, and visiting with their leadership including the Bishop

Connecting with kids from FUMC Monrovia and worshiping with them

Connecting with our Covenant Missionary Princess Jusu

Visiting the White Plains Agricultural Center in Monrovia

Installing a Well for Water for Life and Water filtration systems in Liberia

Visiting the Ganta Hospital

Visiting a Drug Addition Recovery Facility

Visiting John Dean Town (an Overnight experience for the South Lyon people)

Additional Health Initiative exploration with Rev. Alex Plum and Eleanor Shipley

Our church has had a strong history with our brothers and sisters in Liberia. The three of us will be traveling to Liberia for the first time and seeing our partners in ministry and we cannot wait to bring back their stories to you. If you are moved into want to help with our trip there are a

few options:

  • Of course we ask for your prayers during our travels
  • We are collecting notebooks, pencils, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and flip flops. We are each allowed to take 2 suitcases and would love your help filling them with these items. There will be a suitcase in the Lobby area to collect these items
  • We are also collecting money to purchase a laptop and printer for the school in John Dean Town.

Thank you for being a strong missional church and continuing to partner in our community and around the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessings, Rev. Mary


How is your reading going? Maybe an App for your phone or an audio reading of the Bible would be a helpful tool for this year.

 This App is my favorite Bible App. It has everything in one place for me. There are many free options, and also audio and research tools for purchase

that I have used for study and sermon prep for years.



 Here is a free Audio Bible App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bible-audio-video-bibles/id378075859


New Year Sermon Series 

God’s Favorite Playlist     

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing. (Psalm 100:1-2)

January 12 A Song of Comfort Psalm 23

January 19 A Song of Confession Psalm 51

January 26 A Song of Praise Psalm 100

February 2 A Song of Celebration Psalm 150

From Jen Liskey: In my role as the Band Leader, one of my favorite tasks is researching songs for the band or the congregation to sing. For our current sermon series, God's Favorite Playlist, I spent some time collecting them in a special playlist and thought you may enjoy them as well. If you have a Spotify account (free or paid) you can take a listen and hopefully find some songs that connect you to the voices of those who wrote the modern words, as well as those who wrote the original words that these songs are based on. I hope you enjoy this music as much as I have.



A Versiti Blood Drive is scheduled for Thursday, January 16th, from 1:00 - 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall at South Lyon First United Methodist Church. There are 3 ways to make an appointment:

1) Call 866-MIBLOOD

2) Scan QR Code on Versiti flyer

3) Use the direct Link below

Appointments are preferred but walk-ins are welcome.


All attempting donors who donate blood between January 13th and January 16th, will be entered for a chance to win 2 tickets to the NFC Divisional Round Detroit Lions game at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan on January 18th or 19th. Sponsor: Versiti Blood Center of Michigan, 1036 Fuller Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503.



Come to Walking Club! All are welcome to walk the church halls. Come for exercise and connection between 3:30-5PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Bring walking shoes (non-street shoes) to put on inside before walking.


Pub Theology, Tuesdays, 7pm @ The Corner Social

What is Pub Theology?

People have been gathering in pubs and public spaces for ages, talking about life, philosophy, faith, and deep questions of meaning. Increasingly, people all over are rediscovering the pub as a safe, open space where they can explore and express their own doubts and questions, learn from others, and engage people of varying religious traditions. In our increasingly fractured society, these spaces are not only welcome, but needed.

The format is simple: beer, conversation, and God. Come bring your questions, your curiosity, and pull up a chair. Be ready to engage with people of varying religious traditions, philosophical perspectives, and life experiences. You’ll be able to share your own wrestling and thoughts while learning something new along the way, and hey— there’s likely to be a good craft beer you haven’t tried yet!


This month, our church is partnering with Cass Community Social Services to sponsor a Tiny Home in Detroit! These homes offer affordable, energy-efficient housing to low-income individuals, including seniors, veterans, and young adults aging out of foster care. Residents not only gain a place to call home, but also build equity over time through a unique rent-to-own program, fostering long-term stability and independence.

Our home will be on Courtland Ave. and a rendition of the house will be revealed soon!

For the month of January, all mission giving will directly go to supporting this amazing venture our church has committed to and we pray you will join us in this mission of hope and renewal—visit https://casscommunity.org/tinyhomes/ to learn more about the project as a whole. Together, we are building a brighter future, one Tiny Home at a time!


Our Youth Group is looking for donations for our next service project. We are in need of newspaper, brown paper bags (lunch size preferably), dog treats,

and 12"x12"x12' size boxes (or close to that size.)

Please leave donations in the box labeled Youth Donations by January 19. 


Whether you are on your way to work on Tuesday mornings, or retired and just up early, there is a great way for you to start your week. All are welcome to gather in the lobby at 7:30 AM on Tuesday mornings. We begin with prayer, do a devotion, and share any prayer concerns with one another. Bring a friend and come. Afterwards, some of us go for breakfast at a local coney. We hope to see you this Tuesday!


Join us for a fun-filled evening of creativity and community as we host a Sip & Dip Paint Party to support the building of a Tiny Home in Detroit!

Date: Sunday, January 26, 2025

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: The Hamann Family Home

Cost: $35/painter (we will notify attendees of payment options)

What’s Included:

All painting supplies will be provided—just bring your creativity!

Instructor led painting by Katie Hamann

What to Bring:

A “sip” (your favorite drink) or a “dip” (a snack to share) to add to the fun!

Why Attend?

Proceeds from this event will go directly toward supporting the construction of a Tiny Home in Detroit, helping to make a big impact in our community.

Spaces are limited, so sign up today and help us paint a brighter future!



Medical Supply Closet: Resources to Help You or a Loved One

Did you know that South Lyon First United Methodist Church offers a medical supply closet filled with helpful resources? If you or someone you know is in need of temporary medical equipment, we may be able to help.

Our supply closet includes:

  • Walkers
  • Wheelchairs
  • Knee scooters
  • Bedside commodes and lavatory risers
  • A motorized scooter
  • A hospital bed

These items are available at no cost to borrow, providing support during times of recovery or special needs. If you would like to borrow an item or know someone who could benefit, please contact David Ascher at 248-504-7128 or medicalcloset@southlyonfumc.org

for more information.

We’re here to serve our community with love and care—because that’s what being the hands and feet of Christ is all about!

Giving Options

·       Use WebGive at our website by clicking here or by using the our QR code :            

·       Use our giving app on your phone, VancoMobile

·       Dropoff a check in our drop -box at door #4 at the church

·       Mail a check to SLFUMC, 640 S. Lafayette, South Lyon, MI 48178

·       Explore other options on the Giving page of our website by clicking here here

Please be aware that we will never ask for your financial, account, or payment information by email. If there is a question, you will be contacted by phone or in person by a staff member.

Staff members will never ask for gift cards or financial help by email.


Yes! The church has space available for your group or event! Spaces fill up quickly and there is an approval process, so please allow as much time as possible between your request and the date of your meeting or event to ensure that we can

accommodate your needs.

Click Here for Building Use Request

Office Hours

  • Mon, Tues, Thurs 10am - 1pm
  • Wed 10am - 3pm
  • Fri closed

Check out our website or our live calendar

for more information about our church or any of these programs!

Do you prefer a printed copy of our Midweek Messenger? Hard copies are available in the tote outside the main doors to the church and on the kiosk.