From Jane Davis....
I am praying for you this morning…

The words keep playing in my head…

“Because He LIVES, I can face tomorrow…”

Easter came…there were early morning praise services…our churches were packed…we said, “Christ is risen!”…

the tomb is empty.

And then, many just put the Easter experience back on the shelf, until next year.

But HE LIVES! He lives within YOU! Within ME.

Nothing “shelf-worthy” about this earth-shaking experience.

It changed everything. It changed me…He changed me.

And, because He LIVES, we can face tomorrow…

And tomorrow…

And tomorrow.

“God sent His son…
They called Him Jesus.
He came to love, heal and forgive.
He bled and died, to buy my pardon…
The empty tomb is there to prove my Savior lives.

And because He lives…
I can face tomorrow…
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know, He holds the future…
And life is worth the living…
Just because He lives.”
-Gloria Gaither

Happy Easter…again and again.
Jesus is Alive! I love what Jane Davis shared so much that I’m sharing it with you, too! It is so easy to get so busy with “life” that we forget to “live” each day as the Easter People that we are. This is a great reminder that “Jesus is alive!”
Liberia Mission Team will share next Sunday morning! I cannot wait to hear about the impact that KFUMC had through these servants!
Join us on Sunday, April 23 for Trivia Night at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
It is fun for the whole family!!
MEGA Food Drive
Everyone is welcome at the MEGA food drive on April 24 at LOTH, from 10 am to noon!!!
Adult Hiking at LOTH
During the month of May, (1, 8, 15 and 22), join our Recreation Minister: Grant Palmer for Adult Hiking on the trails at Light on the Hill!!

They will begin at 6 pm, meeting at the porch (at the back of LOTH near the pool).

Make sure you bring your water!
Men's Walk to Emmaus
There will be a Men’s Walk to Emmaus at Light on the Hill on April 20-23.

To learn more about Emmaus Walks at LOTH, contact Tina at
LOTH at Mount Wesley
610 Methodist Encampment
Kerrville, TX 78028