May we continue to lean into the Lord in our times of our sorrow and grief.
May we be comforted by His love and mercy. 
The Uvalde Strong Fund supports victims, their families, and others affected by the tragedy at Robb Elementary School on May 24th. Companies, foundations, civic groups, religious congregations, and organizations wanting further details on donating, call 830-896-8811 or email
So grateful for a community that loves our neighbors so well!
Recently, Families & Literacy Inc. concluded its Spring semester classes. Students and instructors celebrated the achievements from the semester and school year at a small party on Thursday evening. 

Congratulations on all your hard work! We hope to see you all back in the Fall. Registration for the Fall 2022 semester will officially begin registration for returning students August 8th and new students August 15th. To register online, visit
Small portion of GED prep class students taught by Elsa Waters- one student pictured actually completed his GED testing requirements only days prior to the celebration! CONGRATULATIONS!!
A small portion of the GED prep students taught by Clint Coles.
English as a Second Language class taught by Ellen Jackson
ESL instructor Ellen Jackson is retiring after 13 years with Families & Literacy. Honoring her with gifts were Executive Director, Misty Kothe and Board of Directors member B.K. Gamble
Families & Literacy students and instructors celebrating the end of the Spring semester.
English as a Second Language Class taught by June Hartley and Sharon Nelson
Pickleball at KFUMC is for everyone!
Come join us!
Thursday, June 2 – Pickleball (9-11 am ONLY);
Friday, June 3 – Pickleball (9-11 am)
Monday, June 6 – Pickleball (9-11 am & 6-8 pm) TWICE
Tuesday, June 7 – Pickleball (9-11 am & 6-8 pm) TWICE
Wednesday, June 8 – Pickleball (9-11 am & 6-8 pm) TWICE
Thursday, June 9 – Pickleball (9-11 am) ONLY; 
Friday, June 10 – Pickleball (9-11 am)
Sunday, June 12 – Pickleball (6-8 pm)
         Special Events Food Ministry pics. Contact Beth Palmer at to get involved!
LOTH at Mount Wesley
610 Methodist Encampment
Kerrville, TX 78028