Mustard Seed Ministries at Light on the Hill is about neighbors helping neighbors. At Light on the Hill, we pray that loving others and sharing Jesus and the hope that He brings to life, would be such a natural part of who we are and how we live that we don’t call it ‘outreach’ or ‘mission’ but simply ‘living’ in community. We desire to have long-term relationships with our neighbors so that we can truly call each other ‘friend.’
•      Since 2020, Mustard Seed Food Pantry at Light on the Hill has shared more than 1,814,154 pounds of food with 21,900 families equaling 61,122 individuals in our community in need of food.
•      Mustard Seed Ministries operates with hundreds of unpaid servants. We could not do what we do without the passion and faithfulness of our volunteers.
•      We listen to our neighbors and strive to match resources with needs. Listening to individuals’ stories is the most important thing we do and we are intentional in developing relationships with those we serve by meeting them where they are.
•      It is important to us to give voice to our neighbors and to remove as many barriers as possible to acquiring healthy food as well as other services. It is key to developing relationships to learn their perspective on their concerns and recognize the uniqueness and value of their voice.
•      Local agencies and advocates meet regularly to share information and network so we can be more effective in our efforts to help our neighbors. Together, we are better!
Learn more about what we do at Light on the Hill at Mount Wesley in Kerrville, Texas by visiting our website at  
Feel free to contact Outreach Director, Beth Palmer at to ask questions or learn more about how you can get involved with any of our food relief ministries! 
KFUMC & Light on the Hill Food Relief Ministries

·     Light on the Hill at Mount Wesley hosts the monthly San Antonio Food Bank’s Mega Drive-thru Food Pantries for Kerr County. A HUGE THANK YOU to the San Antonio Food Bank for bringing us 36,000 pounds of food to share with our neighbors every month. The future dates for the mega distributions for the fall are September 25, October 30, and November 27.
·     Mustard Seed Ministries serves our community weekly with drive-thru food pantries at Light on the Hill on Monday mornings.   Dates for September through November:
September 4: Closed (Labor Day)
September 11: Mustard Seed – 10-11am
September 18: Mustard Seed – 10-11am
September 25: Mega 8:30-10:30am
October 2: Mustard Seed – 10-11am
October 9: Closed (Columbus Day)
October 16: Mustard Seed – 10-11am
October 23: Mustard Seed – 10-11am
October 30: Mega 10am - Noon
November 6: Mustard Seed – 10-11am
November 13: Mustard Seed – 10-11am
November 20: Closed (Thanksgiving)
November 27: Mega 10am - Noon
·     Mustard Seed also makes home deliveries if transportation is an issue or if someone cannot leave their home. We also make appointments for those working or in school who cannot come on Monday mornings. Call 830.315.6104 to learn more.
·     At Mustard Seed, we have unpaid servants that help weekly to bag the food for our drive-thru pantries. These folks quietly and faithfully serve behind the scenes and are crucial to all of our food relief efforts!
·     Our Mobile Mustard Seed will be out in our community again this fall. We travel monthly to senior apartment communities and set up outdoor “farmers markets” for the residents to enjoy!
·     Our weekly “blessings in a backpack” partnership with Nimitz Elementary School is Food4Kids. This ministry serves children who would benefit from extra food for the weekends and school holidays. All of the elementary schools in Kerrville have been “adopted” by churches in their neighborhoods!
·     Last but certainly not least, A TREMENDOUS THANK YOU to ALL of the unpaid servants who give their time and energy to make our drive-thru food pantries possible. Our food relief outreach efforts would not happen without all of the amazing volunteers and supporters!
If you would like to learn more about how you can help with any of our food relief ministries, please contact our outreach director, Beth Palmer at or (830)459-5847.
Awesome Mustard Seed Unpaid Servants 
Mobile Mustard Seed
Mustard Seed Home Deliveries
Thankful for the San Antonio Food Bank and the many unpaid servants who make Mega possible! 
Our Mustard Seed "Baggers!"
LOTH at Mount Wesley
610 Methodist Encampment
Kerrville, TX 78028