December 18, 2024


Sunday, December 22, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Advent


"Readjusting to the Dark"

Series: "In Light and Darkness"

Luke 2:15-20

Combined Worship |11 a.m., Sanctuary & Online

We regularly take photographs during all services. If you do not want your photo or that of your child taken, please let the front office know.

News This Week

Living Nativity

December 21 & 22

6pm - 8pm

We are still in need of volunteers for both characters AND help in the hospitality room (the Fellowship Hall). We would LOVE to have you join us for one or both of these magical nights of sharing the Christmas story with our community!

Sign Up Here.

Staff Love Offering

Christmas 2024

As we enjoy the wonder of the Christmas season, it is a tradition at Northbrook that we demonstrate our appreciation for our staff with a Christmas Love Offering. Please consider making a special contribution (designate it to "Staff Love Gift") during the coming weeks to recognize the many ways that they bless our lives throughout the year.

Click on the Give Here button below and use the drop down menu to select Staff Love Gift.

Give Here

Christmas Eve

4pm - Family Service

7pm - Traditional

Come remember the story of the first Christmas with Northbrook.

At 4pm, we will have a wiggle & giggle friendly service that is geared towards our younger friends. We will still tell the story, sing the songs, and light the candles.

At 7pm, we will have our Traditional Candlelight Communion service. We will sing the songs, tell the story, receive the gift of Communion, and end in the glow of candle light.

4 p.m. Service Livestream
7 p.m. Service Livestream

Thank you to the Music MInistry

Sunday's Comforts & Joys was the most magical, astonishing, beautiful way to bring our hearts and minds to the right place for Christmas. The orchestra played so beautifully, and our very own Janelle Hicks and Sarah Sohrabi joined the orchestra on harp and violin respectively. What a treat!

Our choir put in so many hours (working since September!!) of work and the gifts of Margareta and Chad to our ministry are immeasurable.

(We would also love to thank the Handbell Choir for their gorgeous contribution to our worship on the 8th.)

If you weren't able to be here for Comforts & Joys, you can go here to watch the recording.

Don't miss any of the meaning-making or fun at Northbrook this Advent & Christmas! Visit the Advent & Christmas page of our webiste today and mark your calendars!

Advent & Christmas Page

Worship In December

December 22 | Combined Worship @ 11 am

No Godly Play

December 24 | Family Worship @ 4 pm

Traditional Candlelight Service @ 7 pm

December 29 | Combined Worship @ 11 am

No Godly Play

Opportunities to Serve

Family Promise

SAVE THE DATE! January 19-26 is our next opportunity to support Alpharetta Methodist as the families are welcomed into caring hearts and hands extended by each of the volunteers in both of our congregations.

Click here to sign up for Family Promise.

Check it out as there are several different areas in which volunteers are needed.

Habitat for Humanity

The 2025 Ecumenical Build will begin on Saturday, January 18th with the First Nail ceremony. The location of this year's house is 617 Hickory Nut Drive, Canton, GA. Through the generosity of the Missions Committee, Northbrook has increased its commitment for 2025 and we will have more opportunities to serve. We will have two volunteer slots on January 18th for the First Nail ceremony and beginning framing, and 8 volunteer slots each for both March 29th and April 5 for interior painting. Please begin to prayerfully consider your participation in these expanded opportunities. We also have been asked to provide breakfast and lunch for one of the interior painting days so we are seeking volunteers who are willing to provide one or both of these meals for 25 building volunteers on either March 29th or April 5th. If you are so inclined, please go ahead and register to volunteer for the building opportunities using the link below.

Click Here to Sign Up for Habitat.

Dedicate Flowers in Worship

Honor a loved one or commemorate an occasion with altar flowers. Also, the Flower Ministry needs volunteers to repurpose the flowers Monday morning, substitute as delivery drivers, and drop off small vases to the church kitchen.

Click Here to Dedicate Flowers

Click Here to View Other Volunteer Opportunities.

On-going donations for Trinity House Clothing Closet!

All donations can be put in the Trinity House bin at the donation center located in the portico. Contact Violet Garrett with any questions.

Opportunities to Grow

W.O.N. – Women of Northbrook

Tuesday Evening Woman’s Bible Study

7pm | Room 233

All women are welcome! Come and enjoy growing and getting to know other women at Northbrook. Drop-in as led and as your schedule will allow. We are busy women and committing to every Tuesday is not necessary to enjoy fellowship and to grow in Christ.

Next Study -Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs (Book can be purchased on Amazon)

7 Week Study

Begins January 7th – February 25th

Contact Violette Garrett for more information

Opportunities to Pray

The Northbrook Prayer Team

The Northbrook Prayer Team is looking for prayer volunteers to join the team and pray once a week in their homes for our church and community. If you are interested in joining this vital ministry. Contact Leigh Ann Launius

The Prayer Focus for December is for the homeless and hungry.

Prayer Concerns Ongoing:

Jamie Beliveau and Jan Boyea


Additional Prayer Concerns:

Sonya Adams, The Bahl family (Heather Wallace), Huss Beutell (Mary Jane Stone), Cheryl Beutell, Janet Beyer, George Brown (Marie Given), Wayne Bryan, , Alex Bui (Pat Helenbrook), Danny Cornell, Gail Forrester, Billy Gualtney, Delle Griffin, Joel Guinoban, Jim Hanson, Sally Hodges, Betsy Kiriakedes (Violette Garrett), Sophie Knapp,  Gwen Lindsey's Family, Fleurette Pelletier & Tyler Gall (Flo Acker), Marie Rawls, Carl Redding, and Nancy Tretinik.

Attendance & Giving

Records from Last Week


11 a.m., Combined Worship, 531

Online, 510



November Altar Rail Offering

$1000 to Family Promise


For Gwen Lindsey

Sally and Gerald Scott

December's Second Mile Offering is the Northbrook Emergency Assistance Fund.

The Emergency Assistance Fund assists North Fulton residents with past due rental, mortgage and utility assistance.

Here's how to give: Give online and select "Communion Offering" from the drop-down Fund menu. Or mail a check to the church office and indicate "Altar Rail" on the memo line.

Until we meet again, know that you are loved!
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