March 20, 2024

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Your Midweek Update

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lenten journey to Easter joy continues. In the Gospel lesson (Mark 10:32-45 NIV) for this past Sunday, the Fifth Sunday in Lent, Jesus made his third Passion prediction of his impending suffering, death and resurrection. But each time Jesus spoke of this to his disciples, they didn't understand. We wouldn't have, either, had we been there. James and John's request to sit next to Jesus in his kingdom became a teachable moment for Jesus to reiterate what his upside-down kingdom looks like. It's not about glory, but the cross. It's not about self, but others. "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” As the sermon pointed out, it is through Jesus' offering of himself for our salvation that our lives are transformed from self to service.

Who will you invite to come with you to special Holy Week and Easter Sunday worship services? Be thinking and praying about this, and then extend that invitation so that neighbors, friends, or coworkers who don't have a church home of their own may rejoice in all that Christ has done for us. Click here for a schedule of these special worship services.

Pastor Meehan's Blog - March 2024

Visit our online calendar

Easter Flowers

The Altar Care ministry is seeking financial contributions which will be used to purchase a variety of plants that will beautify our Sanctuary for Easter. Donations can be made online or by leaving an envelope marked “Flowers” in the offering basket or with the Church Office. If you would like a dedication to appear in the worship bulletin, please provide the information no later than Tuesday, March 26. Thank you for your contribution; if you would like to take one of these plants home with you after the 10:30 service on Easter Sunday, please feel free to do so.

Final Town Hall Meeting and Voters' Meeting

Through a series of town hall meetings, our congregation has been discussing a proposed renovation and expansion plan for our church facilities. Whether or not we move forward with this project will be determined by a congregational vote. Click here to view the architect's PowerPoint presentation.

For those who have not yet attended one of the previous town hall meetings, you are strongly encouraged to be present for a final in-person town hall meeting that will take place prior to the voters' meeting. This will be held on Sunday, April 7 at 9:15AM (in-person). This is a newly added meeting for individuals to learn about the schematic design. The meeting will take place during the Education Hour in the Fellowship Hall.

Sign up here or through the SJLC app.

The voters' meeting to consider the proposed renovation and expansion has been set for Sunday, April 28. This meeting will be held immediately following the morning worship service and will take place in the Sanctuary. Please note that our congregational bylaws do not allow for absentee or proxy voting, and so voting will be in-person and by secret ballot. All voting members of St. John's congregation are strongly encouraged to attend. Watch for an email with further information about this upcoming meeting. Please make every effort to be present on Sunday, April 28 and participate in this important decision for our congregation!

If you have questions or concerns, you are welcome to reach out to Mike Waring, Campus Projects Team Chair or Denise Canter, Congregational President.

Easter Sunday Breakfast

Join us on Sunday, March 31 at 9:00AM for Easter Breakfast. The breakfast will start at 9:00AM and continue until the beginning of the second service at 10:30AM. To help set up, attend, prepare food, and/or clean up for the event, please click here.

Online Fundraiser - ECEC April 9

Please help support St. John's Early Childhood Education Center on Tuesday, April 9 from 4PM - 8PM. Order online at Chipotle in Kingstowne between 4PM and 8PM to help the Center raise a minimum of $150 in total sales. Use order code RQEANBM.

Here is how to participate...

  1. Access the Chipotle app or order on our website.
  2. Choose “Pickup” and select the location of the restaurant which is hosting your fundraiser. Kingstowne (5955 Kingstowne Towne Ctr Ste 160, Alexandria, VA 22315)
  3. Build your order with all your faves.
  4. Once you’re ready to place your order, input your unique online fundraiser code in the “Enter a Promo Code” section. Order Code: RQEANBM. Don’t forget to click “Apply.”
  5. Provide payment information and submit your order for pickup (not delivery).

Reminder, pickup must be within the hours of your scheduled fundraiser (4PM - 8PM).

Delivery orders or orders placed through other apps will not be counted towards your fundraiser.

Thank you in advance to everyone for participating!

Thank you for your Support

This past Sunday, March 17, the "Friends of Music" concert series kicked off in a spectacular way! St. John's own Director of Music, David Leahey, showcased his amazing skills in a wide-ranging organ recital.

Thank you to all who attended in person and for all those who viewed online. There were 77 audience members in the Sanctuary and over 100 people viewed the recital online. David blessed the audience with 10 different works by a variety of composers. The selection of compositions ranged from Lenten to Irish to Circus-themed. The recital finished up with a reception in the Fellowship Hall where David was able to meet and greet those who attended. Thank you to everyone who donated their time to set-up, supply beverages and treats, and clean-up for the reception. If you missed the concert and would like to check it out, click here.

Finally, a big THANK YOU to those who have already made financial contributions to St. John's "Friends of Music" program. Your generosity is much appreciated as the concert series continues through the year and beyond. For more information about this program, please visit our website. We look forward to the next concert!

ESL Classes Going Strong

More than 160 adult English language learners from 42 countries attend our spring English classes, which are held at St. John's and on Zoom. The students come from 42 countries, with largest groups from Afghanistan (17 percent) and Chile (12 percent). Others come from El Salvador, Vietnam, Honduras, Peru, South Korea, Mexico, Venezuela, Ethiopia, and elsewhere. As a group, they speak 19 languages, with 50 percent of the students speaking Spanish and 17 percent speaking Dari/Pashto.

We are grateful for the 34 volunteers teaching 13 classes on Zoom or in person. We added two more Intro-level classes to handle demand. Learn more here or email Dori McCormick.

Financial Update - January 2024

The January 2024 financial report starts out on a positive note! There was an answer to prayer as more offerings were received than anticipated, and the operating expenses were less than anticipated. As always, a shout out of thanks to the generosity of the congregation.


The ECEC January 2024 financial report also starts out on a positive note! Income was more than anticipated and expenses were less than expected. We look forward to the upcoming commencement of enhancing the playground area.

May God bless you all for your abundant generosity!


More details are posted in the narthex or may be obtained from Jim Burroughs, Minister of Finance.

Looking Ahead

  • March 24 - Palm Sunday
  • March 28 - Maundy Thursday (worship service at 7:30PM)
  • March 29 - Good Friday (worship services at 12 noon and 7:30PM)
  • March 30 - Holy Saturday/Vigil of Easter (worship service at 7:30PM)
  • March 31 - Easter Sunday worship, Easter breakfast, and egg hunt

Important Links

  • Facebook Live for viewing live services or educational opportunities as well as those previously recorded.
  • YouTube for viewing church services
  • Click here for the bulletins

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