October 30, 2024


Sunday, November 3, 2024

"Behold: God's Dreams"

All Saints' Day

Commitment Sunday

Isaiah 43:14-21

Modern Worship | 9 a.m., Simmons Hall

Traditional Worship |11 a.m., Sanctuary & Online

We regularly take photographs during all services. If you do not want your photo or that of your child taken, please let the front office know.

News This Week

Don't forget this time change this week! Sunday is going to be an amazingly full and joyful day! We want you to be here at the right time!

Thank You

from our Pastors

Pastors Jennie, Josh, and Kena want to thank you for the cards, snacks, and gift cards we have received for Pastor Appreciation Month. We count ourselves blessed to serve such a kind, generous and faithful congregation!

Behold Commitment Sunday

All Saints' Day

Communion Sunday

Sunday, November 3 | 11am

The day is finally here! This Sunday we will Behold: God's Dreams for Northbrook, pray over and submit our commitment cards, share in the gift of Communion, remember the saints that have gone before us, celebrate the burning of the mortgage, and sit at the table together as a congregation.

This is a day you do NOT want to miss! If you have not let the church know what you are bringing for the potluck (side or dessert), please either edit your sign up genius or call the church office.

Craft Market 2024

ovember 8-10

Simmons Hall

Craft Market 2024 will be in the Simmons Hall November 8-10. Handcrafted items for your Fall, Thanksgiving, and gifts to fill your Christmas list.

Preview our crafts on Facebook: Northbrook Crafters.

Opportunities to Serve

Volunteer in the Pumpkin Patch | All of October | Weekdays 4-8 p.m. | Weekends 12-8 p.m.

The Pumpkin Patch is just around the corner, and we need people to staff the patch! Our Pumpkin Patch is an outreach opportunity and an easy way for the whole family to volunteer. Families who volunteer in the patch will receive a pin for their Milestone Stole!

Click Here to Volunteer

Dedicate Flowers in Worship

Honor a loved one or commemorate an occasion with altar flowers. Also, the Flower Ministry needs volunteers to repurpose the flowers Monday morning, substitute as delivery drivers, and drop off small vases to the church kitchen.

Click Here to Dedicate Flowers

Click Here to View Other Volunteer Opportunities.

Opportunities to Grow

W.O.N. – Women of Northbrook

Tuesday Evening Woman’s Bible Study

7pm | Room 233

All women are welcome! Come and enjoy growing and getting to know other women at Northbrook. Drop-in as led and as your schedule will allow. We are busy women and committing to every Tuesday is not necessary to enjoy fellowship and to grow in Christ. Next Meeting is on November 12th with guest speaker Reverend Deborah Haag to provide information on the Trinity House!

Upcoming Bible Studies:

Advent Study – The Weary World Rejoices from Everything Happens with Kate Bowler

Begins Tuesday, November19th – December 17th (No meeting on November 26th)

4-week study – Free Download

Next Study -Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs (Book can be purchased on Amazon)

7 Week Study

Begins January 7th – February 25th

Contact Violette Garrett for more information

Fall Thursday Morning Bible Study

"Epic of Eden: Understanding the Old Testament" | Thursdays 10:30 am – noon

August 29 – November 14; Room C233

Leaders: Pat Mitchell and Leigh Ann Launius

This is a 12-week study with videos that is a deeply substantive and profoundly spiritual exploration of the Old Testament. Sandra Richter, a learned scholar and passionate teacher, shows us how Old Testament understanding leads to fresh depths of New Testament faith for everyday life in the real world.

Please use the SignUp Genius to register for class.

If you have questions, contact Leigh Ann Launius.

Opportunities to Pray

Christian Sympathy

Love and sympathy is extended to the Rev. Tom Adams and family in the death of Shirley Adams on Oct. 26. 

The Northbrook Prayer Team

The Northbrook Prayer Team is looking for prayer volunteers to join the team and pray once a week in their homes for our church and community. If you are interested in joining this vital ministry. Contact Leigh Ann Launius

The Prayer Focus for October is those impacted by Hurricane Helene.

Prayer Concerns Ongoing:

Jamie Beliveau, Jan Boyea, Gwen Lindsey, and Ann Warren.


Additional Prayer Concerns:

Sonya Adams, Tom Adams, The Bahl family (Heather Wallace), Peter Beliveau's sons and their families, Huss Beutell (Mary Jane Stone), Cheryl Beutell, Janet Beyer, George Brown (Marie Given), Wayne Bryan, Jacki Bugg (Jennifer Ellis), Alex Bui (Pat Helenbrook), Steve Bupp's grandson, Danny Cornell, Stuart Fuller's family (Heather Wallace), Delle Griffin, Anne Fuller, Joel Guinoban, Jim Hanson, Sally Hodges, Betsy Kiriakedes (Violette Garrett), Sophie Knapp, Anne Newton, Fleurette Pelletier & Tyler Gall (Flo Acker), Marie Rawls, Allie Rhoden, Gerald Scott, Kim Shea (Craig Smith), Nancy Tretinik,.

Attendance & Giving

Records from Last Week


9 a.m., Modern Worship, 72

11 a.m., Traditional Worship, 147

Online, 79

Trinity Table, 18



September Altar Rail Offering

$2655 to WellRoot


In Memory of Frank Waits

Bill & Anne Livesay

In Memory of Shirley Adams to UMCOR

The Harton-Pitino Family

October's Second Mile Offering is NGUMC Hurricane Helene Response Fund.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider contributing above and beyond your regular offering to help bring healing and support to those recovering from the devastating impact of Hurricane Helene. Every gift, no matter the size, helps provide emergency relief, rebuild homes, and restore hope to those who need it most.

Here's how to give: Give online and select "Communion Offering" from the drop-down Fund menu. Or mail a check to the church office and indicate "Altar Rail" on the memo line.

Until we meet again, know that you are loved!
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