Miisaninawiind :: Iskigamizige-giizis :: April 6-12 2020
Boozhoo and welcome to the Miisaninawiind weekly newsletter!

The Miisaniinawind brings you important news, announcements and updates, designed specifically for the Red Cliff community. But that's not all. The weekly eNewsletter will also provide news about neighboring tribes, communities and broader issues across Indian Country that matter to you.

If you have photos, news or information you'd like to share, please email submissions to communications@redcliff-nsn.gov.

Check our Facebook page HERE and our website HERE . We are working on a new website and can't wait to share it with you!

Want to receive the newsletter each week? Sign up HERE .

Red Cliff News & Updates
COVID-19 Community Updates
Various Tribal programs, services, and events have been canceled or temporarily suspended in our efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19.

See list of notices below from these Tribal programs and services. Click on each notice for details.

This newsletter is published on Monday morning, and new closures and date changes may happen throughout the week, so please remember to call ahead of time. An up-to-date list can be found on the Tribal Facebook page, and is updated continuously throughout each day.
Updates as of April 6, 11 AM
Tribal Programs Working For Community
Red Cliff Tribal Administration and the Red Cliff Health Division have been leading efforts over recent months to ensure our community is prepared for the COVID-19 outbreak. Various Tribal programs are providing additional assistance to our Tribal community. Here are some more recent highlights:

Elder Outreach - Community Health has been consistently calling and reaching out to our population of elders living both on and off the reservation. This list has expanded to over 400 elders. While the Elderly Feeding Center has been closed, meals are being delivered to elders' homes. Facility Maintenance crews are also now doing trash pickup at elderly homes. The Red Cliff Pharmacy is offering curbside pickup, and is also delivering medication for those that do not have someone to pick up for them. The Family Services Division is delivering roughly 1,000 meals per week to elder homes.

Families Outreach - The Early Childhood Center staff have been preparing and delivering meals and activity bags. Teachers and Family Service staff are calling families regularly to speak with their students and parents. The ECC building is hosting an ongoing community drive that is accepting donated items for any community members in need. Family Services staff are conscious about the well-being of not only children, but parents as well. Help and support services are offered for any parents in need.

Food Distribution - Red Cliff Food Distribution is working incredibly hard to provide meal pickup and delivery services. As of last week, Food Distribution is preparing over 300 meals each day.

Employee Well-Being - Red Cliff is operating with essential personnel only. Non-essential employees and those that are high-risk are working remotely from home. Essential employees that continue to report to work have specific cleaning and safety guidelines. Each building is conducting temperature and symptom checks twice each day for all employees in an effort to continue to keep our community as safe as possible.

The Health Division is also kicking off a drive to make fabric masks. While fabric masks are not as effective as N95 masks meant for healthcare workers, they will help trap and limit the spread of germs from coughing and sneezing.

These are just some of the efforts from the Tribe. If you have any questions or are in need of any help, please reach out to the Tribal Administration Building at 715-779-3700.
Council Meeting April 6
There will be a Regular Council Meeting on April 6 at the Red Cliff Community Health Center.

The Regular Session will begin at 4:30 PM.

Click HERE for the meeting agenda.
Request for Proposals
Powwow Royalty Crowns, Headbands, Sashes
Presidential Primary Voting Day Set for April 7
Deadline Extended for Returning Absentee Ballot
As of the morning of April 6, the 2020 Spring Election and Presidential Preference voting day is still scheduled for Tuesday, April 7.

If you have already requested and received an absentee ballot, the deadline for returning your absentee ballot has been extended to April 13. You can mail in or drop off your absentee ballots by 4 PM on April 13 to your municipal clerk.

Voters can call their municipal clerk’s office at 715-779-3284 or call the Wisconsin Elections Commission at 866-VOTE-WIS (866-868-3947) or 608-261-8005.

Contact Dave Good for more information at 715-779-3284.

Go to myvote.wi.gov for voting information, where to send your absentee ballot, and voter poll location.
Community Feedback Needed:
Waawaashkeshi Population in Bayfield County
Proposed Code of Law Changes
The Red Cliff Water and Sewer Department has proposed changes pertaining to Chapter 34 Water & Sewer Utilities of the Red Cliff Code of Laws.

Click HERE to view the notice and the proposed changes.

Public comment on this proposal is encouraged. Please drop your comments at the Tribal Administration Building, or forward them directly to the Tribal Council. This proposal will be voted upon on April 6, 2020 at the regular meeting of the Red Cliff Tribal Council. If the Council enacts these changes, the changes shall become effective upon enactment.
2020 Census: Complete Online or Via Phone
The U.S. Census started in the Red Cliff community on Monday, March 16 2020. Given the current health situation, we are working with the Census Bureau and local field staff to ensure that the health and safety of our community is highly considered.

At this time, we are encouraging residents to complete the Census through online or telephone methods if possible. The census can be taken online at www.2020census.gov or by calling 844-330-2020.

The Census has halted in-person operations. There will be no in-person Census takers until further notice. We do not in any way want to discourage participation but advise and strongly encourage the community to participate in the Census in the safest way possible.
Health & Wellness
Nooji Center April Newsletter
The Noojimo'iwewin Center has released its April Newsletter. You will find online meetings, articles, and resources to help guide you through these difficult and stressful times.

Click HERE for the full Nooji Newsletter!
New Employee: AP Social Worker
Muskadee Montano
Muskadee has a master’s degree in social work from the University of Minnesota-Duluth (2006) and is currently certified in the State of Wisconsin as an Advanced Practice Social Worker.

Utilizing a culturally relevant relational worldview and a strengths-based, empowering, trauma informed, solution-focused practice, she works with clients to increase overall well-being and improve their quality of life. Services offered include individual and group therapy, case management, information and referral, mental health promotion, and ongoing collaboration with county, state, and tribal service providers.

Muskadee has specialized training in the areas of Motivational Interviewing, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Intercultural Communication and Child Welfare. Her professional interests include increasing intercultural sensitivity and communication, promoting culturally relevant healing practices in underserved populations, encouraging mindful parenting practices, supporting individual and community empowerment through positive growth, conflict resolution and the use of healthy coping skills. When not working, Muskadee enjoys spending time with family, being outside on warm sunny days, participation in cultural and community events and listening to podcasts.
For other Health Center information or general questions call: 715-779-3707 or Email   RCHealthCenter@redcliffhealth.org

Click HERE to visit the Red Cliff Community Health Center website
Human & Family Services
Co-Parenting During Stressful Times
Co-parenting during a pandemic. These are not words any parent would have thought to say out loud just a few months ago. Co-parenting can be difficult in the best of times, but during times of great stress it is more important than ever not to do any damage (intentional or unintentional) to your child's relationship with the other parent.

Children need stability and support - from both parents.

During this time parenting schedules may need to have greater flexibility, check-ins may need to be more frequent and shift to the telephone or video conferencing. However parents accomplish this, children must continue to be the primary focus - not the parents.

Do what you can to create a stable schedule with the other parent. It will benefit you and most of all the child or children you share.

Take care of your children and stay safe!
Various Family and Human Services offerings have unique guidelines and hours in response to COVID-19.

See the Notices section toward the top of this newsletter for more information. You can also call the Family Human Services Division
at 715-779-3706.
VFW Auxiliary Scholarship - High School Seniors
The Red Cliff VFW Auxiliary Post 8239 has announced two scholarships to a graduating senior in the Bayfield School District who is furthering their education by pursuing a college degree or a career direction at a vocational/technical school.

Applicants must fill out the VFW Auxiliary Scholarship Application and return to Dan Livingston, Bayfield School Guidance Counselor or Jared Blanche, Red Cliff Education Director.

Click HERE for the scholarship information and application.
Activities, Events, and Resources from the National Museum of Natural History
Click HERE for the full list of resources!

Fossil Atmospheres – A Smithsonian Citizen Science Project

Ginkgo trees evolved before the dinosaurs, survived three mass extinctions, and one species is still living today. We are researching how the cells of leaves on Ginkgo trees have changed over time and how we can use this knowledge to learn about the ancient atmosphere of the Earth. You can help us track climate change over millions of years by counting cells of modern and fossil Ginkgo leaves.

From The Ocean Portal: Sea Turtles!

Did you know that there are 7 species of sea turtle? They include the leatherback, hawksbill, olive ridley, Kemp's ridley, green, loggerhead, and flatback.
What other questions do you have about sea turtles? We've got all the answers on our sea turtle overview , a page that dives into everything you could possibly want to know about sea turtles.

Smithsonian Science How Webcast Archives

52 Smithsonian Science How videos feature Smithsonian experts covering topics in Earth Science, Life Science, Paleontology, and Social Studies. All of the programs were originally recorded at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC. You can watch any or all of them for free on our website.
Opportunities for Native American Students
Boys and Girls Club of Gitchigami
Virtual Daily Lessons
The Boys and Girls Club has created Virtual Daily Lessons for school-age children!

There is a schedule of activities for both 3rd-5th graders and middle to high schoolers.

Want to access the activity links? Simply click on the Closures & Notices post that is pinned to the top of the Tribal Facebook page. Then click on "Boys & Girls Club Virtual Daily Lesson"

HERE is the Virtual Lesson for today, April 6!

Treaty Natural Resources
What To Do About Nuisance Wildlife
It is that time of year when encounters with wildlife in residential areas are increasing. At this point, many of you may have had encounters or have at least seen Makwa (bears), Wiisagi-ma’iinganag (coyotes) or other animals near your homes. But before you contact the Wardens and request attempts be made to remove them, there are some things to think about.

As residential areas expand and increase on the reservation, so will the conflicts with wildlife. Seeing and encountering bears and other wildlife in residential areas is becoming more normal and may be unavoidable. There are ways to reduce CLOSE encounters with bears and other animals near your home.

In almost all cases, nuisance wildlife, in the spring and summer seasons are looking for food. If you have a dumpster at your home, you have an animal’s equivalent to Thanksgiving dinner sitting in your driveway. You may want to consider having the dumpster removed for the spring and early summer months. You may also want to consider upgrading to a “bear proof” dumpster with a metal lid. These types of dumpsters are highly effective in keeping out unwanted pests and are usually available for an additional fee. If this is not a viable option for you, then you may want to consider other means to secure your dumpster such as placing boards under the lids and securing them with straps or chains. It is important to remember that no attempt to “bear proof” a dumpster is 100 percent effective. “Bear proof” dumpsters can still attract bears and other wildlife even if they cannot access its contents and the only way to eliminate the problem is to have the dumpster removed.
Also, if you have a grill that is stored outdoors, a bird feeder, household garbage, or pet food that is left outside, YOU ARE attracting bears and other unwanted pests such as Esibanag (raccoons), Zhigaagwag (skunks), or coyotes. Do not store garbage outside for even a short period of time. Go to the dump frequently. The Red Cliff transfer station is open two days a week (Tuesday and Saturday from 800am-600pm). Something as small as a discarded juice box, empty tuna or cooking oil discarded outdoors can may be enough to attract the attention of unwanted wildlife.

Sadly, some wildlife have or will become dependent on humans for food, can destruct property and can become a threat to public safety. If you are continuing to have animal issues, or observe an animal that appears injured, disoriented or sick, stay away from it and call the Red Cliff Wardens. The Wardens can help you by providing additional information to help you reduce or eliminate your animal problem and if needed, remove them.

Click HERE to view the Treaty Natural
Resources Division Winter Newsletter!
Elderly Gichiayaa'aag
From Anna Hanson, Elderly Director:

I would like to take the time and say “Chi-Miigwech!” to these wonderful folks who work so very hard in preparing home delivery meals to our elder participants.

The help is super appreciated and it's wonderful to come together and support one another at this time. Shows in the meals that are sent out with care.

We have pretty close to 160 elder participants on our three route lists. We receive calls daily from elders who tell the staff how wonderful and appreciative they are in receiving the meals.
Chi Miigwech to:
Mark Bresette Jr, Henry Bresette, Gena Mertig, Scott Babineau, Colin Ludwig, Abe Butterfield, Tanner Bresette, Priscilla LaPointe-Willamson, Ron Nordin and Ernie Grooms for your time, heart and work for our elders!
I treated the staff to lunch from ManyPenny Bistro. JOB WELL DONE! 
Sincerely Anna Hanson, Elderly Director
Legendary Waters Resort & Casino
Legendary Waters closure has extended to at least April 30 due to the COVID-19 situation.

Click HERE to visit the Legendary Waters Resort and Casino website.
Community Updates
Follow the link below to see announcements for upcoming events!

Red Cliff Tribal Administration Office 
88455 Pike Road 
Bayfield, Wi. 54814 