Mike's Market e- Memo
From Mike Clark at Visionary Wealth Advisors, LLC
Week of September 15th, 2018
9/16 - John D.
9/17 - Amy H.
9/17 - Deborah M.
9/18 - Jean W.
9/18 - Patricia M.
9/19 - Sharon K.
9/20 - Mary Ann N.
The Circuit of Success Podcast
Join Brett Gilliland on this week’s show of The Circuit of Success as he interviews all five Division I Men’s Basketball Coaches in the state of Missouri. Listen to this unique opportunity to hear all 5 on one stage talk about leadership and basketball.
Join us as Brett welcomes, Cuonzo Martin from The University of Missouri, Travis Ford from St. Louis University, Dana Ford from Missouri State, Rick Ray from Southeast Missouri State and Kareem Richardson from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. 

Here are a few quick reads that I liked this week
The first time Autumn pulled the ‘ol switcheroo on me by using lean ground beef instead of the normal stuff for our spaghetti didn’t go over well. I could tell the difference – you can’t fool me with that. But after a while the lean ground beef became the norm and I don’t think anything about it. The same type of switcheroo is going to happen later this month as S&P is going to undergo one of the biggest makeovers in history as some companies will be reclassified into different sectors. May not sound like a big deal but it could create a little volatility (good or bad is anyone’s guess) but the markets could get used to it sooner than you think.
How could you not want to know how one of the greatest bands in history came to be?
Remember all the cryptocurrency hype last year? Who knows what, if anything, will come from this technology but to say it’s been a rough year for them is an understatement.
Being correct with a big bet that’s contrarian can make you a star and billions of dollars in the hedge fund world. Then reality sits in and you recognize its hard (put politely) to consistently bet big on contrarian moves. Ever wonder how some hedge fund managers who got the “Great Recession” right have done since then?
Diversification can test your patience and this year is no different as bonds and international have under performed YTD. With that said, there’s a reason why diversification is preached and implemented by most. Here’s a 12 minute podcast from Vanguard on diversification. I hope you enjoy it.
Here’s a great review of Roth Conversions, their pros and cons, from T. Rowe Price.
What I Regularly Read
Mike Clark, CMFC®
Senior Wealth Advisor
1405 N. Green Mount Road, Suite 500
O'Fallon, IL 62269

Office 618.726.3011
Cell: 314.518.6377

 1405 N. Green Mount Road, Suite500
O'Fallon, IL 62269
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