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TONIGHT AT 8 PM Following candle lighting, we are honored to host a concert by Chaim Dovid and his Band, 8 PM at the shul. Entrance is complimentary, but we request all those in attendance donate a non-perishable food item to be given to Jerusalem's needy elderly.



Candles 4:08 PM

Mincha 4:33 PM

Followed by Kab. Shab. & Maariv


Parsha 8 AM w/ R. Aaron Poston

Shacharit 8:45 AM

Kiddush 11:00 AM

Post Kiddush Shiur at 11:30 AM:

Our Rabbinic Intern will deliver the post Kiddush shiur this week. The topic is: The Origin and Nature of Chanuka. 

Mincha 12:05 PM

Shabbat Ends 5:24 PM


As we celebrate the light of Chanukah and the courage of the Maccabees, Ruth Einhorn is honored to sponsor this kiddush in honor and memory of the men and women of the IDF, whose unwavering dedication and sacrifice continue to defend our freedom and ensure our safety..


December 28 Einhorn

January 4 Ruback

January 18 Horwitz

January 25 Schwartz

February 22 Silverstein

May 24 Pittenger Bar Mitzvah

July 19 Green Bar Mitzvah


As mentioned last week, Shir Hadash has launched a new position - Community Scholar - to be held by Jennifer Raskas this coming year. To take advantage of the pastoral counseling hours this position affords, simply reserve a time via this link. We encourage you take advantage of this new service. To learn more about Jennifer Raskas, click here.


To David and Efrat Ziering on the engagement of their daughter, Gila, to Pinchas Shizgal. Gila is the granddaughter of Gerry (Gedaliah) z"l and Judy Ziering, one of the founding couples of Shir Hadash's building and in whose honor our Beit Tephilla is named, as well as Phillip and Donna Bendheim. Mazal Tov to the entire family.

And to Joey and Gilya Sacharov on the birth of twins this past week. Mazal tov to Avraham Sacharov on becoming a grandfather again, and to Cecilia Sacharov on becoming a great grandmother again.


Interested in helping prepare food for a lone soldier Shabbaton in February? If so, please be in touch with Helen Freedman at HPFreedman@aol.com by January 10th (and include your address if you need your contribution to be picked up; items can also be dropped off at Helen's on February 6th, Mapu 3/4). Requested items include:

5 Challot, 20 Rolls, Humus (for 30), Pasta (30), Coleslaw (30), Rice (30), Potato Salad (30), Israeli Salad (30), Kugel (30), Roasted Potatoes (30), Veggies (30), Tabouleh (30), Meatballs (30), Chicken (30), Fish (30).


  • Shacharit 8:15 AM Daily
  • Daf Yomi 9:05 AM Daily
  • Daf Yomi Yerushalmi (Mondays & Thursdays) 10 AM
  • Parsha Plus Sundays 10:30 AM
  • Haftara: Prophets & Their Teachings Mondays 10:30 AM
  • Hebrew Conversation Club Tuesdays 6 - 7:30 PM

Shir Hadash's activities take place in Beit Natan (named after JJ Greenberg - left), located at Yakov Rubin Street #1 in Jerusalem (Click here for Map), and on the Jonathan Pear Educational Farm in Rosh Pina.