"Without MRFF I'd not be alive today"
From: (MRFF Client’s E-mail Address Withheld)
Subject: Without MRFF I'd not be alive today
Date: July 6, 2023 at 9:01:20 AM MDT
To: Information Weinstein <mikey@militaryreligiousfreedom.org>
To Whom It May Concern:
I will keep this short and to the point. There is much more I could express but you’ll get the concept. Please keep all of my personal information confidential.
I have never spoken about this publicly but the time has finally come to compose this email.
I am a former U.S. Marine who is Muslim. I am female. I went through hell at basic training being harassed about my faith everyday by a superior ranking NCO. He wanted me to renounce my “fraudulent” faith in front of our entire unit and accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. He would scream at me that "the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim"
I was lost and did not know what to do?
I began to cut myself on my arms. I had suicidal ideation. I had some serious suicide attempts. I wanted my corpse to lay on that senior NCO’s desk with a sign I made that said “Now Gunny am I finally a good Muslim?”
This went on for many weeks. I only told my parents and they and some fellow Marines contacted MRFF, specifically Mikey Weinstein.
Mikey and our base MRFF Reps shepherded me night and day for months and helped me get a medical discharge from the USMC that was still under full Honorable Conditions.
Mikey and the MRFF team also helped me get my VA benefits to help me pay for and get accepted into a Top 20 law school where I graduated a few years ago.
I am now thriving, married and have kids.
Not a day passes without me being forever grateful to Mikey Weinstein and the MRFF Reps who came to my side and helped me fight back. They saved my life pure and simple.
To the Republicans in Congress please know that I would not be alive today were it not for the MRFF.
Your attempt to eliminate the MRFF from helping U.S. military personnel in desperate need of their amazing civil rights activism is beneath contempt and is simply naked hatred of the MRFF’s established record of success in battling unconstitutional religious extremism in the ranks of our armed forces.
From a former Marine and always a grateful MRFF Client.
(MRFF Client’s Name, Address and Phone Number all Withheld)