Tuesday Evening, July 16, 2024




With over 3 million visitors a month, The Good Men Project,

founded by Tom Matlack in 2009, first as a book, then a film, and

now a website, describes itself as an “international conversation

about what it means to be a good man in the 21st century.”

MRFF’s Mikey Weinstein joins that conversation in a must-read interview about “Project 2025,” the MAGA-worshipping Heritage Foundation’s blueprint for Trump’s dictatorship of America.

Mikey Weinstein



MRFF’s Mikey Weinstein on Project 2025

By: Scott Douglas Jacobsen

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Excerpts from Mikey Weinstein’s interview responses:

“They have their playbook out there. Why did they do this? When they suddenly came into power in 2017, they didn’t expect to win. They didn’t know what to do. They didn’t understand the bureaucracy. But now, they’re going to fire anybody who could be in their way and replace them with loyalists who will be around forever.”

“So look, it’s not going to be a bureaucratic thing. It’s going to be much more like a bunch of criminal gangs with knives, letting as many people get hit as possible. We expect to be targeted. We already think we are being targeted. And there will be several hundreds of others who are. We’re not going to run away. We will fight and fight as hard as we can. But it’s not a joke. And it’s not purely bureaucratic.”

Click to read full interview on The Good Men Project

Mikey Weinstein’s April 2024 Op-Ed on “Project 2025”


“It’s Project 2025, Stupid”

By: MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Mikey Weinstein

Back in 1992, political consultant James Carville coined the phrase “It’s the economy, stupid” to help explain the essence of what was then at stake in the pending Presidential election between Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.

Carville was intending to boil down to the most basic explanative brevity of the true grit of what that next election was all about. 

Today we face the brutal reality of an America more bitterly divided than at any time in its history, with the debatable exception of the Civil War. This existential chasm is literally tearing apart families, marriages, friendships, businesses, and every other type of human relationship extant in the United States today. 

If you’re not seeing that you're either seriously impaired or asleep.

Most voters are completely unaware of an impossibly wretched set of policy proposals developed by a slew of ignoble right-wing entities but spearheaded by the ultra-conservative, MAGA-worshipping Heritage Foundation. Ready? It’s called “Project 2025.” Its official name is “The Presidential Transition Project.”

OK, are you tracking with me so far?!

Before you do ANYthing else please, Please, PLEASE click the links in the next two paragraphs and, well, BEHOLD! Just LOOK at the mind-blowing hellscape of what is left of America if this wickedly evil, anti-Constitutional, anti-democratic, and wholly fundamentalist Christian nationalist screed, born from the ignominious depths of the shameful, stinking MAGA womb, is EVER allowed to be wielded like a flame thrower upon our nation’s way-too-naive-and-sedentary population.

Project 2025 plans to purge the government of tens of thousands of non-MAGA personnel and replace them with MAGA loyalists are already well under way. The goal, according to a must-read Axios article, is (emphasis added) to install a pre-vetted, pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists across government to rip off the restraints imposed on the previous 46 presidents.” The vetting process includes filling out Project 2025’s “Presidential Personnel Database & Presidential Administration Academy Questionnaire.” Prospective appointees will attend the “Presidential Administration Academy” to be ready “on Day One” to “immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government.”

Project 2025’s plans for the military are equally sweeping, as laid out in the 920-page Project 2025 book Mandate for Leadership. Fundamentalist Christian chaplains will be unfettered in their proselytizing, the most senior flag officers (three and four stars) will be “instructed” to make sure they’re “not pursuing a social engineering agenda,” courses at the military academies will be audited “to remove Marxist indoctrination” and tenure for (presumably non-MAGA) professors will be eliminated. And, of course, the current policies that allow transgender individuals to serve will be reversed.

We at the Military Religious Freedom Foundation ( fight ‘round-the-clock to prevent our nation’s military, its 18 intelligence agencies, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Maritime Service from EVER being transformed into a fatal force multiplier for the blood-thirsty MAGA maniacs who developed and plan to implement Project 2025, fueled by the appalling propellant of fundamentalist Christian nationalism. And we at MRFF have been, are, and will continue to be the direct targets of the cowardly wrath of these same MAGA villains.

(To this end, please see Margaret Atwood’s disturbingly dystopian The Handmaid's Tale or the TV series of the same name streaming on Hulu).

So, in the ensuing seven months before our next national elections, may I respectfully urge you to IMMEDIATELY take at least 300 to 600 seconds out of your busy day? Why? Because you MUST think about and deeply internalize NOW the beyond-shocking consequences to our country should Project 2025 ever be actualized by those who planned, developed and intend to implement it with unremitting fury and vengeance. Indeed, actualized well beyond that of the ugly lynch mob of “Unite the Right” racists and nazi-loving fascists and Christian nationalists displayed in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 11 and 12 of 2017.

It will savagely terminate justice, freedom, and democracy in America. It will turn our United States military into the quintessential MRFF nightmare of a zombie army of imperious, fundamentalist Christian crusaders. It will propel tyranny and despotism and autocracy and fascism. It will spew bigotry, misogyny, and hatred of “The Other” and prejudice writ unimaginably ginormous as newly bedrock U.S. policy. It will spell The End of all we know as decency and American freedoms as laid out in our precious U.S. Constitution.

There is still some small amount of time left to spread the word and try to wake up our friends and family and acquaintances as to their, and our, pathetically putrid, pitiful, and deserved fate if we don’t all FIGHT like HELL to prevent Project 2025 from ever being birthed and then wielded like a berserk nuclear weapon by Christian extremist, MAGA monstrosities.

The answer is beyond obvious lest we ever wonder why the America we all grew up in has pervertedly morphed into the murderously oppressive, repulsive, Christian nationalist country of “Gilead” in Atwood’s seminal book referenced above.

It’s Project 2025, stupid!

Click to Read on LA Progressive
Click to Read on Daily Kos

VoteVets graphic lays out the Heritage Foundation's terrifying "Project 2025" plans for the military

in a second MAGA administration

(Click on graphic to enlarge)

Vote Vets Project 2025 graphic
incoming hate

A pair of vile hate e-mails

from a Trump-worshipping antisemite

On Jul 15, 2024, at 9:00 AM, (name withheld) wrote:

Hey little short and small Mikey with a little tiny penis, you and other nut jobs like you in your ridiculous democrap party have now guaranteed that Donald J. Trump will be your next president and you will do as you are told boy!!!


Judge Tosses Documents Case Against Trump; Jack Smith Appointment Unconstitutional


On Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 11:24:01 AM EDT, (name withheld) wrote:

Mikey Whineystein was forcibly relocated to Gaza, captured and baked into Jew Bread. The End. hahahahahahaha


To see response from

MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein:

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