MilWay Federal Credit Union – Winter 2021
MilWay is offering the option to skip your qualifying November, December or January loan payment and have more money in hand for holiday expenses!
Contact our loan department to see if your MilWay loan is eligible for Skip-A-Pay 
Don’t have a loan with us? Skip-A-Pay is a great reason why you should!
REMINDER! Don’t Forget to Activate Your New Debit Cards 
When calling to activate your new debit card, please remain on the line to set your PIN. Your previous PIN is not associated with this card. You will need to set a NEW PIN.

Please make sure to activate your card immediately and update any accounts with recurring payments with your new card number. This could be a gym membership, or bills enrolled in auto-pay.
Please be sure to destroy your old card once your new card is activated.
Starting your holiday shopping this month? Take these steps to protect your data online
While some big-box retailers are hanging tinsel in their aisles, online shopping is expected to dominate this year, largely because of the coronavirus pandemic. Here are five quick tips to protecting yourself ahead of the busy online shopping season.
1. Change your passwords 
Easy passwords can be easily cracked by cybercriminals. Resist using names of your kids or pets, or birthdays (or a combination of them). Plus, it can be difficult to know if someone else is using your account, so you can reduce the risk by changing your password every so often (maybe every 60 to 90 days). A trusted password manager app is a smart solution to using strong and different passwords for various shopping sites and other online activity.
2. Turn on two-factor authentication
You can make it much harder for cybercriminals by adding a second layer of defense to your online accounts. Two-factor authentication means you need to enter not only a password (or use a “biometrics” solution, such as a fingerprint or facial scan) to assure that only you can access your accounts but also a one-time code that’s sent to your mobile phone.
3. Use good anti-malware and VPNs
It used to be referred to as “antivirus” software, but remember to install reputable “anti-malware”– because it’s not just viruses you need to be concerned about but also spyware, ransomware, worms, rootkits and Trojan horses. Sometimes included in your cybersecurity suite, a virtual private network (VPN) is also a good idea because it conceals your online whereabouts from those who might profit from tracking your activity.
4. Common sense prevails
Chances are you often receive authentic-looking emails and text messages from (what appears to be) your bank, favorite shopping site or the IRS, and it asks you to urgently click on a link to verify your info. While it may look legitimate, this is a “phishing” scam, in which a person (or program) tries to lure you into giving out personal info. When in doubt, contact the institution based on a phone number or email address you already have for them (and not one included in the message you received).
5. Back up your info
No one thinks they’ll be hit with a cyberattack, so most of us are reactive rather than proactive when it comes to protection. But if you’re going to do at least one thing, it’s to back up your important computer files on a regular basis – just in case. This can be handled automatically, thanks to the many free scheduled backup programs available today, or manually, where it’s up to you to select which files to backup and then copy them to an external hard drive, solid state drive (SSD), USB thumbdrive, or perhaps uploaded to a cloud account.

Safe online shopping tips taken from article “Starting your holiday shopping this month? Take these steps to protect your data online”.
We are collecting cans throughout November at all branches, as well as selling paper cans to raise money for Harvest Regional Food Bank. Paper cans are $1, $5 and $10 and can e purchased at any MilWay location. 

Thank you for your support!
Friday, January 28, 2022, 7 pm
MilWay Ark Blvd Training Center
2000 Arkansas Blvd
Texarkana, AR
Masks are optional

Board Members Nominated: 
Ricky Norton 
James McPherson
Holiday Hours and Closings 
Please make note of our upcoming holiday schedules! 
Thursday, Nov. 25

Christmas Eve
1pm on Friday, Dec. 24
Christmas Day
Saturday, Dec. 25
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Texarkana, AR 870-772-0661
Texarkana, TX 903-832-2004
Ashdown, AR 870-898-3742

Federally insured by NCUA

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